
One Piece: The Legend of Wei

Wei0823 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A Shipwright In The Nick Of Time

The Dragon Pirates leave the Torino Kingdom and sail off, heading towards Centaurea. After leaving Centaurea, they enter the Grand Line from South Blue and get stuck in the Calm Belt.

The Dragon Pirates stumble upon a hidden island. Intrigued by the unknown, they decide to explore it. Unbeknownst to them, they land on Centaurea, the island is home to a tribe of powerful warriors who initially greet the pirates with hostility. Sensing their strength and determination, the tribe challenges the Dragon Pirates to a series of tests to prove their worthiness.

As the Dragon Pirates set foot on the shores of Centaurea, they are met with a tense atmosphere. The locals, known for their fierce protectiveness of their island, eye the newcomers warily, their weapons at the ready. Wei, steps forward to address the tribe.

Wei: We come in peace, seeking adventure and treasure. We mean no harm to your land or people.

Tribe Leader Ibis: Peace is earned, not claimed. If you wish to prove yourselves worthy, you must pass our test of combat. Only then shall you be allowed to stay.

Kaito, with a determined look in his eyes, accepts the challenge, knowing that he can demonstrate the strength of the Dragon Pirates.

Kaito: I accept your challenge. Test me in combat, and I will show you the power of the Dragon Pirates!

Kaito, the fearless fighter of the Dragon Pirates, steps into the open arena, ready to face his opponent, the renowned warrior known as Black Frost. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation as the crowd gathers around, eager to witness this clash of titans.

Black Frost, a tall and imposing figure clad in dark armor, stands at the center of the arena, his eyes locked onto Kaito. He wields a massive, gleaming sword, its blade reflecting the sunlight. Kaito, undeterred by the warrior's intimidating presence, grips his own sword tightly, his muscles tense with anticipation.

Kaito: Black Frost, I have heard tales of your strength and skill. Today, we shall see who truly reigns supreme!

Black Frost, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance: Do not mistake my reputation for mere tales, Kaito. I am the embodiment of power!

With that, the signal is given, and the battle commences. Kaito and Black Frost charge towards each other, their swords clashing with a resounding impact. Sparks fly as the collision sends shockwaves through the arena. The crowd watches in awe as the two warriors engage in a dance of blades, each displaying their incredible skill and strength.

Kaito's movements are swift and fluid, his strikes calculated and precise. He weaves between Black Frost's attacks, parrying and countering with remarkable agility. His strikes land with force, each blow delivering a resounding impact. Black Frost, though taken aback by Kaito's speed, matches him with sheer brute strength, his strikes causing the ground to tremble.

Black Frost: You fight well, Kaito, but you underestimate my power!

With a burst of energy, Black Frost unleashes a devastating attack, aiming to overpower Kaito. But Kaito, his determination unwavering, narrowly evades the strike, retaliating with a flurry of strikes that leave Black Frost momentarily staggered.

Kaito, a determined glint in his eyes: My strength comes not just from my swords but from my unwavering spirit!

The battle rages on, the clash of swords echoing throughout the arena. Kaito's agility allows him to exploit Black Frost's moments of vulnerability, landing precise strikes that test the limits of the warrior's endurance. The crowd watches in awe, fully captivated by the display of skill and determination.

As the battle reaches its climax, both warriors, weary yet unwilling to back down, push their limits. Kaito, his movements fueled by the relentless spirit of the Dragon Pirates, lands a powerful blow that shatters Black Frost's defenses.

Black Frost, his breath labored: You fight... with the strength... of a true warrior.

With a final, thunderous strike, Kaito disarms Black Frost, sending his sword flying across the arena. The crowd erupts into applause and cheers, their respect for Kaito evident. Black Frost, though defeated, looks up at Kaito with a newfound admiration.

Black Frost, grudgingly impressed: You have proven yourself, Kaito. Your strength is unmatched. I concede defeat.

Kaito, extending a hand in respect: You fought valiantly, Black Frost. I honor your skill and courage.

Meanwhile, Lily, known for her strategic thinking, is led to a chamber filled with intricate puzzles and riddles. The tribe's strategist Belle awaits her, ready to challenge her intellect.

Lily, examining a complex puzzle: So, if we align the symbols in this particular order, we can unlock the secret mechanism and proceed.

Belle: You may have found the key, but can you unlock the door?

Lily, focusing on the puzzle: I believe I can. Let's put our minds together and solve this!

Lily and Belle spend hours deciphering the puzzles, their minds working in perfect harmony. They share ideas, debate strategies, and slowly unravel the mysteries of the chamber. With each successful puzzle, the atmosphere becomes more electric, until finally, they crack the last riddle, causing the chamber doors to swing open.

Lily, triumphant: We did it! Our strategy prevailed!

