
Not My Ally, Not My Enemy, Just My Lover

What is the result of blossoming love between two sworn enemies?

LuciaNikiforov56 · Teen
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2 Chs


The stale smell of disinfectant wafted through the air of the now-closed museum. Under the occasional lights of museum displays'in the hallway a silhouette could be seen walking, its features shining when light fell on it. A gentle thud being produced due to the movement of heavy combat boots against the marble floor. The figure's raven black hair tied up in a pony tail and her wine red eyes darting from left to right in order to note any dangers. The figure was silent so as to not alert any security guards. The figure dressed in a black skin-tight ensemble seemed to glide through the hallway so very quietly as if this mannerism was ingrained in every fibre of her being, this was true though, she has been in this field since her birth. She quickly made her way through the hallways making appropriate turns and stops as if she had learnt the map by heart. Her team had been preparing for this mission for the past year doing extensive map readings, watching security footages, gathering different documents, pictures, videos and studying the behaviour of the staff of the museum and so on. And now the hardwork was about to pay off. Making a right turn the figure came eye to eye with a massive and precious blue diamond that shone colours of the rainbow under the pale light. The figure's wine red eyes gleamed with delight and anticipation."Pansy,this is Daffodil. Target reached, requesting for confirmation."The figure spoke lowly in mic attached to the earpiece. A slightly disheveled voice came on line immediately."Roger that Daffodil! Target confirmed." Daffodil smiled, her tools at the ready. Her analyst that had been on line with her was kind enough to deactivate alarms and toggle CCTVs. Taking her glass cutter out of the gear bag, she started cutting the glass case around the diamond. After a circle was cut, Daffodil's gloved hands reached out to grasp the diamond, immediately replacing it with a ceramic ball adourned with the symbol of her mafia. "Item attained. Requesting immediate extraction, Pansy." "Extraction confirmed. Move to the rendezvous point, Daffodil." Her wine red eyes contrasting with her porcelain skin, she made fast, practiced moves to gather her equipment and hitched her gear bag over her shoulder. Moving quickly and carefully, she made her way to the back of the museum. Just in time too, as a nondescript black sedan pulled around the corner and stopped. It's hazard lights went on and off twice before going out completely. Recognizing the signal, Daffodil jogged to the vehicle. She opened its door, threw her gear bag in which had the diamond and slid in the passenger seat behind the driver and swung the door shut. Face set, voice commanding, she spoke," Drive." The engine started and the car took off into the darkness.


Hiya everyone 😃!

Thanks for choosing this book and giving it a chance. This is my first time writing and please do share your thoughts in the comments.

Happy Reading 😌!