
Nano in MHA

Just a random guy in the world of MHA with nanomachines

ChillPixel369 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Chapter 8

I wake up the next day a little groggy. I look around the room and see that there is no one in the room. "Nano, how was the procedure?" I ask as I am trying to feel the new changes in my body.

[Master the gene combination has been successful. The implants are not being rejected by your body. Your centre of balance has improved drastically. You should refrain from excessive physical activity as your nervous system is extremely sensitive as of this moment.].

Well that certainly is good to hear. I tried to bend my body backwards and the ease at which I was able to accomplish it puts a smile on my face. I try to rotate my body and find that I can rotate a whole 180 degrees.

It certainly feels weird being able to see my butt without breaking my spine but it is what it is. I know I am advised to not physically exert myself too much but I atleast have to try out the reflexes I gained.

At this moment a nurse comes in the room. Seeing that I am awake she asks,"Ohh you are awake Hidaka-San? Are you experiencing any kind of discomfort? You had a successful operation."

"Yes and no I am feeling fine. Call Kochi-San to meet me immediately" I tell the nurse. She agrees and leaves to bring Doctor Arata.

Meanwhile I test out my new flexibility by flipping around the room. It feels like I had been moving around with a stiff metal rode in my back prior to the operation. Now it feels like I have rubber in my back allowing me to do poses I never thought I could do.

I am now so flexible that I could even give myself a blowjob if I had to not like I ever would. I am perfectly straight.

And just when I was exploring the limits of my flexibility in comes Doctor Arata and the nurse finding myself in a compromising position with my face near my crotch. "Ahh, I will come back another time seeing that you're busy".

Nooo! It's not what it looks like. It's a misunderstanding. " I-I can exp-" the door shuts leaving me to curse my luck and drown in immense amount of embarrassment.

After that humiliating debacle we were in Doctor Arata's office going over the changes that had happened to my body. "As u would know the operation was a resounding success. As per the initial assessment your reaction speed is almost 17 times more than an average human. Along with that your flexibility is off the charts. Your muscles have also experienced tremendous growth as they have grown more robust and elastic. The implants are also in complete synchronicity with the body. Take rest before engaging in any physically straining activity" said Doctor Arata. With this, I can be more sure with similar projects in the future.

I would have to use the simulation models to get used to the new changes in my body. My fighting experience is leagues above someone who is just a nine year old child as I daily practice with AR(Augmented Reality) which has data about a variety of opponents.

In this was I always keep my fighting ability sharp. My chi has also been coming up pretty nicely. If I had to make a comparison I would have long surpassed an academy cultivator.

I am researching about chi and how it affects my body and most importantly how it affects quirks. As we all know that having multiple quirks shortens the life span of an individual, the exception being a quirkless person who never had a quirk factor from the beginning.

As I am planning on having multiple quirks I need to find a way to circumvent the lifespan issue, which I am hoping that chi would be able to help in this matter.

Chi could also be a key defining factor in the aspect of evolution of quirks. I have certainly seen an increase in the power and control of my quirk after channeling chi to my pineal gland from where my telekinesis originates from. Overall, my plans are coming up smoothly and I plan to maintain this till I get sufficiently strong enough.

•Scene Change•

The current atmosphere can be called suffocating at best. At one side there is the head instructor who has been teaching martial arts for more than 2 decades. Whereas on the other side is "The Prodigy","Beast" that has been rising through the ranks at a breakneck speed. Kei Hidaka.

A never before seen talent in the martial arts world is right now challenging his Sensei to fight."Are you sure about this Kei? asks Sensei.

"I am pretty darn sure Shisho".

"I admire the confidence you have, let's see if you have the ability to back up your confidence" after saying this his whole demeanor changed. Gone was the once gentle and caring instructor and in it's place was someone who was like the grim reaper in a human disguise.

Looking at Sensei now I can say with surety that he had always held back when he was sparring with me. Well no matters I will still win it all the same.

The referee comes in between and at the count of three he signalled the start of the match. Right off the bat Sensei dashed off at me with a much higher speed than he had displayed during training.

He was raining down blows after blows and I could do nothing but endure it. My hands were starting to get bruised badly.

[Injury detected. Activating self healing mode].

'No, don't start the self healing mode' I command Nano inside my head. If I started recovering from wounds and such in front of such a huge audience it will surely cause massive uproar as possessing more than one quirk is quite difficult.

While he was literally beating the shit out of me I was analyzing his attack patterns and trying to find a weakspot. I slip under his attack while I attack his unguarded chest with a focused strike which launches him 5-6 metres away from me.

Sensei looks at his chest where there is mark of my attack and abruptly starts laughing."Well done, my disciple. This shows how skilled you are in martial arts. It's been an honor teaching a student like you. But I can't make things easy for you, now can I?Kid gloves are off now. This time the use of quirks is allowed ".

With that said we both launch towards each other at such a speed that we are nothing but blurs. We engage in a second bout of fighting where are hands are blur. It was constant game of attacks and blocks as we continually try to get one up against each other.

The rest of the students standing there watching in awe of the fight as it is the first time they have seen the head instructor serious and that too against a nine year old.

Suddenly, there was a change in the tempo of the fight as Sensei's hand stretches out like a certain straw hat pirate. The outstretched hand whips at my head at an incredible speed with almost no time to dodge. Well the key word being 'almost'.

As the hand nears my head I reflexively dodge it by redirecting the hand in another direction. I take advantage of this as I come into the personal space of Sensei and try to attack his neck but just as I was about to reach the neck it twists out of the way of my attack as he tried to hold me but I escaped his hold nimbly like cat.

We stalk each other by going around each other and engage once more and this time the change of tempo was introduced by me as I use telekinesis to make me out of balance. As he is in this state I rush forward with a telekinetically powered punch right to his gut as he flies out of the fighting ring.

Silence. Absolute deathly silence. Even though they knew that I was talented but to defeat the head instructor, well it seemed a like a fool's endeavor.

Sensei stands up from the ground with a huge grin and walks up towards me and pats me on the shoulder and says,"Well done Kei. You have surpassed my expectations beyond measure. You fill me with immense pride. May you always find success and continue to grow into a skilled warrior".

The whole crowd cheers as a certain green haired boy had flames of determination blazing in his eyes.