
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · アニメ·コミックス
79 Chs

Chapter 31: Preparation Is The Key To Success

At my declaration that we would be robbing the marines and World Government to obtain a Rokushiki manual Robin spoke up.

"Captain, are you serious?" She asked me.

When she did so I looked at her nodding my head. "Yeah, I am. We're going to rob a marine base and steal a Rokuhsiki manual. No wait, scratch that. We're not really robbing a marine base more like launching an assault against one and stealing all their valuables for ourselves."

"That's the definition of robbery." Reiju pointed out.

"Eh tomato tomahto." I replied. "Now then, we've got work to do."

We need to select which Marine Base we will assault, the date we assault it, how we will assault it, etc.

There are so many preparations we need to undertake before executing this plan. But execute it we shall.

Not only because I want my crew to challenge themselves in this endeavor, but I also want to use it as a way to give a giant middle finger to the world government. I also hope this robbery will get my crew some bounties.

Since being a pirate without a bounty is like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with jelly.

It just isn't right.

"Captain, let's reconsider." Weisz spoke up.

"Give it up Weisz. You know once Roberts sets his mind to something he won't stop until he accomplishes it." Alfia spoke.

"Yeah. Better to just go along with his decision than fight against it." Law added.

"Since you are the captain I will gladly follow your decisions." Robin spoke. A smile on her face as she did so.

Seeing that he was being out voted Weisz simply sighed and shook his head. "Alright. So, where do we start?"

"Why, how any good robbery starts. Selecting the target." I spoke.

Time for my crew and I to pick a place to rob.


As a gentle breeze blew I stood on the deck of the Black Pearl. A pair of binoculars in front of my eyes as I looked through them at a marine base.

Specifically the 69th Marine Branch.

Located on Kaeru Island.

It is is the place my crew is going to assault and rob to obtain ourselves a copy of the Rokushiki manual along with a few other treasures.

After an entire month of scouting various marines bases across West Blue and obtaining information about them from locals through rumors and a few other methods, we soon decided this place would be our target.

Why you ask?

Well I had Alfia do a little honey trap recon on some marines stationed at the 69th branch, and while drunk one night a week ago they told her that marines from various other surrounding branches come to the 69th for Rokushiki training.

Meaning they definitely have a Rokushiki manual.

Just what we're looking for.

I saw marines patrolling the grounds of the 69th branch in various patterns through my binoculars. Taking my time I noted several things. Like when the guard shift changes occurred.

All at my leisure.

Since before sailing within range of Kaeru Island I had my crew switch out our pirate flag on the main mast for an ordinary non-descript flag.

At least until we actually decided to assault the base itself.

Then we'll proudly fly our pirate flag without any hesitation.

But doing so now could put the whole operation in jeopardy and I am a firm believer in the saying; Patience is a virtue.

Thus my crew and I are currently in stealth-mode.

Just like truck-kun when he isekai's his unsuspecting targets.

Once another hour passed I took the binoculars away from my eyes.

Robin coming to stand at my side just as I did so.

"Working hard I see captain." She said.

"Of course. If I'm going to do something I might as well do it right." I replied. "So anything you need Ms. Archaeologist? "

"Hm?" Robin mused. Looking at me with slight confusion on her face.

"Something wrong?" I asked her. Though I can probably guess what's troubling her.

"You just called me Ms. Archaeologist." Robin said.

"Yeah." I replied. "I mean, since you never seem to want to use my name and only address me by my title I figure some turnabout is fair play." I explained. Smirking at Robin after I did so.

"I see." Robin replied. Putting a blank expression on her face. Though I am certain she is slightly nervous right now. Given how I subtly just called her out on being so impersonal towards me.

Which is exactly how I planned for this conversation to go.

Robin is doing her best not to get close to us. Well too bad for her I'm not going to let her have her way. I'll make her care for us. That way if we run across a scenario like the Straw Hats did during the Water Seven arc where Robin is threatened with our lives I'm hoping she'll trust us and won't run away and pull some self-sacrifice bullshit.

But if she does me and the rest of the crew will drag her back kicking and screaming if we have to.

Afterwards I will promptly dish out punishment to her by spanking her shapely and round ass.

'No, wait. What.' I thought.

I then banished the thoughts of Robins ass from my head. I am already in a relationship. I can't be thinking about another woman's ass.

Even if I am an ass man at heart.

That's a big no-no.

'I guess I must just be that horny.' I thought.

"Captain, are you ok?" Robin asked me.

"Yeah. Just fine." I told her. "Anyway I think I've done enough surveillance for today. Just a bit more and then we can execute our plan to rob those marines blind."

"I look forward to it. Keep up the hard work, Roberts." Robin told me. Using my name.

She then gave me a charming smile before walking off.

Which made my heart skip a beat.

'It's fine, you're fine. That was nothing more than a smile. It's not like you're going to start developing feelings for her or anything.' I told myself.

Wait, did I just raise a flag?

Nah, I'm sure I'll be fine.


Another week passed before we finished our preparations.

But once we had the operation went from red to green light.

Time claim our prizes and rob these marines blind.

Heist: One Piece Edition is a go.