
Naruto:Nara Shadow

My rewrite of this story is by Chapter 10. Please change to my other story The Nameless Angel in Naruto in the meantime, if you don't like my old writing style. I'll update the novel version after I'm done with the fanfiction version

Animaniak · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

#6 The awakened Shadow

After the festival, we all four went home together.

I went to sleep and looked forward to tomorrow, because dad wanted to do easy chakra exercises with us tomorrow, so that we can learn to concentrate our chakra better.

I fell asleep and suddenly found myself in a room filled with light.

Voice: Hello.

A deep distorted voice spoke to me.

I looked around me, but couldn't see anyone.

Haru: Where are you and who are you?

I called and my voice rang through the room and formed many echoes.

Voice: I'm down here and I'm a part of you.

I looked down and saw my shadow waving at me and the shadow kept getting bigger and lifted itself off the light floor and faced me.

Voice: You can call me Urahakihs.

I didn't know how to react so i asked my shadow:

"What are you?"

Urah: Whatever you want me to be.

I developed my consciousness after you opened your chakra channels, since then I'm getting stronger and I've learned how to communicate with you.

I looked at him and asked:

"So you're permanently draining chakra from me and storing it here like some kind of Bijuu?"

Urah: Yes Master.

Haru: What the fuck, it's like I'm a natural Jinchuuriki.

Can I also communicate with you outside of this dream?

Urah:Yes master for small amounts of chakra, I can communicate with you telepathically outside of this dream.

I only need chakra to get off the ground.

Haru: How about elongation of shadow and deformation?

Urah: Master as I said, I steadily absorb small amounts of chaka to become stronger.

By that I mean my density and size grow steadily.

If the shadow length doesn't exceed my original size master doesn't have to pay any chakra at all to deform me and in a shadow I have unlimited range.

Haru: Does that mean you can go anywhere at night?

Urah:Yes master.

I dropped my jaw at that moment.

Haru: And how can i get out of this dream?

The next moment I woke up.

Haru: WTF, did that just happen, was that real?

No, that can't be, this must have been a wet dream.

I should sleep, because tomorrow morning I can train my charkra with dad.

The next morning,

I got up as usual, washed my teeth and did my morning workout.

Shikaku and Shikamaru came out of the house shortly after I finished my workout.

Haru: Morning you two!

Both answered: "Good morning."

Shikaku told the two of us to sit cross-legged on the floor and hold out one of our hands.

He then placed a single leaf in the palm our hands and told us to make it move with our charkra.

Shikamaru just looked at him questionably.

Maru: What's all this about father?

Shikaku: We're increasing your control over your chakra network with this exercise.

So I'll go back in and you'll call me if either of you can do it.

Shikamaru: Are you serious about this, it sucks.

Shikaku grinned and wanted to leave, but at that moment I called.

Haru: Dad I did it.

Dad who was already on his way back home turned to me

Shikaku: That can't be.

Show me again.

I nodded and focused my chakra into my palm and moved the leaf again with ease.

Seeing this dad's jaw dropped.

Dad thought:

(His control is already so far above average, he definitely has talent.

Could he do the other exercise as well?

I'll let him try it and see.)

Shikaku: Alright Haru next you will try to place the leaf against your forehead and hold it there with your chakra as long as you can.

I nodded and placed the leaf on my forehead.

Haru: Is that correct?

Dad nodded.

Shikaku: Hold it as long as you can.

30 minutes later dad looked at me in disbelief as the leaf was still on my forehead and didn't make the impression to fall.

Dad didn't understand, why I didn't seem to be using any chakra to hold the leaf.

He felt my chakra not decreasing, as he was a trained sensor ninja.

He knew I would have a large chakra reserve from my father's who was an Uzumaki, but he did not expect such control.

Shikaku: Haru next, we'll add another leaf every 5 minutes.

I nodded and placed more leaves on my forehead.

Dad couldn't believe it anymore.

I had now 6 leaves on my head and still no trace that it used up any of my Chakra.

Shikaku: Haru since you seem to be a genius at chakra control let's try that.

Dad walked to a tree and focused his chakra on the soles of his shoes and ran up the tree.

Haru: (This is the exercise from the manga Naruto did it ,when he was Genin.

But isn't it too soon for me to learn it?

I'm only 4 years old and Naruto was 12, even Sasuke couldn't do it yet.)

I walked towards the tree and concentrated my chakra on the soles of my shoes, I tried the first step and then the second and next I was up on the tree next to dad.

Haru: That was easy.

But then I was looking down and was slightly afraid of the height.

When I reached the top, dad began to doubt his life and when I said it was easy, he didn't understand anything anymore.

He remembered when he did this training for the first time and it took him 2 weeks to do it.

