
Naruto:Nara Shadow

My rewrite of this story is by Chapter 10. Please change to my other story The Nameless Angel in Naruto in the meantime, if you don't like my old writing style. I'll update the novel version after I'm done with the fanfiction version

Animaniak · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

#8 Two Years later

Two years have passed and Haru has grown he is now 1.26m tall and wears a black shirt with the Nara symbol on the arms and one his back.

He wears black camouflage shorts with large tote bags on the sides.

He also wears black sandals.

His red hair is pulled back in a ponytail and his eye color is blue gray with a touch of green.

He is on his way to his grandmother's to harvest something he planted there a few months ago in her garden greenhouse.

Knock, knock,

Grandma:Oh Shikaharu come in, what brings you here? Anyway, give your grandma a big smack first.

Haru: Grandma stop it, I'm too big for that.

Grandma: You'll never be too big for me. So what brings you here?

Haru: I wanted to go to the greenhouse and pick up the mushrooms that I had planted there.

Grandma: Oh yes, they have grown nicely, but what do you actually want to do with them?

Haru: I want to give them to dad, he should do something with them.

Grandma: Ok, wait, I'll get my garden knife and help you.

I entered the greenhouse and was amazed by the few hundred giant mushrooms laughing at me.

It took me and grandma 30 minutes to harvest them all and we had 3 bags full.

Then I kissed my grandmother goodbye and went home with the bags.

I came into the house and nobody was there, maybe mom is shopping.

I went in the garden where Maru and Dad were playing the chess game that I carved myself.

I looked at their game and said:"Dad, Shikamaru puts you in 5 moves mate, I would say you have lost.

Shikaku: Okay, I'm giving up, I bet Shikamaru cheated while I was in the toilet.

Shikamaru: Hey, I didn't do something like that, you're just bad at the game dad.

Haru: Dad I have something for you here.

Shikaku: Show me what's in the bags.

He took the bags and looked into them.

Shikaku: Mushrooms and what should I do with them?

Haru: You are supposed to feed them to the deer, but distribute them to as many as possible. The Mushrooms make them want to mate and then we have more deermeat at stock for sale, which could triple our Clan income. If it works out well, we could suggest to the Clan to plant more of them up on the Mountain in the Herb Greenhouse.

Dad laughed and stroked my head.

Shikaku: You are a real Nara, that's a awesome Idea, where did you get the idea from?

Haru: I was reading a few books about mushrooms and that's when I got the idea.

Shikaku: Shikamaru take a look at your big brother, he's going to be another big shark at our Clan.

Shikamaru: Then he doesn't mind if I take a big nap in his big shadow.

Shikaku: That's exactly what I mean Shikamaru, you just have no incentive. Just being smart is not enough in this world, you have to be able to use your knowledge for yourself and others. And your brother is a prime example of this, just what our Clan has earned from his cooking recipes: pizza, spaghetti, doner kebab, pretzels, Konoha sausages and fries. We have 5 times as much income as before the Kyubi attack. He actually deserve that we rename the Clan after him, but the elders would certainly object to it.

I blushed and tried to hide my head and Shikamaru stopped listening and thought about how he could defeat me next time in chess, as he was still 2 wins behind me.

Dad looked at us both and then hugged us and said: "I'm proud at both of you" at which we both blushed.

Haru: Maru, do you want to go to Choji and play some frissbee golf with him in the park?

Shikamaru: Well yes, but only because dad is so annoying today.

So the two of us made our way to Choji and then went together with him to Senju Park where I saw a Naruto with his yellow hair for the first time, he was playing alone with a wooden shuriken and I went over to him.

Haru: Hello I'm Shikaharu and this is my brother Shikamaru and our best friend Choji. I was wondering if you would like to play frisbee golf with us, when more people join in, the more fun makes the game?

Naruto: Of course I would play with you, but what is frisbee golf?

Haru:This is a game that I invented. You have to take turns trying to throw this wooden frisbee that I am holding into the wooden ring that Shikamaru has in his hand. However, one person has to walk around with the wooden ring and can throw the ring to the others, but the launcher has to stay in one place.

Naruto:That sounds like fun, I'm Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki by the way, dattebayo.

Shikamaru heard this and directly said: "Choji, there is another Uzumaki like Haru."

Choji: What do you mean by that Shikamaru? Shikamaru: Well, Haru is also half Uzumaki and that's probably why he has so much Chakra and has such a strong body said dad.

Naruto shouted directly: "So you are also an Uzumaki, can you tell me something about our Clan?"

Haru: I do not really know much, but I know the Clan was destroyed and there are hardly any Clan members alive now. but that means also that you are part of my Family,

Naruto: That's so cool ey. Normally I'm always alone, only Jiji comes to check on me from time to time. But now I have a Clan Brother I can play with.

Haru: So shall we get started then?

Naruto: Yeah!!!

We played for a while and then showed Naruto where we live and noticed that many people looked at him angrily, as if he had done something wrong.

Shikamaru: Naruto, why does everyone look at you so badly?

Naruto: They always call me demon and fox spirit and most of the people in the village avoid me.

Haru: Well Naruto, now you have us or Maru? Maru nodded and wondered why people treat Naruto like that.

I think he's just a normal kid, it just makes me angry.

Haru: So if you ever need someone Naruto, just come here and we will help you with anything.

Haru: Have a nice evening then Naruto.

Naruto: Have a nice evening too dattebayo.

Then we two entered our house and Shikamaru told dad and mom that we met Naruto in the park and played with him and that Naruto looked quite lonely.

And that I, since he is related to me through my father's clan have offered him, that if he has problems and needs someone to talk too that he could come here.

Shikamaru: And why do people avoid him in the first place?

But there was no answer from our parents and that surprised Shikamaru.

Haru: I think I know why Maru. I think he has the nine-tailed fox in him and is a Jinchuuriki, because he said earlier that people call him a fox spirit.

Mom and Dad's jaws dropped.

Shikaku: Haru, how do you know about this?

Haru: Well I read a lot of books and I can understand why people avoid him. After all my own mother died from that Nine Tailed Fox, but I know for sure after I met Naruto, that he is not that monster. He is only a very lonely kid. So why should I avoid him? He's part of my father's Clan and blood is thicker than water.

Shikaku: You must both watch out kids, the Hokage has forbidden anyone to talk about this. So no matter what you do, don't talk to Naruto about it, can you promise?

We both nodded.

Shikaku: You can continue playing with him or let him visit our home, but I have to discuss this with the clan beforehand because it's not an easy matter politically either. But I'll try my best, so that your friend can come here. Do you both agree with that?

We both nodded.

Haru: Dad you are doing the right thing, thank you very much.