
Nano in MHA

Just a random guy in the world of MHA with nanomachines

ChillPixel369 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Chapter 10

Timeskip 1 Year

I could be seen playing with electric currents in my hands. Yes, I have unlocked electrokinesis. But the thing was that I didn't unlock it the conventional way like I had done with pyrokinesis or hydrokinesis.

It would seem like my quirk has a limit in the sense of how many variations I could make from telekinesis. But I wasn't discouraged.

By using the great white shark's cells I was able to pave a way towards electrokinesis. Now you might be wondering how could a shark help in electrokinesis?.

A shark has special receptors located around the head that detect electric fields. These receptors can help a shark find a fish hidden under the sand by detecting its heartbeat.

By implanting myself with those cells I was able to sense electric fields all around me. At first it was very disorienting as we are surrounded by electrical devices but by practice I was able to control it. With the help of this sense I was able to manipulate my telekinetic energy to produce electric currents.

I could also sense people by feeling the electromagnetic fields that they generate. So now I had one more method of detecting people.

On the much illegal side of things, I have started infiltrating the gangs by manipulating their minds. So I am now like a hidden mastermind manipulating people like they are they are my puppets. Mwahahahaha!.

Anyways it seems like trigger has yet to come in the black market. I am forming my own information network by brainwashing people of different gangs so that I would always remain one step ahead of my adversaries namely the future League Of Villains.

I have also looked into quirks that would suit myself and found one. The quirk is called Energy Suck possessed by Rikiya Katsukame.

By making physical contact and then inhaling, the user can absorb the vitality of others, not only giving themselves more stamina, but also gaining an increase in size and strength. He is the villain that was affiliated with Kai Chisaki during the Shei Hassaikai arc.

This quirk would be perfectly compatible with my Chi as it is also somewhat similar to vitality. With the help of this quirk I should be able to increase the amount of chi possessed by me.

At this point in time Rikiya is a just mercenary who does your normal gangster sort of things. It is during the infiltration of one of the gangs that I chanced upon him. I have taken the DNA samples from him as Nano and Doctor Arata are researching about how to add another quirk genome into an existing quirk genome.

It would have been so easy if I could just take control of Garaki and make him spit out all the information on artificial quirk implantation. But that isn't a viable option.

I don't know what kinds of security measures has All For One put on and around the doctor. I don't want to get in the radar of the main villain this early. The research would progress at a quick pace due to all the 'willing' gangsters who have given their bodies in the name of science.

I have been participating in many martial arts competitions and won several medals. You could say I am a local celebrity in the martial arts community. Due to the advent of quirks, martial arts practitioners have reduced a lot.

People care more about whose quirk is more flashy and powerful than it's effectiveness. It's during one of these tournaments that I met another cast member.


'This tournament has gotten pretty interesting' I think to myself. The reason why I am saying this is because I can spot Masahirao Ojiro from the future class 1A.

Now that I have lived in this world for almost 11 years I can say that I respect Ojiro. He just has a tail in a world filled with powers such as the elemental ones, the psionic ones and much more. And to have the courage to compete against people who possess such powers is admirable in my eyes.

I obviously steamroll through the tournament as I am way above their skill level. The reason why I participate in such tournaments even though I am this strong is because is to build myself an image of someone who is powerful.

And the fact that I can defeat people with quirks augmenting their physical qualities also cements the perception of an upcoming strong Hero.

I obviously reach the finals and what do you know Ojiro also qualified for the finals. By looking at his matches I can certainly say that he has worked really hard and is incorporating his tail in his fighting style quite well.

As exchange our greetings in the fighting ring I say," I see you have been working real hard in this. It's admirable. Good luck".

Ojiro looks surprised and later smiles as his demeanor changes into a determined one. The referee signalled the start of the match and Ojiro just observed while dancing on his heels. I on the other hand was relaxed as I wanted to see what could he do.

Seeing that I am not taking it seriously, he rushes towards me to punch me which I easily dodge. He isn't discouraged by that as he continues his assault this time bringing his tail in action. His tail sure packs quite the punch.

I can see how he must be a difficult opponent considering the fact of how heavy his tail hits. 'Let's push him a bit' I think as I stop blocking and start attacking him.

I give out fast and precise jabs to his body which he desperately tries to block with his tail. He tries to break this stalemate but he couldn't do anything as I kept pushing him.

He backs off and slaps his tail on the ground to jump high up in the air. He spins and falls towards me with a kick at a rapid pace. I just stand there and block his kick with my arm.

He flips back to maintain his distance and I also don't pursue him. He is panting a bit but I can see in his eyes that he hasn't given up.

He focuses on his breathing and rushes towards me once again this time his style getting more aggressive as he tries to knock me out. I skillfully block and dodge his attacks as I think it's time to wrap up.

So I duck under one of his tail attacks as I crouch lower and attack his chin as he lifts off the ground and I spin and kick him making him fly our of the ring solidifying my victory.

As the audience were cheering for me I went up to Ojiro offering him my hand. He is still kind of dazed by that chin attack but still takes my hands and stands wobbly.

"It was good match Ojiro. I hope you continue to work harder and when we meet again you can show me just how much have you improved".

Ojiro seems surprised by what I said and says," I will definitely work hard and show you and everyone that I can be a good hero!" he exclaims in the end.

"I am sure you would be a great hero. Regarding your quirk, you should look into how other animals use their tails for balance and keep on training your tail. I can foresee that your tail would really pack a very heavy punch in the future", I say as I advise him a bit on how to use his quirk more effectively.

He looks touched by the fact that I genuinely believed in me and said he would definitely look into it. We both exchange our numbers and you could say have become good acquaintances.

Flashback End