Belle, nodding in approval: You have proven yourself a worthy opponent. The tribe shall consider you a friend.

Elsewhere on the island, Wei, known for his survival skills, is faced with the ultimate test - navigating through the treacherous wilderness alone.

Wei, armed with his blade and keen instincts, ventures deep into the dense jungle. The sounds of exotic creatures and the rustling of leaves fill the air, but Wei remains focused.

Wei, slashing through the underbrush: This jungle is unforgiving, but I will conquer its challenges!

He encounters dangerous creatures and faces numerous obstacles, relying on his survival skills to keep him safe. Hours turn into days, and just when exhaustion threatens to consume him, he finally emerges from the jungle, victorious.

Wei, catching his breath: I have survived. The jungle has tested me, but I have prevailed.

With all the tests successfully completed, the Dragon Pirates have not only proven their worthiness but also gained the tribe's respect. The tribe's leader approaches them, holding out rare treasures and a map.

Tribe Leader Ibis: You have surpassed our expectations, Dragon Pirates. As a gesture of goodwill, we gift you these treasures and share the secret passage to the Calm Belt. May it aid you on your journey.

Wei, gratefully accepting the gifts: We are honored. Thank you for your trust and generosity.

The Dragon Pirates, now welcomed as allies, exchange smiles and nods with the tribe. They have not only passed the tests but also forged a bond with the people of Centaurea. They leave Centaurea, head towards the Calm Belt, and get stuck.

As the Dragon Pirates found themselves trapped in the treacherous Calm Belt, their hopes for a swift escape began to dwindle. Days passed, and frustration grew as they struggled against the unforgiving currents. However, their luck seemed to take a turn when they noticed a dingy floating towards their stranded ship, carrying an unconscious man.

With a mix of caution and curiosity, the Dragon Pirates brought the man aboard, tending to his needs until he finally regained consciousness. Introducing himself as Hiro, he revealed that he was a shipwright by trade. The crew's spirits lifted, realizing that Hiro's expertise could be the solution they desperately needed.

Wei, ever resourceful and eager to improve their ship, approached Hiro with a question. He inquired if Hiro could add a self-propeller to their vessel, the Void Serpent. To Wei's surprise, Hiro revealed that he, too, possessed the powers of a devil fruit user like him.

Hiro had recently consumed the Woods-Woods Fruit, granting him the ability to manipulate and control wood. Excitement filled the air as Hiro showcased his newfound abilities, demonstrating how he could mold and shape wood to create a self-propeller for the ship.

Impressed by Hiro's talents and recognizing the potential he held, Wei wasted no time extending an invitation. He asked Hiro to join the Dragon Pirates, acknowledging the invaluable skills he possessed as a shipwright and the synergy their devil fruit powers could bring to the crew.

Hiro's eyes sparkled with a mixture of gratitude and thrill as he accepted the offer. He expressed his eagerness to contribute to the crew's journey to help them navigate the treacherous waters of the Grand Line and the challenges that lay ahead.

With Hiro's addition to the Dragon Pirates, a newfound sense of hope and determination surged through the crew. They set sail once again, their spirits lifted by the prospect of overcoming the obstacles that awaited them. United in their shared dreams and bolstered by their individual strengths, the Dragon Pirates continued their voyage into the vast unknown, ready to face whatever the Grand Line had in store.

After leaving the Calm Belt, the Dragon Pirates set sail on their trusty ship, the Void Serpent. They navigate treacherous waters and encounter several minor skirmishes with rival pirate crews and sea monsters. However, their combined skills and teamwork allow them to emerge victorious in each encounter, further solidifying their reputation as a formidable crew.

During this voyage, the crew faces a sudden storm that threatens to capsize their ship. With lightning crackling in the sky and waves crashing against them, they desperately fight to keep the Void Serpent afloat. Utilizing his Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Griffin powers, Wei uses his wings to shield the crew from the worst of the storm, while Kaito and Hiro work tirelessly to repair damaged sails and secure the ship's structure. Lilly, meanwhile, uses her lance to summon gusts of wind, helping to stabilize the vessel and guide them through the tempest.

As the Dragon Pirates continue their voyage, they encounter a massive sea serpent known as Leviathor. The creature's enormous size and deadly attacks make it one of the most dangerous adversaries they've faced yet.

The battle between the giant serpent Leviathor and the Dragon Pirates is a spectacle of epic proportions, as these formidable adversaries clash with their unique powers and skills.

Leviathor, a colossal serpent of mythical proportions, slithers through the ocean with immense power and a hunger for destruction. Its massive size and serpentine form make it a fearsome opponent, capable of unleashing devastating attacks with its razor-sharp fangs and crushing coils.