He figured I'm not just a genius, I'm a monster.

Shikaku: (Whether I should tell the Clan and Sarutobi about it.

I've never seen such achievements from any other child at his age.

Not even Itachi Uchiha could have done that.)

Shikaku: Haru you did well.

Now let's go back down from the tree.

But at that moment I was clutching the tree trunk and shouted:

"It's so high, I'm afraid of falling."

Shikaku: Are you afraid of heights?

I nodded and dad groaned.

Shikaku: I'm here, I won't let you fall down, so just do the same as me.

And in the unlikely event that you should fall, I will catch you Haru.

Dad went down and I swallowed and plucked up courage and slowly untied my arms from the trunk and moved down.

Shikaku: You see Haru ,it wasn't so hard after all.

I smiled and was glad I made it.

When dad then looked at Maru, he noticed that he was sleeping sitting up.

Shikaku: Haru look at him sleeping all day long, hopeless case.

Haru: Maybe he was to exhausted, because he trained too much.

Shikaku:That's exactly what it will be.

Dad then tapped Shikamaru on his shoulder.

Shikaku: Sleepyhead, training for today is over.

Maru: Oh it's over already, I've been concentrating on it so much.

Dad just groaned and told the two of us to go freshen up and then come eat.

While the two of us were upstairs taking a shower, dad had a chat with mom.

Shikaku: Yoshino I think Shikaharu is a genius when it comes to chakra control, he could train the leaf exercise and the tree exercise within an hour.

I also noticed that his chakra level didn't really drop, I've never seen anything like it.

In addition, he trains his body like a Chunin every day.

Mom's jaw dropped.

Yoshino: So you say he has the physical requirements of a Chunin and that at the age of 4?

Did you drink too much yesterday and aren't quite sober yet?

Shikaku: No, I swear honey, I know how that sounds, but if you don't believe it, ask him yourself when he comes down. I've never seen a talent like him.

We must tell it to the Clan and the Hokage.

Mom looked at him skeptically.

Yoshino: Ok, I'll ask him as soon as he comes down.

Me and Maru came down and mom asked us what we learned today and her jaw dropped again as I confirmed Dad's story.

Mom thought it was impossible and couldn't believe it.

So we went outside where I showed her the tree exercise again.

She was stunned.

Yoshino: Shikaku get on your way to the Hokage, we definitely have a genius here.

She wore a proud grin.

I heard mom.

Haru: Why does dad have to go to the Hokage, just because I can walk up a tree?

Yoshino: We have to let everyone know our little boy is so adorable.

I blushed and Shikamaru couldn't understand the whirlwind.

He saw it like me.

Maru:(Did he do anything extraordinary?

Except he could walk up a tree, maybe only he can do that?)

Yoshino: And in the meantime I'll organize the clan meet up, you just go to the Hokage, honey.

Dad groaned and directly got a straight smack in the neck for it.

Shikaku: Alright I'm going to the Hokage office.

Dad went to the Hokage office.

Knock,knock .

Hiruzen: Oh, it's you Shikaku come in, what's up?

Shikaku: Good afternoon lord Hokage, can we speak privately it's important?

Hiruzen took the hand from his tobacco pipe and waved the hidden anbu out of the room.

Hiruzen: So why do you come to me, let's hear it.

Shikaku: I came here to talk about my sisters son.

Hiruzen: Ah, Shikare's son ,his father was Kuza Uzumaki if i remember correctly?

Shikaku: Exactly lord Hokage, we adopted him after the Kyuubi Incident.

I think he has extraordinary abilities like I've never seen in anyone, not even Itachi Uchiha.

Hiruzen: Such a talent and you say he surpasses him, but isn't he only 4?

Shikaku: Yes, he is 4 Years old, but after his first day of chakra training he can masterfully execute the tree exercise and I didn't notice that he was using chakra for it.

He has a large chakra pool, but it was like he wasn't even touching it.

He has developed a physical training schedule for himself that is at chunin level and he trains every day and his mental qualities are also far exceeding those of his age group.

Hiruzen nodded,

Hiruzen: Interesting, have you already informed your clan?

Shikaku: My wife is better at bragging than me, so she is organizing a clan meeting at the moment, where we will tell them about our son.

Hiruzen: Well then we don't have to worry about his protection and he also has you to support him.

I will come by your place in the next few days and take a look for myself and then we can plan how to proceed.

Was that all or is there something else?

Shikaku: No, lord Hokage, I'll say goodbye then.

Shikaku left the room and Hiruzen was smoking his pipe with a grin.

He stood up and looked out the window and said: "So many talented shinobi, maybe one of them can join me.

I'm getting too old for the job, if only Minato were still here."