
Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts

Nico goes to Hogwarts because Hecate and Hades asked him to help Harry Potter to destroy Voldemort. He finds many familiar faces along the way as well as some friends and enemies . How will the Ghost king endure this quest? PS: I promise not to abandon this story I will complete it and I post every four days. DISCLAIMER: I do not on the Harry Potter Universe nor I do the Percy Jackson Universe.

DiAngelo6002 · 書籍·文学
21 Chs

Horcruxes and Meeting a Psycho

Nico did not know why he was there. He did not know how he got there or how that door had magically appeared. He only knew that something had pulled him there. He was on the seventh floor in front of a wooden door compelling him to open it.

He sensed a soul. Wait, no. It wasn't a soul. More like a fragment of a soul. A Horcrux. It was inside past the door, he only had to open it. It was way past curfew and the Italian was only in his grey sweatpants with a T-shirt a size too big that was Will's.

Nearing the door he felt the pull to the object stronger calling him to destroy it and bring peace to the fragment of the soul. In a somewhat dazed state, he opened the door and was met with all types of random objects. Bookcases filled to the brim, closets, odd mirrors, papers, brooms, and the overwhelming smell of dust; like it had been accumulating for years.

His feet didn't follow his mind and a second later he had a diadem in his hand. It wasn't scandalous or as bright and expensive as some he had seen resting in the heads of some Olympus goddesses. Honestly, it was quite modest adorned by simple and intricate silver patterns with a raven on top, and a small blue jewel glistening in the little light that the room held.

However, it was far from simple. He could feel the wisp of a soul inside screaming at him to let it free. So he did. He twisted his ring and it transformed into his Stygian Iron sword. He took it and swung it easily down to the diadem which he had put on the floor. Once the tip of the sword made contact with the Horcrux the effect was immediate. A translucent black fog was released from the object as the diadem laid stiff on the floor. Just a lifeless object with no more soul to haunt it.


"Hey, where did you go last night?" Harry asked him in a whisper. They were walking in a group to Divination, which Nico will be attending for the first time since he dropped Arithmancy and exchanged it for this one.

"Nowhere, just trained a bit in the forest," Nico lied. "Don't worry."

"Where did you go last night?" Will asked him more forcefully in ancient greek.

"I killed a fragment of the soul of the snake guy so the boy-who-just-won't-die can save the whole wizarding race," Nico replied with a shrug like it was no big deal.

"That sounded strangely hot," Will murmured in a quiet voice thinking that no one could hear him. The Italian's lips quirked up in a smirk.

"Did it, amore?" Nico said in a seductive voice.

"Ugh, you two should just get a room!" Drew sneered. "Before it was sweet now it's just disgusting."

"Sorry did you want to participate in this? Having a third party is always exciting." Nico said slyly, knowing it would make the girl uncomfortable.

"Oh my god. Shut up!" Drew exclaimed astonishingly making a few people look their way. "You are gross!"

"Your blush says otherwise, darling," Draco said while passing by in a heavy British accent mockingly.

"You guys are the worst," she yelled while trying to calm down her blush.

Harry and Ron looked at Malfoy with a glare but did not make any comments knowing that strangely the "ferret" was friends with the other teens.

"We have arrived," Harry said announcing. The group stopped at a stairwell.

"We have to walk those stairs?" Drew said with a pointed look. Will and Nico looked down at the girl's shoes. They were stilettos which matched perfectly with her uniform but did not look at all appropriate to endure the Divination Stairwell. "Nico, could you?" she asked with a pout.

Nico already knew what she was asking. She pouted and batted her eyelashes and with a final grunt, he nodded. Drew squealed and motioned him to turn around. Nico passed his bag to Will who threw him a pitying glance. He lowered himself a bit and felt the girl give a small jump and wrap her neck around his neck, piggyback style.

"You so owe me for this," Nico scowled while she pecked his cheek in a friendly manner. He and the rest went up the stairwell and after a few minutes which seemed like hours, they arrived at an eerie door. Harry opened it and they trailed behind. Once inside he dropped the girl and she landed gracefully.

She wasn't actually supposed to be in classes but she and a few other students persuaded their headmistress to let them go to "see how were the American ways of learning." Nico, Will, and Drew sat at a table while Harry, Ron, and Neville were seated at another one since they were divided into trios.

A disheveled teacher with bushy hair and glasses too big for her head entered the class. Nico would like to think he had a good fashion sense more or less. Even if he wore black most of the time he wore a few accessories like a brown messenger bag or a different color sweater to look a bit stylish and not too emo like his weird 13-year-old-phase.

However, the woman in front of him was a splash of color, and not in a good way like some of Luna's outfits. Not at all. About everything she wore was colorful and had patterns that did not go with one another plus a weird infinity scarf that did not match the rest of her attire. He actually felt Drew let out a horrified sigh and a shiver.

"It seems we have new students!" Professor Trelawney said excitedly. "You know what that means students? New deaths to predict!"

Ok, what the actual... What was Nico doing here again?