
One Piece: Crossed Flames

Update schedule: 2 chapters/day (Mon-Sat) This is the story of Lucas, a young man who wakes up to find himself inhabiting the body of Sakazuki, a Marine in the world of One Piece. Initially disoriented by his sudden transformation, Lucas quickly realises that he has been transported into a universe he once thought was confined to manga pages and animated screens. As he grapples with the shock of his new reality, Lucas must navigate the intricate politics and treacherous waters of the One Piece world. Despite retaining memories of his previous life, he finds himself thrust into a position of power and authority as Sakazuki—a man known as Akainu, the future Marine Fleet Admiral Red Dog, renowned for his uncompromising pursuit of justice. Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in the post, are utilized for illustrative purposes and as examples to enhance the narrative. I have no ownership or rights over these characters. This is not my original work. This is translated from a mtl novel but I will be making some changes to the plot as the story progresses. For your reference, Mtl novel: One piece of Admiral Akainu Cover picture by Fadil089665 For those interested, you can read chapters in advance and support me with donations on my Patreon page patreon.com/GhostofTaurus

GhostofTaurus · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Chapter 62: Wager

The decision to discipline Sakazuki was swiftly sealed by Kong. In the wake of this proclamation, a tempest of speculation swept through Marine Headquarters. Word of the renowned Vice Admiral's drastic fall from grace quickly spread among the ranks, eliciting jubilation from those once daunted by his imposing presence.

As conversations buzzed with glee and relief, Sakazuki sought solace in solitude upon returning to his quarters. Despite nursing lingering injuries from the fight, his resilient physique bore no serious impediments.

Resolute in his soldierly duty, Sakazuki arose early the next morning, making his way to the headquarters training grounds where Zephyr held sway.

Zephyr, the overarching Elite Instructor of Marine Headquarters, presided over the diverse array of military education programs. Sakazuki, though punctual, found Zephyr already engrossed in guiding a cohort of fledgling Marine recruits through their morning regimen.

Upon noticing Sakazuki's arrival, Zephyr beckoned him forth.

"Zephyr Admiral, Sakazuki reporting for duty," Sakazuki affirmed, honoring the seniority and authority that Zephyr commanded.

In a departure from their previous encounters, Zephyr's initial inquiry took Sakazuki by surprise.

"Do you perceive my actions as specifically targeting you?" Zephyr's question, delivered with an air of solemnity, demanded an earnest response.

Caught off guard, Sakazuki mulled over Zephyr's inquiry. Though their interactions had often been contentious, the abrupt shift in Zephyr's demeanor left Sakazuki befuddled.

Zephyr, perceiving Sakazuki's hesitance, pressed on. "Your silence speaks volumes. I have encountered myriad individuals in my tenure, none of whom warranted such singular attention. I trust you comprehend the implications."

Sakazuki, grappling with conflicting emotions, struggled to articulate his thoughts. While Zephyr's indictment stung, Sakazuki grappled with the realization that perhaps there was merit to Zephyr's reproach.

"Sakazuki, your pursuit of justice has veered off course," Zephyr's tone, stern yet measured, brooked no dissent. "In your zeal to combat piracy, you have overstepped bounds and sacrificed integrity. Your actions belie a self-righteous disregard for protocol and consequence."

Though discomfited by Zephyr's admonition, Sakazuki's convictions remained steadfast. "Teacher, while our interpretations of justice may diverge, my intentions remain noble. My aim is the eradication of piracy—a goal I pursue with unwavering resolve."

"Stubbornness ill befits a soldier," Zephyr retorted, his tone laced with exasperation. "Your zeal blinds you to the collateral damage wrought by your actions. You presume to challenge powers beyond you, heedless of the repercussions."

Zephyr's censure struck a chord within Sakazuki. Though resistant to conceding fault, Sakazuki could not dismiss the gravity of Zephyr's critique.

"Your insubordination in the face of Whitebeard epitomizes your folly," Zephyr continued, his reproach unyielding. "Your misguided attempts at diplomacy served only to embolden a pirate and imperil Marine interests."

