
Naruto:Nara Shadow

My rewrite of this story is by Chapter 10. Please change to my other story The Nameless Angel in Naruto in the meantime, if you don't like my old writing style. I'll update the novel version after I'm done with the fanfiction version

Animaniak · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

#7 Hokage's visit

Three days passed.

The entire clan celebrated my skills, after all, I'm the son of the clan leader.

I was in the garden with Shikamaru and we both were training with father.

Shikamaru could now also move the leaf on his hand, but he still had problems with his forehead.

He couldn't hold it there for more than 5 seconds and it was exhausting for him, so he wasn't too keen on it either.

Meanwhile, das explained to me how the hand signs work and what they do, which completely fascinates me.

I memorized them, but my speed was still lacking, so that's exactly what I was training at this moment.

Next the gate to the garden opened and the Hokage entered our property.

Me and Shikamaru quickly bowed and said: "Hello, honored Hokage!"

Shikaku: Hello Lord Hiruzen!

Hiruzen nodded.

Hiruzen: I came here to check, what you said in the Office.

Shikaku: Haru show to the Hokage the tree exercise!

Haru: Ok Dad, I will do it.

Then and went climbing.

I ran up and down the Tree with a smiling and had no problems with it and had no fear to fall down.

Hiruzen was excited, now he understood what Shikaku meant, when he said that it looks like he wouldn't use up any chakra, you really don't feel any difference in his chakra pool, maybe his generation is bigger than the consumption?

Hiruzen: (Mmh ,yes that could be it, after all he is part Uzumaki.)

So you are Shikaharu?

I nodded.

Hiruzen asked me: "What is your biggest dream?"

I thought for a moment.

Haru: My dream is to learn everything that helps myself and others and to protect the people close to me.

Hiruzen smiled.

Hiruzen: That's a good goal, maybe I can help you with that?

Hiruzen reached into his pocket and took out a piece of paper.

Hiruzen: Shikaharu this is a chakra paper, with this we can find out your chakra affinity, just take it and send some of your chakra into it.

I took the paper and directed his chakra into it, in the next moment the paper glowed for a second and turned white again.

Hiruzen had seen a lot in his life, but nothing like that yet.

I looked at him.

Haru: And what is my affinity?

Hiruzen thought for a moment and said:

"I don't know, there has never been such a reaction."

Dad saw it too and wondered what that was.

Hiruzen: Haru, I'll show you a few finger signs, try to memorize them and then imitate them!

I nodded and Hiruzen showed them to me and he said:

"Water Release:Water Jet Jutsu"and from Hiruzen's mouth shot a weak jet of water, like from a sprinkler system.

Hiruzen: Have you memorized everything?

Haru: Yes, I have memorized it all.

Hiruzen: Then you do it now ,but don't use too much Chakra for it and don't aim at others.

I slowly imitated it and said:

"Water Release: WaterJet Jutsu."

The jet shot out of my mouth and was extremely strong and destroyed the ground in the garden.

Hiruzen looked at me.

Hiruzen: That was probably a little too much Chakra.

But when I used the Jutsu, Hiruzen noticed that my chakra pool got smaller, but didn't recover quickly, which caused him many questions, just like dad.

Hiruzen: Shikaharu you did well for the first time. We'd better both stop for today, because of your poor garden. Me and your dad best go in, for a little chat and you both keep on training nicely.

Me and Maru nodded and Dad went with Hiruzen into our house, where mom reacted very shocked to the visit.

She bowed directly and said:

"Welcome, lord Hokage."

Hiruzen: Long time no see Joshino, how are you?

Yoshino: Well, my husband could help a bit more around the house or take me out to dinner again, but otherwise everything is fine, the children are good and Haru often helps me with the cooking and constantly gives me new cooking ideas and Shikamaru, well, he comes after his Father.

Hiruzen smiled and wanted to get to the point.

Hiruzen: Haru is definitely the definition of strong, I've never seen such talent, not even Oroshimaru was so gifted and I can't explain the chakra paper lighting up either.

Just as much, as I don't know why he does not use up any chakra in the tree exercises, but his chakra pool decreased with the water jutsu. Maybe it is a new kind of Kekkei Genkai, that we don't know about yet. I can hardly imagine any other explanation, surely you too or Shikaku?

Shikaku: Yes, I don't think there can be many other explanations for this, so what do we do now lord Hiruzen?

Hiruzen: Mmh, let's watch it for a while.

He has to go to the academy first anyway, unfortunately the minimum age has been set at 6 and I can't override this rule, because the other clans would then run amok. Have you shown your clan's jutsus to him yet?

Shikaku: No, the clan jutsus are only passed on to the children, after the academy has been completed. I can only practice a few taijutsu techniques and shuriken jutsu with him.

Hiruzen: Ok, so let's wrap up our conversation for today and see what we can do when he's at the Academy.

I say goodbye to both of you for today.

Hiruzen went back to the two of us in the garden.

Hiruzen: You both should train diligently to become as strong as your father one day.

Then he disappeared before us.

Haru: Maru did you saw this, that was so cool!

Shikamaru: Yeah, it was cool.