
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

OneMoreScore · アニメ·コミックス
151 Chs

Save Otohime (Long Chapter)

After a few days of spending time with Robin so she can both feel better and work more on the O'Hara Polyglyph I came back again looking at the mission again.

.... *sigh* "Me and my bleeding heart…. I guess it's best I head off to FishMan Island then…. But as Blood Eagle of course." I say as I go grab my small single man ship.

"So your going off on a mission alone are you?"(Owen)

"Yes…. I don't have time to pull some people with me, then head to Shabody just to make it so it can go underwater and into FishMan island when I can just ride my Yuda while taking on a FishMan's gills to handle going deep underwater."

"Well whatever your doing solo, good luck."

"Thanks, but I don't think this one will be too difficult if it was only considered an optional quest, though I feel like it will be….. tedious…" I say as I grab my head and jump on my small boat, "Let's go Yuda!" And with that we head off for FishMan island.



A few days later we come upon the Red Line and Moore my ship to a small out cropping so I could use my Yuda to Drag me down into the depths.

A few hours later I started to see the light coming from the giant tree down here around FishMan island, and due to me being very notorious dressed up like Blood Eagle I decided on taking on a full FishMan look, looking closer to a shark like FishMan in appearance with blood red hair.

But it seems pirates are everywhere in the sea, and under it as well as a crew of FishMan pirates decided to attack me for no real apparent reason sending what looked like a giant angler fish and a huge headed FishMan to surround me before stopping there ship with there FishMan Captain coming over to the side of there bubble covered ship, I would have found it a bit odd if it was a purely FishMan crew but no there were still some humans on board which I found to be stranger, that is till I realized that they were only a part of the crew because this four legged freak made them work for him as his slave crew.

"Well well, what do we have here? A lone FishMan riding a sea beast I've never seen before, I usually leave people who are traveling alone be, but…. I want your ride now if you will."

"And who exactly are you to stop me to take my steed?"

"Ahh you haven't heard of me? Well there are a few out there who haven't heard of my exploits yet, I am Vander Decken the 9th! And Captain of the Flying Pirates with my ship the legendary Flying Dutchmen! And also betrothed to Princess Shirahoshi as well." (Vander)

"….. How old are you right now?"

"I'm currently at the young age of 26 right now!"

".... Isn't the princess like only 5-6 years old?"

"Age is just a number! Love can go on no matter how old one is!"

"Uhuh…. Well I'm not letting you take my ride with out a fight four legs!" I say as I propel myself off Yuda and jump onto his ship, since I was taking this look I couldn't pull out my blades from no where so it's just me and my fists against these idiots.

"It's Vander Decken! Get it right!" He says as he pulls 2 large axes out from inside his coat and readies to toss them at me.

"I don't give a shit! Your going down asshole! Yuda! Fuck those 2 up!" Yuda just nods and begins to fight both the giant angler fish and the giant FishMan as well while I deal with 4 legs and his crew.

"Hmph your lucky today 4 legs, if my sword wasn't getting treated right now I'd kill you, but I'll be nice since you pissed me off and only break your bones!" I say as I launch myself at him, I'd rather not make too huge of a scene out here so I'll be quick about it.

"IT'S! VANDER! DECKEN!" He says as he begins to spam throw weapons at me at both very fast and accurate rate causing me to activate my armament haki on my arms as I deflect each and everyone as I approach.

Some of his human crew come over to attack me but I just use my hardened arms to both grab and then break there blades before tossing them out of my way and into each other.

But he isn't stupid and keeps his distance while using an what I assume is a infinite supply of weapons to keep throwing my way.

"Ugh! Annoying 4 legs! Just stay down already!" I say as I send a shock wave generated from my fists straight towards him that he try's to defend against with his huge axes but it's not enough and sends him across the deck and through his cabin wrecking part of his ship.

I then slowly walk up to him and smash his face in before breaking one of his arms.

