
Naos Quartzy| from Orphan of Tatooin to Emperor of the Galaxy

Naos Quatzy was once a humble Parisian, living an ordinary life until his untimely demise. Little did he know that his soul was destined for greater things. Reincarnated on the desert planet of Tatooine, Naos found himself in a world far removed from the bustling streets of Paris. As he navigated the harsh landscape of Tatooine, Naos discovered a mysterious artifact buried in the sands—a relic imbued with ancient knowledge and power. Activating the artifact, Naos was greeted by a celestial voice, the System, offering guidance and assistance on his journey. The System, a sentient entity from a distant realm, recognized Naos's potential as the reincarnation of a powerful Force user. It offered to assist him on his quest for mastery over the Force, providing tasks and rewards to aid in his development. As Naos undertook these tasks and faced the trials set forth by the System, he began to unlock his true potential as a master of the Force. With each challenge conquered and reward earned, Naos grew stronger, his connection to the Force deepening with every step of his journey. Guided by the System and fueled by his determination, Naos Quatzy embarked on an epic adventure across the galaxy, forging his own destiny and fulfilling his ultimate purpose as a beacon of hope and light in a universe shrouded in darkness. --- Naos's journey begins on Tatooine with the guidance of the System, which provides him with tasks and rewards to aid in his development as a Force user. As he progresses through his adventures, Naos will face challenges, confront adversaries, and ultimately fulfill his destiny as a legendary emperor of the galaxy.

Naos_Gaming_2D · 映画
2 Chs

Chapter 1: A stranger in the sands

The suns of Tatooine beat down relentlessly upon the arid landscape, casting long shadows across the endless dunes. In the midst of this desolate terrain, a lone figure stumbled through the shifting sands, his clothing tattered and his face obscured by a hooded cloak.

Naos Quatzy, for that was his name, had no recollection of how he came to be on this unforgiving planet.

Memories of his past life were hazy and indistinct, like fragments of a dream slipping through his fingers. All he knew was the burning thirst that consumed him and the pressing need to find shelter before the merciless suns claimed him.

As the relentless sun beat down upon him, Naos trudged onward, his strength waning with each step, he felt his muscles burn with exertion, his throat parched and his limbs heavy with exhaustion.

Yet, with each labored step, he pushed himself forward, his determination unyielding in the face of adversity. The boundless and dull expanse of sand seemed to stretch out before him like an unending nightmare, while the seemingly endless horizon, shimmering with heat and mirages that taunted his weary mind, offered no respite from the sweltering heat or the relentless expanse of sand.

But just when he felt his resolve waver, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon—a faint silhouette rising from the sea of sand like a beacon of salvation.

Naos squinted against the glare of the twin suns, his heart pounding with anticipation as he looked at it from afar.

With renewed hope, Naos quickened his pace while thanking his determination that prevented him from stopping earlier. As he drew closer to the structure, he could see that it was an old Greek-styled house, its weathered walls bearing the scars of time and the harsh desert climate.

Yet, amidst the ancient architecture, Naos noticed something unexpected—some part of the house seemed strangely out of place with the rest of the environment, like the door of the house being seemingly metallic as its design was sleek and modern, almost futuristic in nature.

As he approached, while suffering the harshness of the desert, he heard a rumbling sound coming from afar, and as he looked for it he saw something akin to a huge wall of dust and sand, looking as it was coming for him.

With a final burst of effort, Naos reached the shelter of the house, and while scared by the storm he approached the unusual door cautiously, running his fingers along its metallic surface. He searched for a handle or latch, but found none. With a sense of trepidation, Naos pressed his palm against the door, searching for some mechanism to open it.

After a while, noticing some kind of buttons at the side of the door, and after a moment of hesitation, he made his mind.

But as he reached to try them he felt a slight vibration in his mind and as he concentrated on it, he felt a sensation akin to certain combination of pressure in his mind, and while in a sharp pain, he hurriedly did the combination at the side of the door.

Followed by a soft hum as the door responded to his presence, the door responded with a sudden burst of motion, sliding open with a whoosh of compressed air. But just as violently as it started sliding, it stopped, leaving only a narrow gap through which he could squeeze. With a grunt of effort, Naos forced himself through the opening, his body scraping against the unforgiving metal edges as he struggled to pass.

Once inside, Naos found himself in a dimly lit foyer, after thinking for a bit, while he seemed to drift into sleep, he seemed to remember about the dangers of a sandstorm in a desert, so even if he felt as his weakest and almost falling asleep, he got up to close the door.

After struggling for a while, the door closed violently behind him with a resounding thud as he got down and fell asleep.