
Percy Jackson: The Hero I will be

In my past life, I sheltered myself from most problems and just tried my best to live my best one. So when I closed my eyes and woke up, I didn't expect to be a future hero. Warning! My writing experience is mediocre and criticism is welcome, so long as you explain the problem and why it's a problem.

Plebston323 · 書籍·文学
14 Chs

Pairings closed!

Hello People, it is I, the author. And right now I bring either great, or terrible news.

Heres the Pairing results,

Hestia: 41

Annabeth: 42

Artemis: 21

Athena: 15

Holy shit! Not gonna lie I'm glad Annabeth one, I already had to force the Hestia scene so I really didn't want to force the ship. Remember I'm new! Anyway do you want me to undo the Hestia scene? It's not needed and a little force, what do you guys think?

Alright, I destroyed the forced scene, only few will know what I was talking about which is nice. Anyway buh bye!