
My Not So Friendly Class President

Kenji Tanaka, someone that you would call a lazy genius, was assigned to clean up after the dismissal of classes with the school's cutest and most popular girl; Kei Amano, who also happens to be their classroom president. How would a simple coincidence like this change the way they interact with each other? Tweet-@WnWardp

Wardp · 現実
14 Chs

Unexpected Task

Looking at the clock, I can tell that class is about to end. This day is the same as the other days except for one thing….it's the last class of the week.

You can hear some students snoring in the back. Thank God I'm not one of them. I can only imagine the embarrassment after waking up to a whole class laughing at you.

That doesn't seem to be the case this time, though. Looks like no one is paying attention to others. They must be excited, planning their entire weekend on their minds.

"Okay class, enjoy your weekend. Make sure you do your home works okay?"

There's the signal. Finally, I can go home and relax…

Not even a minute has passed and everyone's already gone. I should start packing up.

"Hey!" A rather familiar voice called out to me.

"We're cleaning today, don't even think about skipping."

Right, I totally forgot that I was assigned to clean today. It's like the feeling of finally finishing the dishes just to be welcomed with another batch. I Iet out a deep sigh.

"I won't." I said despondently.

She didn't pay attention to what I said and just proceeded to wipe the tables.

It's Amano Kei. Our class president.

Everybody in the school knows her. Long black hair, perfect face, and a figure others can only dream of. Apart from that, she also sits at the top of our class when it comes to academics.

On the other hand, there's me. Tanaka Kenji. I am quite good-looking, if I say so myself. But I'm pretty average when it comes to academics. I'm not dumb though! If I had the motivation, I can take the top spot from our class.

For example, this past midterm. My mother said that If I rank third in our class, She will buy me a new phone. I remember the feeling of motivation suddenly flooding my whole body, and I started studying every day like it's as easy as breathing.

When the results finally arrived, The entire class 'including me' was shocked to see me sitting at the first place. Yes, even higher than Amano.

"So when exactly are you going to start?"

I didn't notice that I was standing still like an idiot staring into the unknown, with a grin on my face to top it all. Of all the things that I came out, I hope creepy is not one of them.

"S-sorry about that. I was just remembering things…"

She completely ignored what I said and proceeded to wipe the tables.

While arranging the chairs that got out of place, my eyes made its way to Amano, who was busy wiping the tables.

She really is cute…. A thought popped in my head.

Despite being popular, Amano is known to be very unapproachable. Everyone at a 2-meter radius feels intimidated by her godly presence. Whenever she enters a room, all eyes are instantly on her. Even those so-called 'hot boys' that went for her got shot down in an instant.

She only has a few friends….two to be exact. But they barely got time to hang out because they got separate classes this year.

"Is there something wrong?"

Shit. I was probably staring at her for too long for her to notice. She's glaring at me with cold eyes, cold enough to make my feet tremble.

What should I do?... I'll just think of a dumb reason, so I won't come out as a creep.

"Sorry, my bad. I was—"

"Why don't you just focus on cleaning right now?"

"Yes ma'am!"

Amano quickly cuts me off. And she has this look on her face like she was about to hit me with a broom.

By the time I finished arranging the chairs, Amano also finished wiping the last table.

"Hey you two, can I ask a favor?" A voice of a middle-aged man ensued.

That surprised me. Who could it be?

While verifying the source of the sound. Our P.E. Teacher emerged from the door.

"The pool needs cleaning tomorrow. Two students from Class B are supposed to do the job, but their field trip was rescheduled to start the next day." I already know where this is going… "Since you two look like very responsible students, would you mind cleaning the pool on their behalf? I'll give you money for drinks… and of course, I'll give you plus points."

That doesn't sound too bad. We have free drinks, and to top it off, plus points!

I glanced at Amano who also glanced back. I nod at her after a smile to signal that this is a pretty good deal.

She doesn't seem to get it as she glared at me with disgust.

Why did I even tried. I sighed.

She looked back at the professor and said, "I don't mind doing it. But does it really require the two of us? I'm fine with going by myself."

I can tell from the sound of her voice that she's trying to tell me that I don't have to come if my reasoning for that is pity.

"Our pool is quite spacious, there will be a lot of room to clean, so I wouldn't recommend going by yourself" Our P.E. teacher replied and directed his eyes to me, waiting for my answer.

If you think about it. I'll be spending half of the day with the cutest girl in our school. A task most of the guys can only ever dream of doing. This is like a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I'm not about to let it pass.

I can feel both sides of my cheeks rise.

"I'll go"

Amano raised her eyebrows, not expecting my response.

As if I'm going to leave a beautiful girl by herself, cleaning a whole swimming pool. Come on Amano-san, your expectations for me are far too low.

"Then it's decided!" Our P.E. teacher beamed with excitement. "Here's your budget." He gave the money to Amano. "Take this." He handed Amano the keys and left the classroom.

"You don't need to force yourself to come." Amano said with a monotonous tone.

"I may not look like it, but I'm pretty good at cleaning, if I say so myself." I smiled at her.

She gave me an irritated look and left the classroom.

Tell me the areas that seems lacking.

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