
My Not So Friendly Class President

Kenji Tanaka, someone that you would call a lazy genius, was assigned to clean up after the dismissal of classes with the school's cutest and most popular girl; Kei Amano, who also happens to be their classroom president. How would a simple coincidence like this change the way they interact with each other? Tweet-@WnWardp

Wardp · Realistic
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14 Chs

Amano Kei Likes Donuts

Waking up on a weekend is a lot harder than it sounds. It feels like there is a pair of weights chained at both sides of my body.

Man, I hate fighting these sleep demons… It sucks, I feel like crying.

I lay for a few more minutes before mustering the strength needed in order to get up.

I had completely forgot the waking part when we were talking about going yesterday. Not only that, but I was so focused on the good part that I quickly agreed to help.

Speaking of the good part…

A grin formed on my face when I thought about spending half of the day with Amano. But quickly faded when I remember that we would be cleaning the whole time.

Why am I even excited to spend some time with Amano anyway? I know, it's because the only guys that get to spend some time with Amano are the Teachers. Every time that I think about the guys who are praying every single day, just to get a chance like this, makes me feel like I'm way above the entire civilization. I guess this is what being 'The Chosen One' feels like.

Wait… Does this mean that I may have a superiority complex?

"Hey Kenji! Breakfast is ready!"

It was these words that snapped me out of my delusions. It was my Mom.

I didn't notice that my lips had turned into a creepy smile.

I gave myself a couple of slightly powered slaps for having those weird thoughts.

'Forgive me Amano.' I thought while making my way downstairs.


I finally arrived at our school using the same bike that I've been using to get to school every day. I've been using that bike since freshman year, it's been 2 years now. Time really does fly.

As I made my way to our school's swimming pool, I saw Amano who is also on her way.

"Hey, Amano-san!"

She glanced at me and continued walking.

"Wait up!"

She seemed to be annoyed as she began walking faster.

Seeing Amano in casual clothes is like seeing your mother for the first time after many years. Plus, I can smell her fragrance from way over here.

Upon making it to the pool, it was not as dirty as I expected it to be. It looks like some cleaning had already been done. 'Thank you, kind students.'

Looks like the only part that needs cleaning is the changing room. Luckily, it is divided into two rooms; Boys and Girls. It is easy to divide the work equally since there are only two options.

"I'll be taking the boys' room then." I looked at Amano.

She nods and proceeded to go into the girls' room.

Upon making my way inside, I scanned the place to see how much work should be done. The place is not that big, so cleaning should be easy.

Hmm, looks like I'll have to wipe a few dusty lockers. The shower seems clean, maybe I'll sweep the floors just a little. Let's see… What else? Hmm? What could that be?

A piece of cloth on the corner caught my attention.

Who could have left that there? Perhaps some upperclassmen… I slowly made my way towards the mysterious piece of cloth. I am still unsure whether it's a piece of socks or a piece of a rather unpleasant fabric... Hopefully, not the latter.

As I got close, the mysterious piece of cloth's identity became clear, as it emits an unpleasant smell.

Lucky me, it became the thing that I wish it wouldn't. I need to find a place to dispose of this disgusting piece of underwear that could spread a possible virus.

I wore a pair of gloves, and took the underwear outside. I hid it behind me of course, I don't want Amano to see me holding a disgusting piece of fabric.

Luckily, Amano is still busy, cleaning inside the girls' changing room.

I'm so stupid… I could've just flushed it on the restroom...

I stupidly went back inside the boys' changing room and I entered the toilet. I threw the underwear and immediately pressed the flush button.

Phew… I let out a sigh of relief.

Great. That is five minutes gone to waste… Thanks to that filthy underwear. I should probably start cleaning, I prefer not to take up too much time.

I started cleaning the lockers first, and then I proceeded to sweep the floors. It took me about half an hour to get the place completely clean.

"Haaah… That took out more energy than expected."

I wonder if Amano is done cleaning as well.

After getting out of the changing room, I saw a beautiful girl sitting at the side of the pool. Of course, that cute girl is none other than Amano herself.

"Hey, Amano!" I waved my hand. "Do you want something to eat?" It's a good thing that I brought those donuts that my Mother gave me.

"No, I'm full." She said in a cold tone.

"Okay, but let me know if you want some, It would be a shame if one of these donuts go to waste."

Amano's eyes widened a bit after I said the word 'donut'. What's this? Does our class president have a thing for donuts?

After I took a bite of the first donut, I saw Amano glance at me but averted her eyes instantly.

"Are you sure you don't want some?" She seemed to be embarrassed by the fact that I had seen through her.

"I don't have my purse with me." She said with a small voice.

"Here, take one, it's delicious." I handed the box to her.

She stared at the donuts, hesitant to take one.

"Come on, it's not poisonous."

"How would I know if you didn't take an antidote earlier?" She glanced at me with suspicious eyes.

"You seriously believe that I would poison you?"

"You can never be too sure these days."

"Just take one already, this box is quite heavy you know." My hand is almost shaking.

"Okay, okay." She chuckled.

….Woah… That is the cutest thing that I've ever seen in my entire lifetime. Who knew Amano could make faces like that. She should do that more often, instead of wearing that cold look that she always wear. This is like an entirely different Amano right now.

"Is it poisonous after all?"

It was probably because I was staring at her for too long. She had this skeptical look on her face.

"No, no, really, it's not. I was just thinking about how cute you look while eating that donut." I attempted to cover it up by teasing her.

"Owww!" I rubbed the part of my head that Amano smacked with what seemed to be a meter stick.

What is a meter stick doing here all of a sudden?!

"This donut really is delicious." Her eyes were sparkling.

So you're going to act like you didn't just hit me with a freaking meter stick? I'm beginning to think that your outside looks is the only good thing in you.

She devoured all five donuts in seconds.

"Waaah… that's refreshing. I'm so full…"

Of course you are, you just consumed the entire thing. Luckily, the box doesn't contain any kind of seasoning. Otherwise, you'll probably eat that too.

"Let's go, I'll buy you drinks, in exchange for the donut."

Didn't our Teacher gave you that money? Whatever… I'm thirsty anyway.

I followed her, as she walks towards the vending machine.

"What type of drink would you like?"

"Any kind of energy drink will do."

"Okay." She said after inserting the money on the vending machine.

I can't believe that it is this easy to talk to Amano. We're having conversations like we're long-time friends. That is probably exaggerated, but the point is! Even though numerous guys treat her like a Nobel. Amano is still, just a high school student. People these days, really like overcomplicating things.

"Here." Amano handed me the drink.


"Looks like there is nothing left to do, everything else seems clean, so I'll be going home now." She said while walking towards the exit.

"Take care!" I waved my hand.

She glanced at me and proceeded to get on her way.

Since I'm already here, why don't I take full advantage of the moment and take a quick swim? There is still plenty of time before lunch.

I began to make my way into the pool.

After arriving, I saw a shining thing on the side of the pool that Amano was sitting on earlier. I walked towards it to verify what it was.

It was a bracelet.

Hmm... Maybe she dropped it? But how can one drop a thing like this while sitting? Seriously, how careless can you be?...

She probably is still here.

I picked it up and started running in attempt to catch up to her. I can actually run pretty fast, thanks to riding a bike to school every day.

I ran as fast as I can, but Amano was already nowhere to be found.

...She's pretty fast, considering she just ate approximately about 2,000 calories... I guess I'll just give this to her on Monday… I sighed.