
One Piece : Journey For Adventure

Follow Axel Black on his journey through the hard work, Through the Blood, Sweat and Tears that he and the Straw Hat's endure, Witness as he follows his Dream and his Promise to someone dear to him, To have the Greatest Adventure known to man kind, No matter what!. *Warning : I will update when i feel like it and Also please do not judge my writing too badly as i sometimes strugle to put ideas into words in general. *Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or The Characters and Their Stories that belongs to it i only own the Characters i make and their Stories The Owner of One Piece Is Eiichiro Oda.

BlazingImmortal · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 12 : Conflict Continues

Carue and Vivi are moving through the streets trying their hardest to avoid the Baroque Works agent's when she heard Mr.5 shout "NOSE, FANCY CANON!" Causing Vivi to shut her eyes and brace for impact.

"I can't believe I had to cut a freaking booger!" Zoro yelled in disgust as the two half's continued on and exploded further down the road saving Vivi from the attack.

"Why do you have to come and block my way now of all time!?" Vivi yelled at the swordsman preparing to attack him, Only for her weapon to be smacked out of her hand and off into the distance by Axel the sight of which caused her to shiver in fear.

"Don't worry we are officially here to help!" Axel said to Vivi who was confused at the words he said but still hopeful while Zoro was still raging in the background about the boodger as he turned to Axel.

"Hey Axel? The One with the boogers is mine! I'll kill him!" Zoro told Axel as he turned around not noticing Axel's sweat drop at his ridiculously antics, however they were both stopped before they could advance by the voice of the captain screaming their name.

"Oh Captain you're just in time Zoro is about to go after the one in the coat" Axel said to Luffy from a distance not noticing his angry expression.

"Dont worry Luffy sit back and watch! I don't need help with this one!" Zoro said with a grin while staring at Miss Valentine and Mr.5 who were annoyed at his words also not noticing Luffy's anger.

"I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU TWO! FIGHT ME!" Luffy screamed at the both of them while sprinting forward pulling his fist back ready to throw the first punch.

"WHAT!?" Both Axel and Zoro shouted in surprise and confusion at their captain who had reached them throwing his fist at Axel who in shock barely blocked in time with his left forearm the force from said blow still sending him skidding back down the street although still on his feet his arm throbbed a bit in protest.

"Careful Zoro, He's not pulling his punches at all!" Axel yelled back to Zoro having felt the blow and noticed the intent behind it, he reached behind him and grabbed his bat that was secured to his back with a grim expression readying himself to attack.

"What are you doing Luffy...?" Zoro started only to be cut off by an angry Luffy who threw a punch at him only for Zoro to dodge and the punch to crush the wall behind him causing Zoro to get serious understanding Axel's words from before he two got serious pulling out all three of his swords.

"You ungrateful bastard's! I'm going to kick your asses!" Luffy shouted pausing his attacks to threaten the two before him.

"How are we ungrateful?" Axel asked in genuine confusion at his words not understanding how he could have done something that could be labelled as ungrateful so he turned his suspicious gaze at Zoro who saw his expression.

"I didn't do anything either!" Zoro shouted with sharp teeth pointing his sword at Axel in anger at the supposed accusation.

"Shut up! I can't forgive either of you... How dare you two kill every single one of these townspeople, After they gave us such a friendly welcome! And fed us so much food!" Luffy shouted at the top of his lungs causing those around those around to falter at his stupidity at the ongoing situation.

"Well that was us! But listen..." Zoro tried to inform Luffy of the truth to the current situation they have found themselves only to barely dodge out of the way again when Luffy threw a punch crumbling the stone wall behind him in an explosion of dust.

"OK you want solve this with a fight! let's do it!" Zoro said as he landed a solid kick to Luffy's stomach not wanting to use his swords on a friend yet the kick having sent him flying back slamming into Miss Valentine and Mr.5 who had tried to go after Vivi while they were distracted causing them all to break through a wall down the street blowing dust everywhere and causing debre to scatter around the street.

After a minute of waiting Luffy appeared dragging the two Baroque Works agent's in either hand bloodied and beaten unconscious who presumably had tried to attack him and failed horribly Causing Vivi to stare in shock.

"He took out both of them so quickly!? He's also a monster! What is this crew how are they only just entering the Grand Line!?" Vivi asked in freight with the three fighters growing more serious in front of her, promising a destructive fight.

"Time to get serious!" Luffy said as he walked out of the ruined building without a scratch and a cold look on his face causing Axel and Zoro to grow serious as well, Zoro taking his bandanna of his arm and tied it around his head, Axel's eyes turning sharp and expression growing cold preparing for an intense battle.

