
The First Battle

As we marched to the enemy encampment no one said a word, but the smell of vengeance was heavy in the air. The thought of revenge was lingering in everyone's minds, revenge for a loved one, a family member, those thoughts lingered in hung over us all like a blanket. But me, i was happy, i knew who i was fighting. The Leader, the man who attacked my father and killed both my parents. I couldn't wait to get my hands on him, he was the power holder in their army and I was going to take it from him. I looked straight ahead, the sun was creeping up the sky, we had arrived. I looked down and at the bottom of a large hill stood a large encampment, the flag flying out front was definitely theirs. I turned to my troops and yelled,

"Here we are men! The day of vengeance is finally upon us! The downfall of The Duty Of The Sword begins… NOW!!" I turned and advanced toward the encampment, my troops at my heels.

The guards that stood watch were half asleep, they didn't even notice us until we were right on top of them. I scaled the wall with one jump, crashing into the middle of their base with a loud boom.

I looked around and saw the enemy began to stumble around for means of fighting back, my troops were pouring in from every angle. A cruel smile crept up my face, I began to laugh hysterically, thoughts of death and bloodlust creeping into my mind.

"We are the Crimson Visionaries!! We are the faction that will bring the world to its knees and reform the world where there are no fighting factions! We will reform the world under one flag! OURS!!" I cried. Which was meant by a massive battle cry from my troops around me.

"Artifact holder! COME AND GET ME!" I screamed.

Within moments I was face to face with the man who killed my father and slaughtered my mother. Our eyes locked, I could see the rage and bloodlust bleeding into his eyes, the cruel thirst for blood overflowing from him. Our eyes didn't move from one another, I could hear the sounds of battle getting quieter around me, I could feel his enormous amount of power. In a flash we were within arm's distance of each other, the two of us dashing forward to meet the other. We began rapidly exchanging blows, none of which connected, the power of his blows began to slowly increase.

"So that's what this artifact does.. It slowly increases the user's attack power.. He wants a battle of attrition more than…" I thought to myself.

I knew I couldn't last in a battle of attrition, so I had to find a way to end this quickly, which I knew was easier said than done. As we rapidly kept exchanging blows I began to analyze his attack patterns and power standing. I couldn't believe his sporadic attack patterns, a left hook, right leg strike, and vice versa. I couldn't believe his power, his form for each strike was flawless, his speed was nearly as fast as my own. As we exchanged fists I could still feel his power growing, I flipped away from his outstretched fist and as I was in mid-air I managed to land a heel strike on his chin, causing him to stumble back. In that split second opening I managed to land a strike to the man's exposed ribcage. I only grazed him but he still showed signs of pain, leaping away and his face turned into a cruel smile.

"Your father only managed to do just about that much to me before I killed his sorry ass." The man said.

His words seeping into my soul, the dying memories of my father beginning to replay in my mind.

"Say one more word about him and I'll kill you." I said, my voice an icy calm.