"ARGH! YOU BITCH!" That just pisses me off more so I just stomp down on his broken arm and lean into to look at him closely.

"Next time try not to pick fights with people stronger than you!" I say as I lift up my foot and stomp hard on his face knocking him out cold.

"Tch, your not even worth my time." I then turn back to see Yuda finished with there fight, there poison has incapacitated them leaving them floating in the water.

I then whistle to Yuda to hop on and head towards the real area of FishMan island, "What a waste of my time…"

I then think to myself as I draw closer to FishMan Island, *Do I really have to gather evidence for this mission? Can't I just tell her and the king or whatever that someone is trying to assassinate her, and say it's Hody specifically?*

System: host either needs to gather the evidence or stop the assassination attempt when it happens.

"…. Can't I just buy the necessary evidence for this quest?"

System:….. for optional quests alone this is an option that the host can do, but the price is very expensive and forfeits any hidden rewards that you could obtain from this quest and only receive the basic reward for completing the quest.

"Ugh…. Well I'll talk to her in my blood Eagle look, she seems to like to appear in the main square asking for signatures so I'll go there first before I decide to check the castle for her."

Not long after I pull into the port and step off my Yuda before heading into FishMan Island once again for the first time in 5 years.

This time I got into the island easily because I was taking on the appearance of a FishMan after all, compared to humans who are more heavily scrutinized since the relations between humans and FishMan is still bade, mostly because of the cruelty of the celestial dragons who like to enslave FishMan and mermaids alike.

As I approached the plaza I saw the Queen of FishMan island, Otohime, doing what she does everyday, petitioning to her people to help with integrating to the surface, but obviously her efforts are only slowly getting there as most FishMan hate humans because of the Celestial Dragons sending slavers down here to enslave there kind.

"Excuse me sir, would you be willing to sign our petition?" (Otohime)

"Hmmm…. Sure hand me that paper." I say as I take the paper and write on it before handing it back to her.

She smiles with a bright cheerful smile on her face, "Thank you for signing our petition Mr.-" but as she looks down and looks at the name she stops mid sentence and then quickly looks back up at me to see me smiling as a bird mask appears in my hands for a split second so she could clearly see it before making it vanish before anyone else could notice.

I then start to walk past her while whispering only words she could hear, "After this I will meet you near your castle, we need to have…. An important conversation…." I say as I continue to walk away as I head off in the direction of the Royal Palace.

She is just stock still as she looks back at the petition that I wrote on and written in big bold letters it read 'BLOOD EAGLE' before she then quickly put it away in her petition box before calming down and continuing what she was doing to get even more petitions.



A few hours of waiting later.

Otohime and her squad of Royal guards finally came back to the entrance of the royal palace, I was just standing far enough away that the entrance guards wouldn't try to send me away.

As she arrived I began to approach and her guards went to protect her, "Stand down, he's a guest of the royal palace and he has somethings that me and my husband need to hear." Hearing that the guards stand down as I begin to follow behind her to the throne room.

Not long later I was standing before both Otohime and her husband the king, Neptune, luckily it was only us here as Otohime specifically asked for them to be left alone with me.

"So…. You claim yourself to be the Shadow Emperor of the Sea, Blood Eagle?" (Neptune)

I just nod at his question and make my mask appear before dawning my mask and morphing my body into it's more human form.

"Yes, I am in fact the one known to the world as Blood Eagle."

"So what do we owe the honor of your presence in our kingdom?" (Otohime)

"Oh nothing really…. Just that someone payed me a lot of money to keep your assassination from happening." I say while I look directly at Otohime herself.

Instantly after hearing that Neptune stands up and points his trident at me, "What did you just say?"

"It seems that there are people who want to make it so humans and FishMan and merfolk never get along with each other and if the figure head for integration were to die, what do you think will happen?"