As Zephyr elucidated the ramifications of Sakazuki's actions, a sobering realization dawned upon Sakazuki. His convictions, once unassailable, now appeared myopic and ill-conceived.

Despite his initial resistance, Sakazuki acquiesced to the gravity of Zephyr's admonishment. In Zephyr's rebuke, Sakazuki gleaned invaluable lessons—lessons that would shape his future conduct and commitment to Marine justice.

As Zephyr concluded his rebuke with tempered regret, Sakazuki, chastened yet resolute, resolved to temper his zeal with prudence and discernment. In the crucible of Zephyr's criticism, Sakazuki found not condemnation, but an opportunity for growth—a testament to the enduring bond between mentor and disciple in the pursuit of noble ideals.

"Sometimes though, your actions are decisive and to the point."

Sakazuki found himself dumbfounded as Zephyr unexpectedly commended himself. Was this truly Zephyr?

Just the day before, Zephyr's demeanor in the meeting room exuded hostility, with every word and gesture seemingly aimed at ensnaring him.

Yet now, Zephyr was offering praise. The abrupt shift in demeanor left Sakazuki bewildered, unable to discern the true nature of the man before him.

"Humph," Zephyr snorted, breaking the tense silence. "I can see the wheels turning in your head. You wonder if I will continue maintaining yesterday's hostility, right? I singled you out because you erred. I even suspected your involvement in Jeremy's demise. But your reactions yesterday convinced me otherwise."

The stark contrast between Zephyr's recent actions confounded Sakazuki. He tentatively entertained the notion that perhaps this was the genuine Zephyr.

"You, Kuzan, and Borsalino are all my proteges," Zephyr continued, his tone softening. "I know your capabilities well. Unlike Borsalino's fixation on his Devil Fruit abilities, both you and Kuzan have always held a special place in my regard. I don't wish for any of you to stray from the path of righteousness."

Sakazuki felt a twinge of gratitude at Zephyr's heartfelt words. Despite Zephyr's formidable reputation, his sincerity resonated with Sakazuki.

However, steadfast in his convictions, Sakazuki maintained his stance. "I stand by my decisions. While they may not appease everyone, as long as I believe they serve the greater good, I will persevere."

Zephyr's countenance darkened at Sakazuki's unwavering resolve. "Do you understand your greatest flaw?" he asked, his voice heavy with reproach.

Feeling the weight of Zephyr's scrutiny, Sakazuki braced himself for another admonition, fearing he'd become the subject of yet another interrogation.

"Your greatest flaw is your propensity for gambling," Zephyr declared. "Consider your recent actions—they all hinge on risky bets. Have you ever contemplated the consequences of failure?"

Zephyr's pointed critique struck a chord within Sakazuki. Though tempted to refute, he found himself silently conceding to the truth in Zephyr's words.

"Since you refuse to acknowledge your fault, let's make a wager," Zephyr proposed, catching Sakazuki off guard.

"A wager?" Sakazuki echoed, incredulous at the sudden turn of events.

"Yes, a wager," Zephyr confirmed. "Since you enjoy gambling, let's indulge. Do you dare?"

Intrigued by Zephyr's proposal, Sakazuki eagerly inquired about the terms of the bet.

"We'll wager on our ability to educate and mentor," Zephyr explained. "I've spent decades honing my skills as an instructor. If you're unwilling to compete in this arena, we can choose another."

Sakazuki, intrigued by the challenge, accepted without hesitation. "No need to change," he replied. "But how do we proceed?"

Unfazed by Sakazuki's confidence, Zephyr outlined the terms of their wager. "We'll each select 30 recruits from this cohort," he explained, gesturing towards the training grounds. "You'll personally train your chosen recruits for three years. At the end of this period, we'll reconvene for a fair assessment. The victor will be determined then."

Realizing the gravity of the challenge before him, Sakazuki resolved to accept. "I agree to these terms," he affirmed, preparing himself for the arduous task ahead.

In this unexpected test of skill and endurance, Sakazuki embraced the opportunity to prove himself. With Zephyr as his rival and mentor, he embarked on a journey fraught with uncertainty, determined to emerge victorious.


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