The Dragon Pirates, led by the indomitable Dragon D. Wei, stand resolute against the monstrous Leviathor. Wei taps into the powers of his Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Griffin, transforming into a large griffin engulfed in yellow flames. With his blade, Dragon Fang, he becomes a formidable force to be reckoned with, as he combines his physical prowess with fiery and razor-sharp attacks.

Myros Kaito, a skilled swordsman, unsheathes his twin blades, Hakai and Hewai. Trained in the art of Kenjutsu and Kendo, he possesses exceptional swordsmanship skills and a keen eye for strategic combat. With lightning-fast strikes and precise movements, Kaito aims to exploit any weakness in Leviathor's defenses.

Vega Lily, a fierce and resourceful member of the crew, wields her lance, Tenki. By hitting special buttons on her lance, she can infuse it with fire and smoke. With each strike, she unleashes fiery and smoky projectiles, adding an element of chaos and confusion to the battle. Her agility and quick thinking allow her to maneuver around Leviathor's attacks, striking with pinpoint accuracy.

Hiro Asai, with the power of the Woods-Woods Fruit, possesses the ability to create, control, and transform into flora at will. As the battle unfolds, Hiro summons towering trees and entangling vines, ensnaring Leviathor and restricting its movements. He utilizes his powers to create barriers and shields, providing protection for his crewmates and disrupting Leviathor's attacks.

The battle between Leviathor and the Dragon Pirates rages on, each member of the crew utilizing their unique abilities and working together in perfect harmony. They coordinate their attacks, exploiting Leviathor's weaknesses and using their combined strength to wear it down.

Despite its immense size and power, Leviathor struggles to overcome the relentless onslaught of the Dragon Pirates. The crew's determination, skill, and strategic coordination prove to be a formidable force, slowly but surely weakening the giant serpent.

In a final climactic moment, the Dragon Pirates unleash a coordinated assault, combining their powers and attacks to deliver a devastating blow to Leviathor. With a mighty roar, the giant serpent is finally defeated, its once-mighty form sinking beneath the waves.

The battle concludes with the Dragon Pirates triumphant, their victory a testament to their unwavering resolve, teamwork, and extraordinary abilities.

Finally, as they approach Whiskey Peak, the crew faces a formidable blockade led by the notorious pirate captain Moonlight Robi. With their skills honed from their previous encounters, the Dragon Pirates engage in a fierce battle against the blockade, employing a combination of strategic maneuvers, powerful attacks, and unwavering determination.

The battle between Moonlight Robi and Dragon D. Wei is an intense clash of Devil Fruit abilities and fierce determination. As they face each other on a moonlit night, the stage is set for an epic showdown between these formidable adversaries.

Moonlight Robi begins the battle by utilizing her Moon-Moon Fruit powers. She transforms into moonlight, her body shimmering and ethereal. With her control over the properties of the Moon, she manipulates the surrounding light, creating illusions and dazzling displays that disorient her opponents.

Dragon D. Wei, not one to be outdone, taps into the powers of his Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Griffin. He channels his energy, transforming into a majestic griffin shrouded in yellow flames. The hybrid form grants him heightened physical abilities and the ability to fly, giving him an advantage in mobility and aerial combat.

As the battle ensues, Moonlight Robi uses her control over moonlight to create blinding flashes that momentarily obscure Wei's vision. She then swiftly maneuvers, striking at him with quick and precise movements, trying to exploit any weakness in his defense. Her attacks carry the weight of the Moon's power, making them devastatingly impactful.

Wei, relying on his agility and the strength of his griffin form, evades Moonlight Robi's attacks with swift aerial maneuvers. His wings create gusts of wind that disrupt her movements, ensuring he remains one step ahead. With his blade, Dragon Fang, he delivers powerful slashes infused with his flames, adding an extra layer of destructive force to his strikes.

The battle intensifies as Moonlight Robi harnesses the darkness created by her Moon-Moon Fruit, temporarily blocking out the sun and plunging the area into a moonlit night. The change in lighting favors her abilities, granting her enhanced control over moonlight and amplifying her attacks. She conjures beams of moonlight that pierce through the darkness, aiming to strike Wei with pinpoint accuracy.

Wei, undeterred by the darkness, uses his keen senses and aerial advantage to evade Moonlight Robi's attacks. He retaliates with bursts of flame and razor-sharp talons, aiming to overwhelm her with his ferocity and power.

The clash between Moonlight Robi and Dragon D. Wei continues, both fighters exhibiting their incredible abilities and refusing to yield. The battlefield is filled with the glow of moonlight and the roar of flames as they push themselves to their limits. Their relentless assault and unwavering teamwork force Moonlight Robi and her crew to retreat, clearing the path for the Dragon Pirates to reach Whiskey Peak.

With their spirits high and their bond stronger than ever, the Dragon Pirates arrive at Whiskey Peak, ready to face new adventures and challenges that await them in the Grand Line.