
Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts

Nico goes to Hogwarts because Hecate and Hades asked him to help Harry Potter to destroy Voldemort. He finds many familiar faces along the way as well as some friends and enemies . How will the Ghost king endure this quest? PS: I promise not to abandon this story I will complete it and I post every four days. DISCLAIMER: I do not on the Harry Potter Universe nor I do the Percy Jackson Universe.

DiAngelo6002 · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Triwizard Tournament, First Challenge (Greek Monsters)

"So today is the first challenge you ready?" Drew asked him in a confident tone but he could detect the nervous glint in her eyes and how her ADHD was going crazy tapping her fingers against her leg.

"I still don't get how it is legal for wizards to endanger minors' lives especially since one of them died last time!" Nico replied in a disbelieving manner. "But yeah I'm ready. I expect that it won't be as difficult as living the life of a demigod."

She let out a chuckle and they heard footsteps behind them. The Dumstrang champion ran and joined their side "Hey!" he said cheerfully and extended his hand. "I'm Dmitri Petrova."

Nico shook his hand and noticed that he didn't have a Russian accent like most of his friends. Drew nodded at him and her eyes sparked by recognizing him. "You're the other champion right?"

"Yes," he agreed. "Can I accompany you to the Quidditch pitch?"

Both of them shrugged not really caring and maintained a friendly conversation with the Dumstrang student. The trio went to the Quidditch and entered the tent which they had been informed to go to when they were having breakfast. Nico noticed that the normal Quidditch goals and such were not there but instead it just looked like a green normal terrain.

Once they entered they were met with the two headmasters and the headmistress. "For this challenge, we decided that vous will have to greek monstres," the Madame Maxime said in a heavy french accent. The pair of demigods immediately tensed while the other champion just had a confused look.

"Of course, these are not real monsters," the Dumstrang headmaster said with an American accent which surprised Nico.

"They have been charmed to look, act and have the same weaknesses as those in greek mythology by myself," Dumbledore said with a glint of excitement in his eye which made Nico shiver uncomfortable that a person was actually eager at seeing kids fight a magical creature for a competition.

"For this to be juste Mr. Barty Crouch already decided the créatures that you will face," Madame Maxime said.

"Well, the first fight will be Mr. Dmitri Petrova facing a fury!" A voice said outside of the tent which Nico supposed was the announcer. The Russian kid paled but gave a nod to his headmaster and headed out without hesitation.

Nico and Drew peeked their heads out of the tent and watched as a grotesque woman-like creature with bat-like wings attacked the student.

At first, Nico and Drew thought that he would die seeing as it was going at an alarming speed nearing Dmitri, however, at the last second, he summoned a brick wall between him and the monster causing it to smack painfully against the wall. The Russian took his wand and threw fireballs to the Fury after it got out of its daze but it didn't matter because it deflected and moved with lighting fast reflexes. Finally, Dmitri created a gigantic ball the size of the Fury and sent it at a very high speed not giving the monster time to react and they all watched at it was burnt to a crisp leaving only ashes behind.

Nico and Drew winced when instantly after it was defeated Dmitri fainted while some healers approached him to pick him up.

The announcer said, "Ok Mr. Dmitri Petrova had a time of 37 minutes! Let's give him a round of applause!" The whole Durmstrang audience stood up and cheered for him. "For the second fight, the school of Beauxbatons presents Miss Drew Tanaka going up against an empousa!"

Drew entered the pitch and saw a young beautiful woman with wavy brown hair in curls, violet eyes, and smooth skin. But when a second later her eyes glowed abnormally, her hair was in flames, it grew fangs and one prosthetic celestial bronze leg and one donkey leg with wings in her back. Its appearance was hideous and misshapen.

However, Drew had her fair share of dealing with them. She took out two daggers from both of her high heeled boots, which Nico had no idea how she fought with them and attacked the empousa with no fear on her face. She had a concentrated look in her eyes and annoyance as if the creature was an irritating little girl rather than a terrifying monster. In a mere span of 20 minutes, she got rid of it and blew the two strands in front of her eyes out of her face that was too short to be kept in the ponytail.

She wasn't even sweating that much and she wasn't panting either just had painted on a bored expression. The audience gaped with their jaws open. "Congratulations, Miss Drew Tanaka! She takes the lead with 20 minutes!" Getting out of their astonishment, that the girl hadn't even used spells at all, the Beauxbatons students clapped happily that they were with the advantage.

"As our final champion, Mr. Nico di Angelo from Hogwarts! Facing a Hydra!" The announcer said with an ounce of horror in their voice, and Nico knew why. The other monsters were practically the Easter Bunny compared to a Hydra. The creature was gigantic towering over Nico impressively, hell it could tower over a small house too. Nico twisted his ring without hesitation knowing that right now a spell wouldn't be so much use to him since they were slow and the Hydra could deflect it and cut off one of its heads making them multiply. If the pitch wasn't so low and the stands weren't so high all of them would be in danger.

Without hesitation, the Italian charged and tried to position himself to aim at its scale-covered chest. The monster spewed acid from its mouth trying to hit him but he moved in zig-zag to avoid it and make himself a more difficult target. Once he got close enough the heads of the monster he shadowed traveled behind it confusing the creature. He used these seconds of distractions to stab it in the back and its body slumped to the ground. Since it wasn't an original greek monster but a charm he took out his wand and whispered "Evanesco."

The scaly monster disappeared into thin air and the students and most of the staff had a disbelieving look as they processed what they had just witnessed.

"So, Mr. Nico Di Angelo wins this tournament by having a time of 15 minutes!" The announcer said excitedly. "That is all for today! And congratulations Mr. Di Angelo!"


(In Dumbeldore's Office)

"Albus that was way out of line!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed.

"Minerva is right." Snape sighed. "Even if he's a demigod he's still a kid. You can't do that!"

"Oh come on!" Dumbledore complained. "We now understand more the extent of his powers. Maybe when we put more challenges we can examine his race. Isn't it fascinating? If he's just a kid imagine how they'll be when he's older. And he will be a great addition to the Order!"

"Absolutely not!" Snape said standing his ground. "He will help in the war but we can't treat him like a science experiment!"

"Okay, okay," Dumbledore said calmly. "But lets at least see his powers to watch how much he can go against Lord Voldemort. Deal?"

Both professors reluctantly nodded and got out of the office.

Dumbledore caressed the image of a young man and a younger woman. "Ariana, I'll have you back."