
Naruto : Monsters

作者: sybife
Anime & Comics
連載中 · 402.7K ビュー
  • 38 章
  • 5.0
    19 レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

The story : When I was first reincarnated I did the very first thing any self-respecting man in my place would do. Check to see if I still had my balls. I did. The next thing I did was try to get my hands on some power. True Power. I chose the Rinnegan even though I was from the Hyuga clan. And if I had to kill a few people along the way to get it, well, there was a war going on. No one would notice an extra body or two missing.

10 タグ

Avatar: Third Son of The Fire Lord

Ozai already after succeeding to the throne of Azulon, his ascension as Fire Lord was more than perfect in his eyes, satisfied with himself and anxious for the arrival of the Sozin meteor, the victory of the fire nation in the 100 year war was a matter of time . While in a meeting with his generals to overthrow Ba sing se, a messenger shamefully enters the meeting, desperate to deliver a message. With nothing to waste time on, Ozai ordered the shameful messenger to be removed from his path. - Fire Lord Ozai. – The soldier knelt, using his strength to prevent him from being dragged. – I deliver an urgent message from Katsu. For a split second, Ozai's angry face calmed down, but he quickly regained his composure, extending his hand to receive the scroll from someone special to him. As he read, his serious expression softened. A small part of his humanity was stronger than the acting, lies and conspiracies. Katsu, a woman who managed to catch his attention at a military party, where several political and military figures from the Fire Nation gathered, was seriously ill, to the point that possibly by the time this message arrived in her hands she would already be with the spirits. However, what overshadowed the news of Katsu's death was the revelation that he had a son, more specifically a first-born son, a little older than his son Zuko. This news impacted his heart, under normal conditions he wouldn't have minded, but the meeting he was in was already lasting hours and his mind was already starting to lose focus. A bomb like that thrown in itself would inevitably affect him and now an anomaly existed in this world.

PRIME_PRIMUS · アニメ·コミックス
87 Chs

Cat Burglar Nami One piece AU

Synopsis A girl from our world got reincarnated in one piece as nami. Well I am not good at writing synopsis without spoiling the story. This is my second attempt on a story on Nami. Originally I was planning to bring the OG Nami from future to the past, like I have done with Hancock. But then I realised that Nami might be intelligent, but she is not strong. Atleast compared to the other straw hats. Her main strength was her intelligence. I am talking about both physical strength and will. That's why I decided to go in the reincarnation route again. This is going to be different from my other fanfictions. I have no intention of making Nami one of the top straw hats. As you can guess from the story title, this is an one piece AU. That means a lot of thing will be different. Nami will be strong. Way stronger then canon. But not comparable to monster trio. And before you complain, let me tell you that, monster trio will be a lot stronger than the monster trio of canon as well. Now on to the points which I am going to focus in the story. Character building No system Realistic struggle of the MC (I won't make it cringy, but considering the kind of World One Piece is, there will be some realistic struggle unlike the Sigma system) R-18 (you know, Nami is Nami. I have not decided to add smut yet. But ecchi ? Definitely !) Ecchi-Comedy (this is something I am going to try for the first time. I have been experimenting with this in my Sakura fics. I will try my best to make you laugh with double meaning jokes.) Weak to strong characters OP straw hats Canon different straw hats Tragedy (A lot of tragedy is going to happen in the first part of the story. I am going to cover Nami's childhood. It will also serve as her training arc. So don't expect it to be light.) Blood and Gore I have a great story line in mind. And I am going to write it regardless of my schedules. I will try to make it better than my current favourite one piece Sigma system. I am telling this with confidence, because the story in my mind for this one, is really solid. I hope you like it. This will be available for the members of fanfiction phase1. Thank you for reading. The cover page is extremely sloppy because webnovel rejected my cover page which took me an entire hour to make. this time I didn't even left any cleavage, which should be there considering it is Nami. *sigh* if you don't like the cover page when I will remove it. ...

AnimefanfictionInd · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

5-star review as always, lol. Something you should know before starting this fanfic is that the main character is from the Hyuga clan. ✒️


Great start as always. I love your Naruto fanfics; each story you write is unique. I have high hopes for this one as well. Keep the good work ❤️


Just the fact that the MC is from the Hyuga clan deserves a 5-star review. I'm looking forward to where you will take the story. .


Let me just say, this is an absolutely incredible start to a story. I already have high expectations. The grammar is good, the story is good, and the updates are consistent. Everything is great.


The only problem with this fanfic is that I need more chapters, Everything else it's pretty solid for now. 👀




The comedy in this fanfic is genuinely funny. It adds a light-hearted touch that makes the story enjoyable and keeps me eagerly reading for more laughs.


A will thought Naruto fanfic with a great story and interesting characters. The writing is easy to read, and the plot moves smoothly. I can't wait for the next chapter!


Need wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed wordsNeed words


It’s sound very good but upload more chapters


Looks good ..........................................................................................................................................................


Love it seriously love the personality of mc and all the things you have done it's funny and good humour




Very well written so far and i like the comedy too so keep up the great work my brother or sister or just my slime


5 stars just BC the MC check his balls b


jaime vraiment l'histoire j'avais peur que se soit un neji dépressif mais c'est juste hilarant je m'attendais a des viols et des meurtres avec un titre comme monster mais c'est juste hilarant


This absolute peak and I can't wait for more chapters


I love the way u made the MC find out, for me that shit was just gold 🌟 Keep it up author u are doing great. Now I want to check your other work