"….. that coexistence would never happen… and the hatred will pass from one generation to the next…." (Neptune)

"And most likely they will make a random human pirate the scapegoat to further the rift between humans and merfolk."

"Do you have any proof?" (Otohime)

"Besides the person who has the details on how they know that there will be an assassination attempt within the next month or so, and how the assassination attempt will go, no I don't have any hard evidence on who is planning on killing you, but my bet is on the people who have an ingrained hatred towards humans and don't like what your trying to do."

"Hmmmm…. That's a bit difficult to pin point then, there are several groups that could possibly do this sort of thing." (Neptune)

"Do you know of there locations?"

"There are many groups though, but two of them would be the most likely ones to set this up, it's either the Sun Pirates, or the new group calling themselves the New Fish-Man Pirates, but there more of a lynch mob than anything, going around and taking out anyone who supports Otohimes ideals on human and merfolk coexistence."

"Hmmm then my money is on this lynch mob then, I worked with Tiger during the Mary Genoise incident 5 years ago, even though he's gone now I don't think they would do that, he specifically just didn't think that humans and merfolks should be together in harmony, but he never said that humans needed to be wiped off the face of the earth or anything like that, though he did hate humans still."

"But we still need evidence of some kind to take them and whoever the leader behind this mob is down." (Otohime)

"Even though they have been killing people so far you guys haven't taken them down yet?"

"It's not that we don't want too, it's that we don't know who is a true member of the mob as when we arrest people it's always people who either just joined or were too slow to escape, but all true members always get away before we get there…"

"Wait…. All the leaders or the higher ups somehow always get away?…. I want to ask something of you, there was a young protege of Arlongs during the Mary Genoise incident that Arlong brought along to show him personally the evils of humans or something like that, have you heard of this kid? His name is Hody Jones."

"Hody? Why yes but a few years ago I convinced him to turn over a new leaf and stop his human hating ways, he…. Joined the Neptune army…. Wait you don't think?" (Otohime)

"That he's the real leader of the lynch mob, and is telling his friends in advance before your army arrives so that they get away? There's a good chance it's him, but if you want me to be absolutely sure I can give you this to use on him as I pull out a special kind of den den mushi attached to a wrist watch, "This Black Den Den Mushi can intercept the calls between other den den Mushi's, question I have to ask, how often does this lynch mob do there thing?"

"At least once every other day it seems, there wasn't any yesterday so-" hearing that I instantly turn it on and not long later.

"Boss! We found us another sympathizer." (Daruma)

"Shhh! Be quiet idiot! Do you want people to hear you over this mushi? I may be in my own room but the walls are thin." (Hody)

I then look at them and ask, "Where is his room?"

Neptune slowly stands up and taps his spear loudly into the ground and two personal and trusted royal guards of the kingdom come in with one old sea horse looking gentleman coming in as well.

"Minister of the Right, Udai, reporting to your majesty's." He and his two royal guards that came with him bow towards the king and queen.

"Rise, it seems that a rat has found his way into our army and seems to be leading that Lynch Mob while giving away our patrol routes to them, and if what our friend here has said and I've come to believe, he and his cohorts were planning on trying to kill my wife through assassination and laying the blame on humans to ruin my wife's hard work."

"Who's the rat that has snuck in your majesty?" (Udai)

"The one called Hody Jones, he pretended to turn a new leaf but has been helping the lynch mob from behind the scenes and costing the lives of humans and Merfolks alike."

"We will take him in post haste." They say as they begin to leave.

"Wait, let me go with, I can get in undetected and keep his men stalled long enough for you to send the army after them and get them all in one go."

He just looks at his king who nods back at him, he nods back and motions me to follow with him.

While we're going to Hody's room the conversation keeps playing.

"…. Make sure to make it slow, these sympathizers don't deserve any mercy." (Hody)

"Sure thing boss." (Daruma)

"Where is it at?" (Hody)

"Between Mermaid Cove and Water Wheel Town, more towards the northeast side between those two areas." (Daruma)

"Alright there aren't any patrols that go near that area so me and my squad will go over there in an hour so you have all the time in the world to teach them a lesson."

