
Chapter 104

[Ken P.O.V.

Flashback day before leaving the ship]

I'm standing in front of the four giants.

"What is it, Captain?" asked Brogy

"I have a mission for the four of you."

They looked excited.

"Go back to Elbaf and defeat everyone."

The smiles on their faces immediately disappeared.

"But, Captain, there are too many giants there. We will never be able to beat them all." said Dorry

'Hahaha, not even worried about their individual strength.'

"I didn't tell you to do it in one day. The max I will give you is 2 years, but I would appreciate it if you guys made it back before that. Oh, and try to recruit as many as you can."

It was quiet till Brogy spoke up.

"We will do it in 1 year! If we take more time, we will be hurting your image. So count on us to show the giants in Elbaf just who our Captain is!" screamed Brogy

"YEAH!" x3

I smiled.

'If it's them, they can do it. I'm sure that they will do what they said. And it would be good training for them.'

[Flashback End

2 days later]

The eight of us appeared on the gate of Impel Down. I grabbed a map from my pocket. It's the map of Impel Down.

'It's not like I was lying when I said that Garp let me do all his paperwork. And he has a lot of good information in his office, like this map that I copied, for example.'

"I presume that everyone has studied this map thoroughly."

They nodded.

"Good. Laffitte, you'll be the first to in. Take out all the people in the control room and use the jammer that you made to jam all the signals inside Impel Down. When you're done, use the Flash Dial to notify us that you've succeeded."

He nodded and jumped into the shadow portal. Since Robert has the map of this place, he can easily create a portal wherever he wants. I started using Haki to sense where everyone inside of Impel Down is. 5 minutes later, we saw a bright flash.

"Robert, create a portal to the Chief Wardens Office. Sabo, be careful of your enemy. He may be a paramecia type, but you don't get that position by being weak. Don't let him hit you with his poison and try to take care of it as fast as possible."

"You can count on me."

He jumped inside the portal.

"Now one to the Vice Warden Office. Ace, same to you. Don't underestimate him. He is strong. Try to keep a distance from him and attack with long-ranged attacks."

He smirked.

"He may be strong, but I'm stronger."

He jumped into the portal before I could say anything.

"Sigh. Urouge, Brook, Deuce, you guys will go to Level 3 and work your way down. They nodded and jumped into the portal. Robert, take me to Level 6. Once I'm gone, you'll head to Level 1 and wait for Laffitte there. Once the two of you meet, you'll both head down. Take out all the guards and recruit any prisoner who wishes to follow. Kill the rest off."

"Yes, Captain."

I jumped into the portal.

[Sabo P.O.V.]

After I jumped into the Shadow Portal, I appeared in an office. I looked at the desk and saw a nameplate with Magellan's name on it.

'He doesn't seem to be here. Should I just wai-'


'What was that!?'

I looked at a door that looked like a toilet door.

<Kenbunshoku Haki>

'That's him, but how can I attack when he is taking a shit?'

[Sabo, be careful of your enemy. He may be a paramecia type, but you don't get the Chief Warden position by being weak. Don't let him hit you with his poison and try to take care of him as fast as possible.]

I remembered Ken's words.

'Right, being on the toilet at this time is his own fault. I should just kill him as fast as possible.'

I grabbed a golden spear from my back. It's as tall as me, and there are black dragons with red gems in their eyes, swerving around the pole towards the blade.

'Skillful Grade Sword/Ryō Wazamono: Ame no Nuhoko. Ken told me that In ancient mythology, this was the bejeweled spear used by creation gods Izanagi and Izanami to raise the islands of Japan from the sea. I don't know where Japan is, but it sounds powerful. He told me that if I'm strong enough, I can even upgrade it to the next rank.'

(An: it's a real weapon in ancient Japanese mythology and Shintoism.)

I grasped it and used Haki to sense where his head is. I put all my body weight behind this attack and went right for his head.

"Puchi!" [SFX: Stab]

"AAHH! Who dares to attack me while I'm on the toilet!"

He kicked open the door and came running out.

'Shit, I missed his face, but at least I managed to cut off his left ear. Huh?'

