
One Piece : Journey For Adventure

Follow Axel Black on his journey through the hard work, Through the Blood, Sweat and Tears that he and the Straw Hat's endure, Witness as he follows his Dream and his Promise to someone dear to him, To have the Greatest Adventure known to man kind, No matter what!. *Warning : I will update when i feel like it and Also please do not judge my writing too badly as i sometimes strugle to put ideas into words in general. *Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece or The Characters and Their Stories that belongs to it i only own the Characters i make and their Stories The Owner of One Piece Is Eiichiro Oda.

BlazingImmortal · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 11 : Cascading Conflict

Axel stands amidst the crowd of bounty hunter's around him without a fear in the world, maintaining his feral grin excited for the challenge ahead.

"Well come on then! I haven't got all night" Axel challenges to those still standing in shock at how quickly their leader was dispatched off only for them to grip their weapons tighter, knowing instinctively that the only way this will end is with a fight.

"Surely you don't plan on taking us all on, Do you?" Mr.9 asked sweating a little in fear at the prospect of attacking the monster in front of them hoping Axel would change his mind.

"Eh, Why not? There's barely half of you left after the rest went after Zoro, This will be fun" Axel state's in confidence as he prepares to attack, Raising the alarm in everyone around many times over.

Instead of continuing this conversation Axel burster forth at such speeds barely anyone reacted in time for his attack to fall, when Axel swung his bat out at a group of five in front of him it caused chaos as the one struck was immediately smashed back through the crowed, his lifeless body further damaging any in it's path, the force the attack continuing on into the other four from the group taking them out of the fight with excessive injuries.

After hitting the first bounty hunter the fight quickly turned into a one sided massacre when Axel spun around slamming his bat full force into two hunter's heads who ran at him from behind causing them to dig a small trench along the ground with head and their corpse's laid limp along with the battered bodies of anyone caught in their way.

This continued as Axel repeatedly smung his bat at anyone who approached making sure he stayed in the centre of the group dissuading anyone from firing a gun lest they lose one of their rapidly dwindling numbers, however their were a few confident enough to attempt to take a shot only to be singled out from the crowd by the rapidly approaching Monster whose eye's made more predominant during the night and predatory smile as the pirate was extra brutal to those who made the attempt, Terrified them beyond measure.

As some contemplated running it was too simply too little too late as they watched their comrades being slaughtered, left bloodied and beaten on the destroyed ground, Broken walls to homes they had lived their lives in, they came to regret messing with the Straw Hat's as the monster with his blood soaked bat approached at high speeds with a grin on his face at his achievements.

"Wh...what is happening" Mr.9 asked Miss Wednesday as he saw Axel finish of the last of the bounty hunter's leaving them littered across the ruined field, left to unknown fates as he holds the last by the collar with his left hand, His bat in his right rest over his shoulder with his foot resting atop the lifeless corpse off a bounty hunter left indented in the floor.

"He took them all out like it was nothing, ...We had him surrounded and he played with us the entire time!" Miss Wednesday replied as they both watched on in fear at the path of destruction left behind by the Red eyed man who turned to them with his grin still present causing them to uncontrollably shake in fear.


Zoro can be seen running through the streets leaving chaos in his wake as he slashes down his enemies, attempting to grow used to his new swords Sendai Kitetsu being particularly difficult due to it's exceptional sharpness and nature.

Eventually ending up on a roof of a small building after dodging and wrecking the petty schemes that some of the hunter's attempted on him which all ended in failure after Zoro cut them down when suddenly Miss Monday appeared swinging a ladder out, Barely missing as it smashed against a wall and broke in half, Zoro having dodged by rolling out of the way.

"Don't try our patience, There's no man who can best my strength turned!" Miss Monday said as she suddenly reached forward and grabbed him by the neck squeezing it as she glared at Zoro and slammed him down onto the solid rooftop.

"After I deal with you! I'm going to take out the other one two!" Miss Monday informed as she raised her fist adorned with iron knuckle dusters as she shouted "SUPERHUMAN, FLOWER GRINDER!" Her fist slamming onto Zoro's forehead cracking the entire roof around him.