Udai hearing this looks to one of his guardsmen, "Send a squad there right away, minimum of 100 men, I want them all caught! None of these bastards are getting away!" He says getting progressively more pissed as he welcomed Hody into the army with open arms and he dared to stab him and the kingdom in the back like this, even planning to assassinate the Queen, speaking of which….

"Boss how is the whole you know taking out the ring leader of these guys coming along?" (Daruma)

"Daruma, like I told you before we don't talk about that over the mushi…. But everything is going according to plan, just need to set up a few more things and it will be lights out for her." (Hody)

"Nice boss! Then we can really make a name for ourselves!" (Daruma)

"Mhm now I got to go, I got to do some stupid drills soon so that's why I'm giving you an hour to do whatever you want with them." After he says that the call ends.

Not that long later we reach his door, "Do we need to do it the quiet way now?" (Udai)

"No, he decided to say everything we needed to hear so it's time we take him in." As I say that i instantly kick his door down, not giving him anytime to react I do a flying roundhouse kick straight to his face with such force it send him through his wall knocking him out cold.

Udai and his other royal guard grabbed the unconscious Hody and tied him up before taking him off towards the throne room.

After we arrived they threw the unconscious Hody right in front of the king and queen, "Your majesty's we have found evidence from the traitors own mouth stating that he was planning to take out the leader of the 'sympathizers' personally and said the leader of the sympathizers was a she so we have come to the conclusion he was talking about you Queen Otohime." (Udai)

"….. I see… well luckily this plan was thwarted thanks to you Eagle, you not only have my thanks, but the thanks of my kingdom as well." She says before she bows her head towards me.

"It wasn't anything, someone just wanted me to do a job."

"Well I thank you none the less, and my husband thanks you as well, right honey?"

"Hmmm…. Thank you for protecting my wife Eagle, you will always be welcome in or kingdom….. now if only that Decken bastard would leave my daughter alone…"

"That 4 legged guy who says he's betrothed to your daughter?"

"Yes him, betrothed? He must be insane if I'm ever gonna let him have my daughter. Why have you met him before?"

"I was disguised as a FishMan so he didn't know who I really was and he wanted to steal my sea beast for himself, so I had to teach him a lesson by breaking a couple of his bones for pissing me off, if I wasn't trying to be low profile at the time I would have just killed him."

"Well if I could ask you a favor of you Eagle? I'm sure I can make it worth your while."

"Let me guess, you want me to go out there and get him right?"

"Yes, you see he keeps sending threatening marriage proposals to my 6 year old daughter and I don't want her to be scared all of her life….. we have her locked up in the tower right now for her protection from him and it seems from traitors like this welp here, take him to the deepest parts of the dungeon! I want him interrogated thoroughly…"

"Yes my lord!" Udai and the other Royal guard salute as they drag him away to the dungeons.

"As for getting Decken that will be easy…" I say as I snap my fingers and about 20 FishMan from the frontier appear around me.

"You lot! Go find this Decken Guy! He should still be in the area of where I attacked him last, take my Yuda and follow it, it will know where we fought him at, and bring him here got it?"

"OOOOOOO!!!!!!" They shout as they begin to run out of the palace and straight to the harbor.

"….. those are some rather unique looking FishMan…."

"Mhm there not very smart, but they can follow orders well enough, now we just got to wait, he is injured after all so it shouldn't be hard for them to do there job."



About 2 hours later.

The small squad of FishMan came back with a tied up Decken who seemed to be very beaten and bruised, I also realized that only 10 of the 20 came back and they seem to be injured as well.

I then grab the beaten up Decken and throw him to Udai who has come back from putting Hody away, while we were waiting they rounded up everyone that worked under Hody as well.

