
Not My Ally, Not My Enemy, Just My Lover

What is the result of blossoming love between two sworn enemies?

LuciaNikiforov56 · 若者
2 Chs


The whole car ride was silent except when Daffodil questioned the driver on location and time taken to reach the rendezvous point.The driver, a young guy with a slight tan, baby blue eyes that sparkled with mischief, lush chestnut brown curls that covered most of his forehead, dressed in a black hoodie turned back to face Daffodil and smiled ,"We're almost there.The rendezvous point is in affiliate 16's building, more precisely its helipad.A chopper will take you to the Main House.You do have your ID on you, right?" he asked while raising a brow."Yes, I have.You needn't worry about it, Lilac." she replied sternly."Alright,was just making sure.There we are." he exclaimed just as the sedan pulled outside a lavish skyscraper which looked as if only the most rich people were allowed to its glass windows gave view as to what was going on inside while it's metal exterior shimmered in the pale Daffodil opened the door and stuck her leg out."When are you coming back?" "In a day or two, I still have some errands to run."he replied while rummaging through the compartment."Alright, thanks Lilac."She got out, grabbed her gear bag from the trunk and closed it.She started walking towards the building but stopped as Lilac called out,"Take this." "Oh, what's this?"she said,while walking towards the driver's window."A hoodie, it's cold outside.I couldn't find it while you were still in the car."he winked."Right, it's not yours, is it?"she asked while making a face."No."he deadpanned."Alright, thanks."She set her gear bag on the ground and put on the hoodie."Always a pleasure, Daffodil.Bye." "Bye, Lilac."She adjusted the strap on her shoulder and walked into the building.The skyscraper had an ostentatiously decorated lobby with the reception to the Daffodil showed her ID to the receptionist and walked towards the elevator.She slid in and punched the button to the rooftop of the building.The building encompassed a pharmaceutical company and hence was active around the clock.The elevator dinged and the doors slid open to reveal a slightly plump girl with coppery red hair in space buns and forest green eyes, facing sideways talking to someone.She looked in the direction of the elevator and smiled."Daffodil.Just in time.Your extraction is ready.We'll be off once you board the chopper.It's equipped with two machine guns and a glocker in the compartment under your seat." "Hmm, thanks Lily."Daffodil replied, while walking to the chopper.The vehicle in question had a sleek black body and black stained windshield and windows on the Daffodil took her gear bag,threw it in and climbed the boarding step to enter the cabin.Lily boarded the cockpit with the pilot a young guy with a slight build, salt pepper hair slicked back, chartreuse eyes."I'll be your pilot for tonight."Shadow of a smile lingered on Daffodil's face."I know.It's always you,Iris."The whole rooftop was covered in an orangish glow due to those orange halogen lamps.In a matter of seconds, the chopper took to the skies.It was flying in a southeast direction.High in the sky,a beautiful cityscape was seen,lights shimmering.Soon enough, the city was left behind and the chopper was flying speedily over the ocean.The city lights became little dots in the dark and the moon bathed the whole water body in a pale, silver glow.The night sky was breathtaking as a thousand stars glittered in the black void.After a while, a large island appeared in Daffodil's line of vision.Taking over the intercom, Lily spoke,"Now arriving, the Main House."The island housed a mega mansion with greenery spread around the building.Lights shone out of the windows and it's exterior,which was egg shell white became more pronounced as well as the island itself shone silver in the pale moonlight.The chopper moved towards the helipad which was built a little further then the island and was connected to it via a concrete road.After landing, Daffodil took her gear bag,slid the door and jumped out.A white SUV was parked for her, Lily and Iris to drive them to the estate.In a few minutes,the mansion came into view.After stopping by the iron gates that guarded the entrance of the mansion, Daffodil cracked the door open and stood out just as a butler came towards her and took her gear bag.He greeted the trio with a bow and addressed Daffodil,"Welcome back Young Mistress,Melody Stone."And led the trio to the mansion.


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