
One Piece: The Legend of Wei

Wei0823 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Bounties and New Foes

After getting out of the Calm Belt, thanks to Hiro's modification, the Dragon Pirates' first stop in the Grand Line is Whiskey Peak.

The Dragon Pirates, consisting of Wei, Kaito, Lily, and newly recruited Hiro, finally arrived at their first destination within the Grand Line - Whiskey Peak. As they docked their ship and stepped onto the land, they were taken aback by the warm and enthusiastic reception they received from the locals.

Confusion washed over the crew as they were greeted like heroes, with cheers and applause following their every step. Puzzled, they decided to make their way to a nearby bar, hoping to find some answers to this unexpected reception.

Inside the bustling bar, the Dragon Pirates glanced around, their eyes drawn to a wall covered in wanted posters. Their hearts skipped a beat as they saw their own faces plastered on the wall, wanted by the World Government for their alleged crimes.

Wei's bounty read 20,000,000 Berries, a staggering sum that spoke of his dangerous reputation. Kaito's bounty followed with 10,000,000 Berries, indicating he was also a force to be reckoned with. Lily's poster showed a bounty of 5,000,000 Berries, suggesting that she, too, had made a name for herself. Lastly, Hiro's poster displayed a bounty of 10,000,000 Berries, a testament to the potential threat he posed.

The crew's eyes widened with a mix of surprise, intrigue, and a dash of pride. They had become known figures within the vast expanse of the Grand Line, their actions having caught the attention of the World Government. The weight of their bounties served as a reminder of the challenges they would undoubtedly face as they continued their journey.

As the Dragon Pirates celebrated their newfound fame at the lively tavern, an unexpected turn of events disrupted their festivities. Without warning, the atmosphere grew tense as the doors swung open, revealing a group of ruthless bounty hunters, their eyes fixed on the crew.

These bounty hunters were members of the notorious Cross Guild, a formidable organization led by the likes of Dracule Mihawk, Crocodile, and Buggy the Star Clown. Their presence sent a shiver down the spines of the Dragon Pirates, as they knew the reputation and power these notorious figures held.

In a split second decision, Kaito, fueled by his undying loyalty to his crewmates, stepped forward and volunteered to face the bounty hunters alone. He knew that his strength and skills would give Wei, Lily, and Hiro the best chance of escaping unharmed.

With determined eyes, Kaito prepared himself for the impending battle, his hands instinctively reaching for his trusty weapons. The crew exchanged glances, acknowledging the sacrifice he was making for their safety.

As Kaito steps forward, his eyes lock onto the five bounty hunters from the Cross Guild, known for their ruthless tactics and formidable skills. The atmosphere in the Whiskey Peak tavern grows tense as the patrons quickly clear a path, eager to witness the impending clash.

Bounty Hunter 1, smirking confidently: Well, well, look what we have here. Another fool who thinks he can take on the Cross Guild.

Kaito, his voice steady and determined: I'm not here to back down. I'm here to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who deserve it.

Without wasting any time, Kaito unsheathes his twin blades, Hakai and Hewai. The polished steel glimmers in the dim light, reflecting Kaito's unwavering resolve.

Bounty Hunter 2, chuckling: Your fancy swords won't save you from us, pirate scum.

Kaito's grip tightens around his blades as he readies himself for the impending battle. With lightning speed, the first bounty hunter lunges forward, his weapon aimed at Kaito's chest. Kaito, combining the fluidity of Kenjutsu with the precision of Kendo, gracefully sidesteps the attack, deflecting it with a swift parry before launching a counterstrike of his own.

Kaito, his voice filled with determination: Your arrogance blinds you to the true strength of a warrior.

The battle intensifies as the remaining bounty hunters join the fray, attacking Kaito simultaneously from different angles. Kaito's movements become a blur as he swiftly dodges, parries, and counters their attacks with calculated precision. The sound of clashing swords echoes throughout the tavern, mingling with the gasps of the onlookers.

Bounty Hunter 3, gritting his teeth: This guy is tough! We need to take him down together!

With a nod of understanding, the bounty hunters adjust their strategy, coordinating their strikes to overwhelm Kaito. But Kaito, undeterred, uses his agility and mastery of his swords to his advantage. He spins and twirls, deflecting blows with the edge of his blades and countering with a barrage of strikes that leave his opponents momentarily stunned.

Bounty Hunter 4, panting heavily: What... What are you?

Kaito, a determined glint in his eyes: I am the storm that will bring justice to those who prey on the innocent.

As the battle reaches its climax, Kaito's relentless assault begins to take its toll on the weary bounty hunters. One by one, they fall to the ground, unable to match Kaito's unwavering skill and determination. The tavern erupts into applause and cheers as Kaito stands tall, his blades dripping with the sweat of victory.

Bounty Hunter 5, struggling to stand: You may have won this time, pirate... but the Cross Guild... will not be defeated so easily.

Kaito, his voice filled with conviction: The Cross Guild may be formidable, but justice will always prevail.

With that, Kaito sheathes his blades, his expression one of quiet confidence.