"Luffy I hope your ready for this! Don't complain if you die!" Zoro said coldly as he readied to attack although Axel who heard his words frowned a little until he heard Luffy's response to Zoro's declaration.

"Fine by me!" Luffy said back causing Axel to get angry at the both of them deciding he would solve this predicament he turned and addressed the both of them.

"No killing our friends! If we can't solve this non lethal I'll drag both your battered bodies back to the ship after you're out!" Axel stated as he he got ready to attack the both who were shocked at his words but just as stubborn.

"Well looks like this just became a three way fight! Why don't we finally see who's the strongest!?, you're unarmed combat, my sword fighting or Axel's blunt weapons attacks!" Zoro Asked rhetorically as his gaze hardened at the other two crossing his arm's, each hand at the opposite shoulder both swords pointed to the sky while he learnt forward slightly preparing to dash forth as he shouted "ONI..."

"Fine by me, Lets make it clear once and for all!" Luffy replied as he threw both arm's back down the street behind palm's out with him angling his body forward to spring at Axel and Zoro at a moments notice shouting "GOMU GOMU..."

"You two won't back down so neither will I!" Axel said as he leant forward brought his bat up above his head with the top of the bat pointing down behind him, he held the grip with both hands his muscles bulging slightly, coiling in anticipation as he shouted "HEAVEN'S..."

"...GIRI!" "...BAZOOKA!" "...DESCENT!" All three shouted as they rushed forward at each other meeting each other mid way, Two of Zoro's sword being hit full force against Axel's Bat that had descended at the centre of the exchange, One of Luffy's palms snapping forward striking Axel's bat at the same time Zoro's sword has as his other palm snapped forward clashing against Zoro's last remaining sword hilt, Blocking the blade from reaching him.

The collision of their attacks causing a shock wave to reverberated around the small town, Picking up dust and destroying anything close including the ground that had been torn up and thrown away all three of them standing their ground glaring at each other.

Vivi who was still standing around marvelled at the power of the pirates in front of her, who had easily defeated Baroque Works agent's and were now casually destroying their surroundings while fighting each other.

After the initial attack all three backed off slightly prepared to strike again when Axel swung his bat sideways into Zoro who blocked at the last moments with his sword, While Luffy threw a punch at Axel hitting him in the side forcing to spit up blood and step back a couple of steps causing Axel to smile ferociously with blood dripping from his lips.

Zoro capitalised on Luffy's momentary lack of guard and due to his still being knocked from Axel's previous strike, threw a kick at Luffy's sternum, it landing caused Luffy to spit up blood and get pushed back as Axel swung his bat connecting with Zoro's stomach sending him skidding back blood leaking from his mouth and holding his hand to his stomach.

Axel dodged a punch Luffy only to be assaulted by Zoro his blade causing a gash on his upper arm, Axel despite the pain spun and slammed his bat into Luffy who grunted in pain from the blow only to take the chance as he was flying at Zoro to kick him across the face sending Zoro into the side of a building crashing through the wall.

Axel ran forward ready to strike again only to be slammed over the head by fist causing his his head to slam into the ground and when he looked to find his assailant he paled at the sight of an orange haired girl with righteous fury burning in her eyes who advanced towards Zoro and Luffy who's muscles bulged in preparation for another big attack only for them too to get slammed into the ground by a punch from nami each.

"What do you idiots think you're doing!?, you could have hurt the princess!" Nami shouted at the trio while looking at them in contempt causing the three to pale as they nursed their bruised heads and Vivi to fearfully gaze at the orange haired female who just took down the three monster she was watching fight.

"Hey let's make a deal!, that guy Igaram said I could make a direct deal with you! In exchange for one billion berries we'll escort you back to your kingdom safely, How about it" Nami asked with what looked like money signs in her eyes causing Zoro and Axel to be creeped out.

"Hey you lot sort that out I'm going to make sure the others are ok and take them to the ship" Axel stated as he walked off with a frown on his face towards the bar they started the night in, upon arrival he noticed Sanji and Ussop still sound asleep so instead of waking them he threw one over each shoulder as he began his walk to their ship.

"They better thank me for this later" he muttered to himself eventualy reaching the ship he placed them down in the sleeping quarters to go to sleep, Axel walked back out onto the deck to keep watch and guard incase anything happened when a giant explosion sounded in the distance making Axel look in its direction in worry at the giant fire raging on.