The small number of bounty hunter's left scattered around cheered thinking she had dealt with the scary swordsman only to be frozen stiff at the sudden wail of pain from a high pitch voice turning to witness the swordsman with his right hand clamped onto her head like a vice, slowly crushing it while Miss Monday attempted to pull the arm away that didn't even budge as she fell to her knees in pain from the vice grip on her head.

"Where's that strength you're so proud of...?" Zoro asked her in a cold tone and slight annoyance flashing across his face as he let her go, Miss Monday falling to the ground passed out cold.

"You're strength wasn't even close to mine! Let alone Axel's physical strength, Next time don't brag" Zoro informed as he watched he fall when he turned to the half a dozen or so bounty hunter's left with a bit of blood leaking out of his forehead not affecting him in the slightest and a feral grin with piercing eyes causing fear to spread among the stragglers.

"Now then, Shall we continue Baroque Works! A fight's no mere game you know!" Zoro stated as he rushed forward quickly slashing down those that are left, after dealing with them Zoro made his way back to the clearing from earlier admiring his handy work as he went as well as taking note of the damage cause by Axel.


"H...He must be the real captain, The marines must have made a mistake! This man could definitely be worth 30 million berries" Mr.9 stated fearfully as Miss Wednesday nodded causing them both to turn around and attempt to escape when they saw a smirking Axel slowly walking toward them, Only to freeze when upon turning around for the first time since the start of the fight.

They saw the destruction spread through their town bodies littered around and Miss Monday unconscious in the distance in front of all that though is what caused them to freeze as the sight of the green haired swordsman walking towards them with an equally terrifying grin plastered on his face and resting his hand on the hilt of his thee swords attached to his hip caused them to pale even further.

"Hey if the Red Eyed one is the captain? What is he" Miss Wednesday asked as they both stepped out of the way as the two monsters approached each other and stopping when standing face to face with smiles spread across their faces.

"Hey! I got fourty four, How about you" Axel asked when they got close enough to communicate, confidence rolling off them in waves at the ease they had with their first battle on the Grand Line.

"An even fifty" Zoro replied his smirk growing as a hint of smugness entered his tone causing Axel's ire to grow at his perceived loss, Axel looks away and pouts childishly causing Zoro to laugh at his behaviour.

The words and attitudes of the two in front of them terrified both Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday as they remained as silent as possible attempting to avoid the notice of the two in front of them arguing over their recent battles.

'These two are Monster's!, if they are this strong and not the captain, How crazy strong is that boy in the straw hat' Miss Wednesday thought to herself looking around at the destruction and carnage littered with bodies that used to be a staging ground for bounty hunter's who worked for Baroque Works.

"Thats it! I've had enough! Stop taking us so lightly!" Mr.9 shouted as he ran at the two Monster's when he shouted "HOT BLOODED, GUT...!" only to be cut off mid sentence when a bat slammed into his face sending him flying back into a building breaking through its walls the force of the hit knocking him out cold leaving a stunned Miss Wednesday behind at his sudden courage.

"Ehhh, Sorry about that it was an accident!" Axel apologised as he swung without really paying attention to anything other than his argument with Zoro.

"How pathetic! You lost to these two no named Pirate's!?" A tall dark skinned man with short spikey dreadlocks in a trench coat with the number five on it while also wearing black sunglasses despite it being night time said as he appeared in front of them standing next to a woman with short blonde hair and green eyes holding an umbrella.

"Mr.5, Miss Valentine!?" Miss Wednesday shouted in surprise and a little hope for them to defeat the pirates in front of them.

"Are you idiots just playing around?" Mr.5 asked in a disinterested manner as he looked around at all the defeated bounty hunter's.

"Give them a break, You can't expect them to be as capable as we are, KYAHAHA!" Miss Valentine replied with a smug tone and face as she laughed at the rest of their misfortune.

"Di...Did you come just to laugh at us?" Igarappol asked after dragging himself over next to Miss Wednesday shocking her and Axel both having thought he was already dead and gone especially Axel who was sure he landed a perfect hit to the man's head.

"No We've come for business" Miss Valentine answered as in an ominous tone suggesting that there was more to come but was cut off by an excited Miss Wednesday.