Kaito leaves the tavern, and his heart races as he catches up to his captain and the rest of the Dragon Pirates, only to find them standing before four mysterious figures. His eyes narrow as he takes in their appearances, recognizing the notorious Puggy the Clown, Cabaji, Mugon, and Dandy. The fact that they are not only members of the Buggy Pirates but also affiliated with the Cross Guild sends a shiver down his spine.

Wei, his voice tinged with caution: Kaito, you're just in time. We've encountered some unexpected company.

Kaito's grip tightens around his blades, his mind racing to assess the situation. He knows that facing the combined forces of the Buggy Pirates and the Cross Guild will be no easy task.

Puggy the Clown, a sinister grin spreading across his face: Well, well, if it isn't the Dragon Pirates. Looks like you've started making a name for yourself.

Cabaji, cracking his knuckles menacingly: You fools should have kept a low profile. Now, you face the wrath of the Buggy Pirates and the Cross Guild combined!

Mugon, his eyes cold and calculating: Prepare to be crushed by our might. We shall make an example out of the Dragon Pirates.

Dandy, a wicked smirk on his lips: You thought you could escape our grasp? How foolish.

Wei, his voice laced with determination: We won't let the likes of you terrorize innocent people any longer. We'll put an end to your reign of chaos.

The tension in the air is palpable as the two groups prepare for battle. Wei exchanges a glance with his fellow crewmates, finding solace in their unwavering resolve.

Wei, his voice steady: Dragon Pirates, show them the strength of our unity. We fight for justice and protect the weak.

With a battle cry, Wei and the Dragon Pirates charge forward, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight. The clash of steel fills the air as they engage in a fierce battle against Puggy, Cabaji, Mugon, and Dandy.

Wei faces off against Puggy, their swords locked in a deadly dance. Wei's eyes burn with determination as he tries to anticipate Puggy's unpredictable attacks.

Wei, his voice resolute: Your reign of terror ends now, Puggy. The innocent lives you've destroyed will be avenged!

Puggy, his laughter echoing through the battlefield: You think you can defeat me, Captain Wei? You're sorely mistaken!

As Dragon D. Wei faces off against Puggy the Clown, the battlefield becomes a flurry of intense movement and clashes of power. Wei's eyes burn with determination as he taps into the powers of his Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Griffin. His body shrouded in yellow flames, and he transforms into a majestic griffin, his wingspan stretching wide.

Wei, his voice echoing with a hint of his griffin form: Prepare yourself, Puggy! I will bring an end to your wickedness!

Puggy, his eyes gleaming with mischief, swings his red nunchaku, the flames of his weapon dancing in the air. The nunchaku emits a vibrant red glow, hinting at the fiery power it holds.

Puggy, his voice dripping with taunting glee: Come, Captain Wei! Let's see if you can handle the heat of my nunchaku!

With a powerful flap of his wings, Wei launches himself at Puggy, his claws poised for attack. The clash of their weapons reverberates through the battlefield as sparks fly with each collision.

Wei, his griffin form lending him strength and agility: Your tricks won't save you, Puggy! Your reign of chaos ends here!

Puggy, his laughter filling the air: Oh, Captain Wei, you underestimate me. Let's see how you fare against my electrifying moves!

As Puggy twirls his nunchaku, the red glow transforms into a vibrant yellow, electricity crackling along its length. With a swift strike, he unleashes a surge of lightning towards Wei, aiming to catch him off guard.

Wei, his eyes narrowing, expertly dodges the lightning attack, his griffin form allowing him to maneuver with grace. He counterattacks with a powerful swipe of his claws, aiming to strike Puggy's vulnerable spots.

Wei, his voice filled with determination: Your tricks won't work against me, Puggy! I've faced greater challenges than you!

Puggy, his eyes narrowing in response, spins his nunchaku faster, channeling even more electricity into it. He twirls it with such speed that it becomes a blur of yellow, the air crackling with energy.

Puggy, his voice laced with a sinister tone: You think you've seen everything, Captain Wei? Prepare to be shocked!

With a sudden burst of speed, Puggy lunges forward, unleashing a barrage of electrified strikes towards Wei. The clash between their weapons intensifies, each strike sending shockwaves through the air.

Wei, his griffin form allowing him to withstand the onslaught, fights back with unwavering determination. His Dragon Fang blade slices through the air, aiming to find an opening in Puggy's defenses.

The battle between Wei and Puggy continues to escalate, each combatant pushing their limits to gain the upper hand. The clash of their powers and the determination in their eyes paints a vivid image of the intense struggle taking place on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Kaito, his movements fluid and precise, faces off against Cabaji, parrying his powerful strikes with finesse. The clash of their blades reverberates through the battleground as sparks fly with each collision.

Kaito, his voice filled with determination: Your tricks won't work against me, Cabaji! I've trained too hard to be taken down by a second-rate pirate like you!

Cabaji, his face contorted with rage: You'll pay for that insult, Dragon Pirate!

The battle between Kaito and Cabaji is a spectacle of swordplay and acrobatics, each combatant showcasing their unique fighting styles. Kaito wields his twin blades, Hakai and Hewai, with precision and skill, his training in Kenjutsu and Kendo evident in his every move.