"So you're telling me one of the seven warlord's is trying to take over the princesses kingdom and said warlord now knows we know he wants to do so thanks to an otter and a vulture who are good drawers so we have to go defeat this guy?" Axel asked as Sanji and Ussop also listened in on the recap of the previous events having heard about everything else earlier they all looked at Nami incredulously at the new information.

"Yeah that about sums it up" Zoro said without a care in the world while he was preparing the ship to leave while the rest were getting caught up to speed.

"OK fine with me Vivi-swan" Sanji said while looking at Vivi only to get punched in the head by Axel at his antics.

"Well we b..Better move quickly before reinforcements show up!" Usopp stammered out with fear leaking from his voice as he shook while going to help Zoro get the ship moving quickly followed by Axel as they slowly pulled away from port.

"Be Careful not to crash into the rocks by the shore, And congratulations on your escape" An unknown voice said as the crew looked around and quickly noticed the figure sitting on their upper deck railing feet hanging over the edge, The figure having dark raven black hair and blue eyes with a cowboy hat on her head as she sat leisurely on the ships rail.

"I must tell you Miss Wednesday, I met up with Mr.8 just a little while ago" the lady said ominously towards Vivi who looked devastated at the news causing her to burn with hatred towards the lady in front of them.

"Hey why are you on our ship anyway!" Luffy asked the lady in confusion not that worried about an enemy on board their ship.

"What're you doing all the way out here, Miss All-Sunday!" Vivi shouted at the lady who still had not attempted to attack instead choosing to laze around while aboard an enemy ship showing she does not take them seriously.

Axel and Sanji had managed to sneak up behind the figure where Sanji had pulled a gun and aimed it at the lady's head while Axel had drawn his bat and readied to strike at a moments notice if she turned hostile.

"Hey Sanji! You do realise you're pointing a gun at a female right?" Axel asked as he gripped his bat tight his muscles bulging slightly as he moved a little closer to the lady who had noticed them but chose to ignore them and continue talking to those down below on the main deck.

"Yes I'm aware, but this woman is a threat to my lovely Miss Vivi" Sanji stated as he too moved closer and the rest of the straw hats prepared for a fight, When the woman finally chose to acknowledge the threat.

"Would you mind not pointing such dangerous weapon's at me?" The woman casually said not actually worried when suddenly the gun in Sanji's hand was flung away and he was flipped over the railings to the main deck, upon only witnessing the blonde go over she looked back to the other male only to feel the strain on her own arms as she attempted to use her devil fruit power on Axel but despite the invisible grasp she had on his arm and weapon she could not move him as he moved towards her.

"So you have a devil fruit? Don't bother with whatever you're trying it won't work! It only worked on Sanji because he didn't want to hurt you in the first place" Axel stated as he prepared to swing his bat his bat as she finally started to worry causing her to attempt to jump away narrowly being missed by the Bat as it grazed her stomach the force of which caused blood to drip from her mouth as she landed on the rail to the lower deck.

"Looks like I've overstayed my welcome, here this is an Eternal Pose to another island it is a much better choice than the one you are currently heading to" she said finally serious as she threw a Log Pose to Vivi only for it to get snatched and crushed by Luffy who had a rare serious face adorned with a trace of anger as he spoke.

"DON'T YOU DARE THINK YOU CAN CHOSE THE PATH OF OUR JOURNEY" Luffy shouted at the woman to the shock of both Vivi and Miss All-Sunday who smiled slightly.

"I see! Well have fun on your journey, The rest Of Baroque Works will be after you until you've been dealt with, I hope we meet again! Bye" Miss All-Sunday said as she jumped off the ship onto a turtle that took off i to ther distance at a faster speed than their ship.

"Waaaa! She was such a beauty!" Sanji yelled to no one in particular only to get smacked over the head by Axel causing him to hold the bump on his head as he turned to Axel in anger "What was that for!" He shouted at Axel.

"She's the enemy Dumbass if they know what you actually think about their members they can use you against us!" Axel stated seriously causing a shocked look to appear on his face as he took Axel's words to heart.

"What did you break it for, You idiot!" Nami screamed with pointy teeth as she kicked Luffy in the face sending him rolling backwards until he stopped by Axel.

"Leave him be, it most likely would have been a trap" Zoro stated as he looked at Nami seriously at which made her think about what is better only to hear Axel speak up.

"Zoro's right we can't trust an enemies words, Also Adventures into the unknown are much funner!" Axel said with an exited smile on his face quickly joined by Luffy as they kept theorising their next big Adventure while the crew either joined in or watched with a smile on ther face.

"Well let's sail then!" Nami yelled as Usopp unfurled the sails as the ship left the island to their next adventure.