"That's great please quickly take out those two troublesome pirates!" Miss Wednesday stammered out while pointing at Zoro and Axel who were listening in on their conversation out of curiosity while standing their without a care in the world not taking the threats in front of them seriously.

"Stop joking around! We've been dispatched to take care of a security breach in the organisation, Not these two nobody's" Mr.5 state's while looking directly at Igarappol and Miss Wednesday completely ignoring the two who were getting more and more ticked off at Mr.5's words, the two getting ready to attack should he continue to mock them.

"Due to our organisation's creed of 'Secrecy' you can probably understand why it's such a big deal when someone knows the bosses secret identity" Mr.5 informs as he takes in the reactions of the two they had hunted down after careful investigation.

"Isn't that right? Miss Nefertari Vivi Princess of..." Miss Valentine strated only to be cut off when Igarappol launched a volley of explosive bullets at the two hoping to catch them off guard as a big duck appeared.

"Igaram!" Vivi shouted in worry when she saw him attack the two higher ranked agents of Baroque Works.

"Miss Vivi! Take Carue and run for it!" Igaram shouted as he stood blocking the path to protect Vivi as she nodded, mounting Carue the big duck and taking off at high speeds.

"Damn that duck moves fast!" Axel exclaimed in surprise at the big duck who seemingly appeared on second and disappeared the next with the princess.

Suddenly the smoke from Igaram's attack clears revealing the two agents completely void of any injuries when Mr.5 shouted "NOSE, FANCY CANON!" as he flicked a booger at Igaram exploding upon contact sending flying into a wall behind Zoro and Axel causing them to stare in shock.

"Damn that's one dangerous booger!" Zoro said as he watched the booger explode with the same force as that of a Canon.

"That's such a disgusting way to attack someone though" Axel stated as he grimaced at the thought of an exploding booger coming at him, the two not having noticed the Baroque Works agent's take off after the princess who just left when Igaram crawled out of the hole he was left in.

"Wow that guy can take a punishment!" Axel said in wonder as Igaram looked at them in desperation not having any other options.

"Please you two have to save the princess! She's our country's only hope at a future!" Igaram pleaded as he lay bleeding on the ground when Nami appeared much to the shock of those present and accepted at the promise of a large reward.

"Well you heard the man get to it!" Nami said as she looked at Axel and Zoro like they were stupid and ordered them along.

'She's evil!' "Us! why us!? You made the deal!" Axel though as Zoro shouted at Nami for ordering them around.

"Yes and any deal made by me! Is a a deal made for the crew so chop chop" Nami stated as she pushed them along to get them moving on their task.

"Zoro don't bother arguing with her it won't work! Let's just get this done, although i demand we get a decent sized reward for our troubles!" Axel said as he turned and took off in the direction quickly followed by zoro after he nodded at Axel's words both moving at high speeds to the sounds explosions echoing in the distance.

"Curse my uselessness! If only I were stronger... I could protect the princess...!" Igaram lamented to himself while lying on the ground in pain from his wounds.

"Don't worry! Those two guy's? They're monstrously Strong! The princess will have nothing to worry about with them there" Nami stated to Igaram with a fond smile confident in her crew mates strengths, this eased the worry in Igaram heart even just a little.


Luffy awoke to the sounds of fighting, while confused he stood up his body mysteriously returning to normal? And looked around only to find destruction and carnage, buildings destroyed and general chaos spread around.

"What happened while I was asleep?" Luffy asked when he finally noticed the bodies strewn about all over the place some with slashes littered over the bodies others battered and bruised with broken bone and smashed body parts most dead with few hanging on until he witnessed one move to sit up in pain so rushed forth to help.

"Hey what happened to you guys!" Luffy yelled frantically in the man's face only for the man to panic at seeing him scared for his life due to the two previous Monster's from the crew of pirates who wiped them out.

"I..It was your crew mates, the one with the bat and the swordsman!" The man said with his last breath as he fell to the ground in silence causing Luffy to look around in anger.

"Those ungrateful bastard's! I'll make them pay!" Luffy said with a glare and clenched fist as he took off looking for his two crew mates with a righteous fury.