
Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts

Nico goes to Hogwarts because Hecate and Hades asked him to help Harry Potter to destroy Voldemort. He finds many familiar faces along the way as well as some friends and enemies . How will the Ghost king endure this quest? PS: I promise not to abandon this story I will complete it and I post every four days. DISCLAIMER: I do not on the Harry Potter Universe nor I do the Percy Jackson Universe.

DiAngelo6002 · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

"Do You Have A Death Wish?"

"I can't believe he's doing this!" Harry exclaimed. After Dumbledore's little speech the group all went to the Gryffindor common room.

"I mean he's the headmaster he can do whatever he pleases," Ron said beside Hermione and she threw him a deadly glare. He gulped audibly, "B-But you are totally r-right! How dare he?"

"Umm... sorry but what exactly is this tournament?" Nico said with a clearly confused expression.

"It this challenge where three schools face off in deadly events to show which one is better. A student from each school is chosen by this magical goblet. But it was done long ago and brought back last year. A kid died, his name was Cedric Diggory." Hermione explained.

Will looked if anything more confused than Nico was. "A magic cup decides what child should risk his life to show which school is better?!" The son of Apollo said in an outraged voice.

Ron merely shrugged as if saying 'Is there something wrong with that?' Nico and his boyfriend exchanged incredulous glances.

"I'm gonna put my name in the goblet." Harry murmured but loud enough that all of them heard.

"WHAT?!" Ron and Hermione yelled.

"I have to do it I can't let another casualty like Cedric happen again," he replied. "It's the only way plus I'm of older now I can enter without having much trouble."

"You are not entering," Nico seethed. He couldn't protect this kid if he threw himself at every sign that screamed trouble. "Do you have a death wish?"

"I won last time. I can do it again."

They all stayed silent. Ron and Hermione were speechless knowing that they would waste their breath trying to convince him. Will stayed silent knowing that his boyfriend was already forming a plan to keep Harry out of that tournament. And Nico stayed silent knowing the only way Harry will not enter the tournament is if another person more powerful and worthier to face the challenges than he entered the tournament.


The morning after the goblet had been placed at the center of the Great Hall. Without hesitation, Harry wrote down his name on a piece of paper entered the circle, and dropped it into the fire that the cup kept aflame.


Later that night a dark shadow got out of the Gryffindor room and walked into the Great Hall putting a piece of paper with his name on it inside the goblet.


It was the end of the week and most of the Hogwarts student body was outside eagerly awaiting the arrival of the other two schools. They had been informed that the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang Institute will be the participants of the tournament once again. Nico thought that whoever had agreed to let their students participate in the same deadly challenges that they faced last year resulting in the death of on the children was obviously demented.

The white pegasus came galloping down dragging various big carriages behind it while at the same time a boat emerged from the water showing off its big red and green flags which were the school's logo so demanding as if proclaiming that no one other than them was to near the boat.

Once the Beauxbatons students got out he recognized a few of them. They were Aphrodite's children and you could see this even if you hadn't watched them at camp. They held their heads high, their perfectly manicured hands rested at their side in a regal posture and they checked their reflection every 30 seconds fixing their head whenever they could feel the slightest breeze.

"I wonder if Krum is coming," Harry wondered.

"He isn't. He graduated early." Hermione replied. Nico had heard about this Krum from her a few times. He was her friend and when Nico asked if anything romantic was happening between them she let out a loud laugh throwing her head backward and saying that he couldn't be gayer than he already was. Additionally, he had told her that she was already on a relationship anyways. Nico had raised his eyebrows at this but didn't want to be nosy and ask for more details.

"We are very pleased to have you here!" Dumbledore said in a cheerful voice. The Dumstrang headmaster had changed and was now a man with crooked glasses and a smile that kind of made him look like a madman in Nico's opinion. After the greeting between the two headmasters and the headmistress, they all entered the Great Hall.

The Beuxabotons were kind of all over the place while the Dumstrangs settled for sitting with the Slytherins. Nico could see from the corner of his eye one of Draco's friends, he thought her name was Pansy, flirting shamelessly with a Dumstrang student but he seemed to pay no mind to her. Instead, he looked beside her to another student this one he was sure was named Zabini since he had been called by McGonagall a couple of times for his behavior. Zabini noticed he caught the attention of the Dumstrangs student and winked at him, at this, the Russian blushed and smiled brightly. Nico couldn't help the amused smile creeping onto his face, 'I would love to see how this plays out,' he thought.

Over that dinner, all of the students from the other schools that wished to form a part of the tournament put their names in the goblet. The results were to be announced the next morning.


"Good morning everyone!" Dumbledore said successfully silenced the room using a spell to amplify his voice's volume. "I will now be announcing the results for who will be the participants for the Triwizard Tournament!"

The headmaster neared the goblet and its flames roared expelling from it a piece of paper which edges were partly burnt. "I have a bad feeling about this," Hermione whispered to Nico. He nodded agreeing with her. This whole scenario seemed wrong to him, to send teens to fight it out to see what? Which school is better? Risking their lives to show that they are the best? It was inhuman.

"For Durmstrang, Dmitri Petrova!" The headmaster announced. The whole Dumstrangs student body cheered and whistled as a muscly boy with brown hair and blue eyes stood up and walked grinning to take a place beside Dumbledore. "For Beuxabotons, Drew Tanaka!" The school clapped politely as they feared her more than liked her. Nico knew who she was. They had met a couple of times and the girl was much more warmer than people thought. Even if she was rude to Piper and many others she had improved greatly and had even told Nico about how she was trans and her parents kicked her out. She attended a school in Brooklyn through a scholarship and Chiron was legally her guardian which is how she managed to go since her dad kicked her out when she was young. "And for Hogwarts, Nico di Angelo!"

He saw the shocked faces of the Golden Trio at hearing his name, not knowing that he had put his name in the goblet. Hermione was the first that shook herself out of this trance and smiled encouragingly at Nico while clapping along with the rest of the school. He stood up and accompanied the two other champions at the front. Drew was surprised at seeing him and instantly hugged him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Nominating myself to stupid competitions which I'm sure should not be legal," Nico said in one breath trowing her a look. "You?"

"Same," Drew replied. "Wanna risk our lives for the dumb tournament together?"

"Hell yeah."