

JoshTheWriter · SF
11 Chs

The War Begins

Two Years Later

Our faction has progressed so much, I've grown to nineteen. Storm is now eighteen, and Diane is nineteen as well. From my standpoint the three of us have grown as individuals and as a trio, we've gotten so much closer. Not only as partners in the fight for a better world but as friends. Our main building was now a massive castle that towered over all of the village houses, the base wall is made of solid stone and wraps completely around the village and the main castle. Just outside the village walls was where all of the crops and farm animals were kept, the village number had grown from mere hundred to five hundred strong.

It was the day I had dreamed of two years ago, we were finally ready to fight back. We were launching our attack tomorrow night, after Mason's reconnaissance work we found out where they had their basecamp. We were dispatching one hundred of our strongest soldiers and the four commanders, Me, Diane, Storm and Jason. Their numbers are roughly the size of our whole faction, but our three other commanders are worth ten more people, while I am worth nearly twenty. And I plan to prove it soon. I smiled as i marveled at what we'd done together. Our progress had finally come to fruition, I was staring at a large map of the enemy encampment when Storm rushed in.

"Jason, all of the preparations are complete, and we're ready to attack now." She said, her voice happy.

"That's good, have the selected men stand ready, we still attack tomorrow night." I said.

"Yes sir!" She said, she turned and walked away.

She has grown a lot, mentally and physically. From those kids that we were when we started this faction, we were now experienced fighters and trained for what was coming. Storm has grown into a lady, her body and mind progressing through the years. Her fighting skill was tremendously better than what it was, her people skills are better too. She is the commander of the infantry, her training methods have whipped the troops into lethal fighting machines. Her mind and body have both been trained to fight, her body was riddled with scars and fighting marks. As she left Diane walked in,

"Sir, all the medical herbs and remedies have been prepared for when we return from the fight." She said, her eyes sparkling.

"Good, bring the ten best medical men." I said,

"Yes sir!" She said, her voice happy.

As she turned to walk away I noticed a flash of fear in her eyes, "What's wrong?" I asked.

She paused, slowly turning around. I really noticed how red her eyes are. She hesitated before speaking, and even then she could barely get the words out.

"Umm.. I have something to tell you.." She said,

"Ok? Spill it out then." I said, concerned.

"Before we go off to fight.. I just wanted to tell you… i.. Umm.." She tried to speak, but she hesitated.

I just stood there waiting, watching her face get redder and redder.

"I just wanted to tell you that... " Her voice dropped to a whisper "I've had feelings for you ever since the day we met.." She said,

I feared this would happen, I knew this would happen. It had been dwelling in my mind for months now, I had predicted the storm had feelings for me but I guess it was Diane instead. I lowered my head, I had feelings for both of them. I knew I did, I had been denying it for a long time. I rapidly began thinking of a way to tell her, but if I started something now I might get distracted. At that thought I knew what had to be done, I lowered my head even more.

"I'm sorry to tell you but I just don't feel the same way." I said, sadness welling up in my eyes.