I looked down and saw a small little sausage. He also looked down and immediately ran back into the toilet and close the door behind him. I immediately ran after him and started stabbing into the toilet room at fast speeds.

"Puchi!" [SFX: Stab]

"Puchi!" [SFX: Stab]

"Puchi!" [SFX: Stab]

I managed to stab him a couple of times when I suddenly sensed something dangerous and jumped back just in time to miss purple goo coming towards me. He came out of the toilet, this time with his pants up.

"You're Sabo, First Mate of the Azure Pirates, right? How did you get in here? And why are you even here?"

"You ask too much for a dead man. But I'll be nice and tell you a little bit. I've been ordered to kill you, and after today, there will be no living being left in this prison."

"I see. I'll just find out what I want to know myself."

He took out a Den Den Mushi and tried to call someone, but I appeared behind him in an instant.

"It's bold of you to assume that I'll even give you the chance to get into contact with someone."

'I can't let him find out that He can't get into contact with someone. If he knows, he'll do his best to get out of here, and I can't let that happen.'

I started stabbing towards him, but he jumped back and dodge my attacks. But I'm not about to let him create distance between us, so I rushed after him. I used a horizontal swipe, but he jumped back again and took a deep breath.

"Doku Gumo!"

He breathed out a poison cloud towards me. I smirked.

'This is a good time to test my new technique. I started spinning the spear above my head as fast as possible till a tornado started forming around me.'

<Spear Tornado>

The poison clouds started moving away from me, and I rushed towards Magellan as a storming tornado. He started backing off till his back hit the wall. But he didn't look panicked at all. He held his hand in front of him like a gun, and a poison bullet suddenly came out of his finger. He shot it towards me at an incredible speed, and it went right through the tornado. I manage to barely move my head to the left, but the poison bullet grazes my cheek.

'Argh, this shit hurts. I need to get away from him and think of a game plan. I won't be able to take him out as fast as I thought.'

I stopped spinning my spear and jumped back.

"BOOOM!!!" [SFX: Explosion]


"As I thought, you aren't here alone. This probably means that Azure Ken is also here. So an Admiral will definitely show up."

"Hahaha, we'll be out of here before that happens."

'Even though Laffitte Jammed the connection, Marine HQ calls every 3 hours to check if everything is going well. We moved in right after they were done reporting. So if we can't take care of it in 3 hours, they'll definitely send someone out here. And since Ken wanted to have 'fun' he didn't allow Laffitte to hypnotize anyone to buy us more time.'

"Then I'll just kill all of you before they arrive!"

He tried to hit me again with his poison bullet, but this time I dodged it. I ran towards him, and he kept shooting at me. I managed to dodge most of them, but a couple still grazed me. That didn't slow me down tho. I rushed towards him and slid between his legs, and appeared behind him. I stabbed towards his heart, but he managed to move his body just enough to make me miss his vital parts.

His entire body suddenly turned into poison, and I couldn't take my spear out of his body, so I jumped out the way, barely dodging his fist of poison. He took my spear out of his back and threw it away.

'Tsk. I need to get my spear back. But to do that, I need to hit him out of the way. So I'll have to deal with the pain till I get my spear back.'

I went into my Dragon Claw stance and glared at him.


A poison dragon with three heads formed itself on his back.

'So this will be Dragon vs Dragon. I really shouldn't have said that I was getting bored to Ken. But there is no time to blame myself. If I can defeat him, I'll come out of this battle stronger than ever.'

The three Dragon heads suddenly came towards me. I emptied my head and used Kenbunshoku Haki. They opened their mouths and are right in front of me.

'Found it!'


[What do you guys think about the ways I wrote the Sound Effects. Do you think it's better than the old one, or do you want me to go back to the old one?]

(Since I haven't seen or heard about Magellan having Haki, he also won't have it in my fanfic. And Sabo just knows the basics of Kenbunshoku Haki, so it's fair.

And I will create some new attacks for Magellan if I think it's possible for him to do it.)


"The world is run on power. Everything is determined by the superior power. You are weak. That is why you lose."

"The truth is that we fall in love with the things we cannot have."

"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."

"When you miss someone it's like every song you listen to is about them."

"Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you."