Kaito, his eyes focused and determined: Prepare yourself, Cabaji! Your tricks won't fool me!

Cabaji, a mischievous grin on his face, twirls his unicycle and brandishes his swords with flair. He hops onto the unicycle, effortlessly gliding across the battlefield.

Cabaji, his voice filled with excitement: Ah, Kaito! Let's make this battle a true spectacle! Prepare to be amazed!

With a swift movement, Kaito charges towards Cabaji, his blades dancing in the air. Cabaji, using his acrobatic skills, flips off his unicycle and gracefully dodges Kaito's first strike.

Kaito, his voice filled with determination: Your tricks won't save you, Cabaji! I am a master of the blade!

Cabaji, his laughter echoing through the battlefield: Oh, Kaito! You're in for a real show!

As the battle intensifies, Cabaji incorporates his circus props into his attacks. He twirls his tops, sending them spinning towards Kaito, aiming to distract and disorient him.

Kaito, his focus unwavering, skillfully dodges the spinning tops and counterattacks with a series of swift strikes from his twin blades.

Kaito, his voice filled with confidence: Your tricks won't work on me, Cabaji! I will cut through your illusions!

Cabaji, his eyes gleaming with mischief, takes a deep breath and blows a stream of fire towards Kaito, flames dancing in the air.

Cabaji, his voice laced with excitement: Let's turn up the heat, Kaito! Feel the burn!

Kaito, his reflexes honed, swiftly evades the fire attack, spinning his blades in a defensive stance. He lunges forward, launching a flurry of powerful strikes towards Cabaji.

The clash between Kaito's expert swordplay and Cabaji's acrobatics creates an exhilarating display of skill and agility. Kaito's blades slice through the air with precision, while Cabaji effortlessly dodges and weaves, using his unicycle to gain the advantage.

Lily and Hiro battle Mugon and Dandy in a fierce contest of strength.

The battlefield is set, with Lily and Hiro teaming up to face off against Dandy and Mugon. Lily confidently grips her lance, Tenki, its special buttons allowing her to infuse it with fire and smoke. Hiro stands beside her, ready to unleash the power of his Woods-Woods Fruit.

Lily, determination in her eyes: Hiro, let's show them what we're made of! We can take them down together!

Hiro, a smirk on his face: You got it, Lily! Let's make this a battle they'll never forget!

Mugon, his muscles bulging with strength, unsheathes his two katanas, his left arm leading the way. He takes a stance, ready to face his opponents head-on.

Mugon, a challenging tone in his voice: So, you think you can defeat me? Let's see what you're made of!

Dandy, his fish-like features accentuated, cracks his knuckles and assumes a confident stance, prepared to utilize his Fish-Man Karate.

Dandy, a cocky grin on his face: Prepare yourselves, weaklings! Fish-Man Karate will make quick work of you!

With a burst of speed, Lily charges towards Dandy, her lance ablaze with fire. She swings it with precision, aiming to catch him off guard.

Lily, her voice filled with determination: Taste the fury of my flaming lance, Dandy!

Dandy, his agility evident, swiftly dodges Lily's attack, countering with a powerful Fish-Man Karate strike.

Dandy, taunting Lily: Is that all you've got, little girl? Fish-Man Karate is on a whole other level!

Meanwhile, Hiro unleashes his Woods-Woods Fruit, causing trees and plants to sprout and intertwine around Mugon, attempting to immobilize him.

Hiro, a mischievous smirk on his face: Mugon, let's see how you handle the power of nature!

Mugon, struggling against the entangled vines, his voice filled with frustration: You think you can hold me down, Hiro? You underestimate my skills!

As the battle rages on, Lily continues to unleash fiery attacks with her lance, while Hiro cleverly manipulates the environment with his Woods-Woods Fruit. Mugon showcases his sword skills, deflecting Lily's flaming strikes and attempting to break free from Hiro's nature-infused trap.

Lily, her voice filled with determination: I won't let you defeat us, Mugon! Prepare to feel the heat!

Mugon, his left arm debilitated from an attack, grits his teeth in pain and frustration.

Mugon, struggling to regain his footing: You may have weakened me, but I won't go down without a fight!

The battle reaches its climax, each combatant pushing their limits. The clash of Lily's fiery lance, Hiro's nature-infused attacks, Dandy's Fish-Man Karate, and Mugon's sword skills creates a spectacle of power and skill.

The battlefield is filled with intense dialogue, taunts, and determination as Lily and Hiro take on Dandy and Mugon. The battle is a test of strength, strategy, and perseverance, as each fighter strives to emerge victorious.

The battle rages on, and each member of the Dragon Pirates pitted against their respective opponents from the Buggy Pirates and the Cross Guild. The clash of steel, the grunts of exertion, and the occasional cry of pain fill the air as the two factions fight tooth and nail for victory.

Despite the odds stacked against them, Kaito and the Dragon Pirates fight with unwavering resolve, their hearts burning with the desire to bring justice to the world. They know that this battle will be an arduous one, but they are determined to emerge victorious and put an end to the reign of terror brought upon by the Buggy Pirates and the Cross Guild.