"Here you go, and you guys can go back and rest now." I say as I wave my hand over the 10 remaining FishMan before turning back to Neptune.

"Well seems that I finished both of my jobs, saved Otohime and brought you your daughters stalker."

"Oh how wonderful! I'm gonna tell Shirahoshi the good news!" Otohime says as she runs off to find her daughter.

"Udai, take him away, finally my daughter won't have to fear for her life anymore it seems, Eagle… you aren't as bad as the world government made you out to be." (Neptune)

"Oh I'm a very evil person, but specifically to Celestial Dragons, I'm usually nice to everyone else so long as they don't piss me off or target my family."

"Hmmm, maybe so but in the end you are the hero of our kingdom, if we weren't being protected by the WhiteBeard pirates I would be fine with having our lands under your banner."

"Well I think it's for the best you don't, the government hates me more than the rest of the other emperors of the sea because of what I did to them."

"Hmmm well in any case, if you require the help of the people of FishMan island or the help of my army or me and my family personally don't hesitate to ask, but I think you do deserve this." He says before snapping his fingers as two guards come in with a huge chest and place it before me.

"This is the Tamatebako, it's a national treasure of the Ryugu Kingdom, it specifically contains energy steroids that give you immense strength… but at the cost of aging you heavily if you over use them." He says opening them up to show me the contents as it was absolutely filled with energy steroids.

"….. I mean I appreciate the gift and I will take some, as I know a guy who could maybe change them so that there is no defects like heavily aging you or anything, but I'd prefer money, precious jewels, things like that…. Actually do you have a crystallized heart of an ancient sea emperor? I have been looking for that but I haven't the clue where to look."

"Hmmm the crystal heart of a sea emperor… isn't that something that can be found in sea kings that have lived over 1000 years and that's why they're called sea emperors when they reach that age?"

"Yeah those ones, do you think you have one in your treasury?"

"Possibly…. I'll send my men to check for it, it's not useful to us anyway if we do have it, it's more for decoration than anything else." He says as he motions his men to take the Tamatebako back while they go check on to see if they have the crystal heart.

But as we wait both Otohime and her daughter Shirahoshi return to the throne room with both of them happy about the whole situation.

"I'm just so happy my daughter doesn't need to worry about that stalker anymore, isn't that great Hoshi?" (Otohime)

"Of course I'm happy Momma! Now I don't need to hide away anymore! Thank you mister! And thank you for protecting my Momma." She says while looking at me and bowing her head.

I just smile as I pull off my mask, not wearing any face that anyone has seen before, but the face that I plan to make the true face of Blood Eagle, I decided to base this face off the original Vargas's Father, Avant, from the Frontier, adding a bit of flare by making my face a bit more weathered and rugged with a dark red five o'clock shadow with shaggy dark red hair going down to my shoulders with dark red irises to go with the complete look.

Not a one for one copy but a more younger looking version of him none the less.

"Your welcome little girl, I just hope you can live a better life now with my help is all I could say."

Shortly after saying that the guards came back with the sea emperors crystal and handed it off to me.

"Well Neptune, Otohime and little Shirahoshi I think it's time I left because my job here is done."

"I see… we'll I thank you for what you have done for my family this day Eagle, may your journey be a safe one." (Neptune)

"Thank you for all you have done for me and my family Eagle." (Otohime)

"Bye bye mister Eagle!" Shirahoshi waves at me as I begin to make my way out of the palace.

I just smile and wave back before putting my mask back on and slowly disappearing out of sight, not long later I came back to the docks hopped onto my Yuda and began the Journey back home.

Optional Quest: Save Otohime, Complete!

As a heads up I’m most likely not gonna post a chapter on Christmas Day, if I have time maybe? But most likely I won’t have time to upload a chapter then, also next chapter is the end of this volume and we will begin the next volume after doing another time jump, though it still isn’t at the start of when the main series has started yet.

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