
Naruto : Monsters

The story : When I was first reincarnated I did the very first thing any self-respecting man in my place would do. Check to see if I still had my balls. I did. The next thing I did was try to get my hands on some power. True Power. I chose the Rinnegan even though I was from the Hyuga clan. And if I had to kill a few people along the way to get it, well, there was a war going on. No one would notice an extra body or two missing.

sybife · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Naruto : Monsters: Chapter 31

We were up on the Academy's rooftop. Naruto, Shikamaru and me were sitting on the steps of the staircase while Kakashi sat on the railing before us. It had been four hours since we were assigned our teams and Kakashi had picked us up from the classroom only a couple of minutes ago.

Right after the black cat incident, Kakashi had taken the long route around Konoha to reach the Academy, only to stop when he was less than ten minutes away to help a little old lady cross the street…twenty-seven times.

And I don't mean twenty-seven different old ladies but just the single one. He helped her cross the same street over and over again for an hour. I couldn't tell for certain if the lady was insane, bribed or if he had used a genjutsu on the poor thing but they kept it up for the entire hour.

"Well, since this is our first meeting and all," Kakashi shut his single eye and smiled, "let's use this chance to get to know each other bit more. Why don't you all tell me a little about yourselves?"

"What do you want to know?" Naruto asked.

Kakashi shrugged, "How about your likes, dislikes, your dreams of the future and such?"

"Then shouldn't you go first? We've all known each other for years, you're the only stranger here."

"Hmm, good point." He rubbed his chin and nodded, "Well, my name is Hatake Kakashi…I have no desire to tell you my likes and dislikes…Dream for the future…Hmm, and I have a lot of hobbies-"

"You are Hatake Kakashi, also known as the Copy Ninja Kakashi for learning over a thousand jutsu via your implanted Sharingan." Once it became clear that he was up to his usual antics I decided to interrupt him. I had originally planned to let him play his games but after all the crap he already put us through, I've had enough. 

"Graduated from the Academy at the age of five to become the youngest Genin since the founding of the Village, only to quickly advance through the ranks and become a Chuunin at six. 

Eventually, you reached the rank of Jonin and joined the Anbu where, again, you quickly rose up the ranks to become an Anbu captain at an age when most Shinobi were still Genin."

I took a moment to pause for breath before carrying on, "You were one of the prized students of the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato, and the son of the fallen hero, Hatake Sakumo, Konoha's White Fang. 

Despite being well known for your tardiness and fondness for the Icha Icha series, you are still highly respected in Konoha and are considered to be the strongest A-Rank ninja it currently has. 

And while it's only rumours and hearsay, many in the Village believe that you, along with Jiraiya and Tsunade of the Sannin, are being considered as a possible successor to the Hokage."

As I spoke an incredulous look began to slowly grow on Naruto's face, replacing the glare that she had been giving Kakashi since his late appearance. Even Shikamaru straightened up from his slouch a bit when he realized how much of a big shot we were currently dealing with.

If Kakashi was in any way surprised or upset by my words, he didn't show it. On the contrary, he seemed almost amused, "Maa, maa, aren't you a knowledgeable one." He smiled at me through his mask, "Well, since you seem so eager at giving introductions, why don't you go next?"

"Is there a point?" I shrugged, "Like Naruto said, the three of us have known each other for years and you should have already read all of the reports they have on us."

"Indulge me anyway, think of this as more of an ice breaker than anything," Kakashi ordered.

I sighed. I was hoping we could have skipped the whole thing since it was…well, kind of lame, but by the looks of things he isn't going to change his mind. Better get it over with then.

"My name Hyuuga Hikaru. There are many things I like but if I had to pick only one, I'd choose chakra. Learning about it, using it, anything involving it really." Seriously, Chakra was freaking awesome. "And what I dislike, no, what I loathe the most in this world is Kishimoto."

Naruto gave me a bewilderment look, "Who?"

"Kishimoto is the name of a cruel god, the possible creator of this world and the source of all my suffering. He also has the habit of changing people's genders when you least expect." I ignored the crazy looks everyone was giving me. 

"Anyway, as for dreams." Rippling eyes flashed through my mind, "Well, there is no point in telling you right now. Just wait for a little while longer and you'll get to see it come true for yourself."

"I see," Kakashi gave me a thoughtful look before turning to Shikamaru, "you're up next."

The boy let out a tired sigh before speaking. "My name is Nara Shikamaru. I like to relax and cloud watch on peaceful days, and play Shogi or Go. I dislike women. My dreams-"

"Wait! Wait up a second." I leaned forward so that I could get a clear view of him from where he sat on the other side of Naruto. "Women? I was so sure that you disliked 'troublesome' things, not women."

Shikamaru just lazily blinked at me, "…there is a difference?"

Naruto raised a hand and smacked him on the back of the head.

"Ouch!" Shikamaru yelped and rubbed his head before he shot me a look and pointed at her. "See? Troublesome." He grumbled some more before sighing. "Anyway, my dream is to have a completely stress-free life."

"Boy, aren't you the daring one. You sure you aren't setting the bar too high?" Shikamaru just shrugged and Kakashi then turned to Naruto, "you next."

"Finally!" Naruto cheered and adjusted her forehead protector. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like pizza, well-played pranks and my Shadow Clones. I dislike waiting, either for food or tardy teachers." She shot Kakashi a quick glare before smiling again. "As for my dream…" her words slowed to a halt and her expression turned thoughtful.

"A dream, huh?" She leaned back a bit and looked up to the sky. "I wonder – I don't really know anymore." Her blue eyes seemed to gaze on something we could not see, as strands of blonde hair were pulled over her face by the wind. She drifted off in thought for a while before speaking up again. 

"I guess I pretty much already have everything I ever wanted, so maybe my dream is for things to continue to stay the same." She lowered her gaze and gave Kakashi an uncertain look. "Is that weird?"

"…No, no it's not." He crinkled his eye and gave her that eye-smile of his, looking oddly pleased for some reason. "Now that we all know each other a bit better, it's time to start your graduation exam."

"Exam?" Naruto sat up in surprise. "But we just finished our exams."

"No," I corrected her, "what we finished was the Academy exams. What he's talking about is his personal test." Seeing the confused look on her face, I asked. "You don't know about the apprenticeship laws?" She shook her head and I had to resist the urge to sigh, "Really, this is what you get for not reading anything outside of the absolute minimum."

I turned to Kakashi, "Sorry Sensei but Naruto is going to need an explanation about this."

Kakashi nodded in agreement. "You're right, she does." Then instead of beginning his explanations, he just placed an elbow on his knee and cupped his chin in his hand. I sat there, waiting for him to start, but he did nothing and kept looking at me while I stared back in turn.

It dawned on me.

"Would you like me to explain it to her?"

"Hmm? Oh if you really want to, sure, go ahead." He waved me on, clearly more than happy to let me do his job for him.

"Thank you," I forced out between my teeth. Note to self, add Kakashi to the list…Also, start making a list. Turning to Naruto I began explaining. "You know how the Hokage is the supreme leader of Konoha and has complete command over every one of its ninja?

"Of course." She nodded.

"Yeah, well, that's not completely true. While the Hokage is the leader of Konoha, he does not have complete command over its ninjas." I held up a hand to forestall her when she looked like she was about to interrupt. 

"While he does have full command over us during times of war or emergencies, during periods of peace the only ninjas that are under his complete control are the Anbu. 

The regular ninja forces are not forced to obey his every command. Think of it this way, you know how as ninjas we are allowed to pick our missions right?"

Naruto nodded again.


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 |● sybife