
Omniverse task completer

Main character is character who discovered the contract of primordial chaos, and signed it, leading to journey across the world.

Genesis_writer · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 2 (First task: The Shinobi realm of Naruto)

As the genesis was living his life normally while being bored, he thought to himself` that, " i thought after signing the contract of the omniverse, i would have to go other world from time to time, seeing all the things. but now it's three to four days from when i signed the contract. When is it going to be my first task."

Just as genesis was thinking of this, a blue screen appeared in front of me.

First Task: "Resurgence of the Uchiha"

World of Task: The Shinobi Realm

Description: The Seeker, as the twin brother of Sasuke Uchiha, is transported to the Shinobi Realm, a world of ninjas and elemental powers. In this alternate reality, the Uchiha Clan faces imminent peril, and it is the Seeker's mission to save and restore their honor and prosperity.

Task: The Seeker's objective is to prevent the downfall of the Uchiha Clan and ensure their survival. The Seeker must navigate political intrigue, engage in battles, and harness their unique abilities to change the course of events that lead to the clan's demise. Seeker must change the world of shinobi for good starting form the konoha village itself. Help the naruto in his life. Seeker can complete the task in any way he want but should not move on the bad ways.


Unravel the Conspiracy: The Seeker must delve into the depths of the Leaf Village, seeking out the truth behind the Uchiha Clan's perceived treachery. They must gather evidence and uncover the plot designed to sow discord within the clan, ultimately revealing the mastermind orchestrating their downfall.

Forge Alliances: To stand a chance against the opposing forces, the Seeker must forge alliances with influential figures within the Shinobi Realm. This involves gaining the trust and support of other clans, persuading key individuals, and demonstrating diplomatic prowess in navigating the complex web of loyalties and rivalries.

Master the Sharingan: To unlock the full potential of their Uchiha heritage, the Seeker must train and develop their Sharingan abilities. They must seek out renowned masters of the Sharingan and engage in rigorous combat training and spiritual growth to reach new levels of power.

Penalties for Failure: Failure to complete the task within the given timeframe or inability to alter the course of events will result in the following penalties:

Loss of Support: If the Seeker fails to gather the necessary evidence or convince key individuals to support their cause, the support of potential allies may be lost. This will make it increasingly difficult to change the Uchiha Clan's fate.

Clan Disintegration: If the Seeker is unable to uncover and expose the conspiracy, the Uchiha Clan may face internal strife and disintegration. The consequences of this may be irreversible, leading to the loss of the clan's unity and potential annihilation.

Emotional Isolation: Continued failure or repeated abandonment of the task may result in emotional isolation for the Seeker. They may witness the tragic events unfold but be unable to intervene, burdened with the knowledge that they were unable to save their own clan.

It is of utmost importance for the Seeker to navigate the Shinobi Realm with determination, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of the Uchiha Clan's strengths and weaknesses. Success in this task will not only save the Uchiha Clan but also shape their own destiny and the fate of the Shinobi Realm itself.

Support ( The seeker will receive a help for completing the task ): As it is impossible for a normal individual to complete this task in the other world, so to help you with task, or giving the possibilities for completing the task. This support will be a sign in system but to receive the rewards, seeker have complete some pre-determined conditions, and unique incidents.

But for gaining the additional powers seeker have to solve the problems in the shinobi world.

To pick the the task: Confirm

Do you want to confirm:

Yes or no.

As the twin brother of Sasuke Uchiha, the main character's heart raced with anticipation and excitement upon accepting the first task of the Contract with the Omniverse. Their mind buzzed with countless possibilities and the weight of responsibility that now rested upon their shoulders. The chance to rewrite the fate of the Uchiha Clan, a beloved element of the Naruto anime, ignited a fire within their being.

With eyes gleaming with determination, the main character delved into the depths of the Shinobi Realm, a world they had previously only experienced through the captivating episodes of Naruto. Now, it was their turn to step into this realm and become an active participant in its tapestry of events.

The main character's first mission was clear: unravel the conspiracy that had tainted the reputation of the Uchiha Clan. The anticipation of unmasking the culprits, collecting evidence, and piecing together the puzzle fueled their every step. They immersed themselves in the shadows of the Leaf Village, seeking clues, engaging in clandestine conversations, and observing the subtle interactions that hinted at deeper truths.

Throughout their investigations, the main character encountered various individuals, each with their own agendas and loyalties. The task demanded their skill in diplomacy and persuasion as they sought to forge alliances with other influential clans. They navigated the complex web of alliances, using their natural charm and unwavering determination to garner support.

As the main character progressed, their inherent Uchiha lineage became a source of both strength and curiosity. They sought out the wisdom of experienced Sharingan masters, training diligently to awaken and harness the power within their eyes. Each step brought them closer to the mastery of the Sharingan, unlocking new techniques and expanding their combat prowess.

Amidst their trials, the main character's mind often drifted to their twin brother, Sasuke Uchiha. They held onto a glimmer of hope that their actions in the Shinobi Realm could, in some way, mend the fractured bond between them. The desire to save their clan and reconcile with their sibling fueled their resolve, propelling them forward even in the face of adversity.

Through each thrilling encounter, the main character found strength in the belief that their actions could alter destiny. The prospect of saving the Uchiha Clan from destruction and redeeming their name filled them with a sense of purpose rarely experienced before.

While the challenges ahead were daunting and the penalties for failure were significant, the main character accepted them as necessary sacrifices. They would not falter in their quest, driven by a fervent desire to rewrite the tale of the Uchiha Clan and carve a new path for themselves in the annals of the Shinobi Realm.

And so, with a heart full of determination, the main character embarked on their journey, guided by the omniversal contract and fueled by the unwavering belief that their actions could reshape their world and bring salvation to the Uchiha Clan.

When genesis completed thinking about his journey in the Shinobi world, he was trembling with excitement. then he immediately confirmed for the task.