
The First Opponent

As Storm and I stood there, my words echoed in the silent midday air, her mouth curled up in a smile.

"No matter what happens I'll stand right by your side." she said, her face growing slightly red.

"And I will too." A soft voice said.

I turned to find Diane standing right behind me, "Oh it's only you." I said.

"I appreciate it, both of you, our fight is going to need your strengths." I said. After some time of the three of us just standing there I decided something.

"Listen up you two, I know who the first faction to fight is going to be." I said, after a brief moment of pause I continued.

"It's going to be The Duty Of The Sword." I said.

As I finished, cruel smiles began to curl up on their faces. They looked at me with rage and determination in their eyes.

"Does that sound good to you two?" I asked.

They nodded instantly, "We need to grow our group first," Storm said.

I nodded, "We should build up our valuables, our reputation and our strength." I continued.

"So here's what i think.." I said, I began to explain my plan rapidly. I told them we'd gain the support of the victims of the factions war, we'd grow our strength and our infrastructure. We start by labeling our basecamp and making a boundary of territory we can defend, then we do good things to gain support and as we did that we'd grow our strength and become a real faction. And however long it takes, once we were done with that we'd attack The Duty Of The Sword and wipe them out.