A man dies a violent death, but his death is just the beginning to a life he could only dream of. With his wishes granted he will rise to the top of his new world and live his life as he sees fit. Marvel Si, Op-Mc.
[First Person POV]
It was finally Friday and holy crap did the last two days go slowly, Selene would periodically check-in with me and let me know how the upgrades were going without actually telling me any details, it was maddening.
Selene being her usual self knew I'd love the payoff of waiting until tomorrow and seeing everything that was completed all at once, so she decided to keep me in the dark which I begrudgingly agreed to.
Peter had seemed distracted today, he was constantly looking at the time and it wasn't just to check when class ended, he was waiting for or looking forward to something.
I asked Selene privately via my smart watch if she'd seen anything and she informed me that Peter was planning to go to a wrestling promotion that was running over the next two nights. She was just waiting to inform me which night he decided to go on.
By the looks of him he was definitely going tonight so I made preparations to be out of the house, tonight I would most likely have to save Bens life.
[Third Person POV]
There was a chill in the air Ben Parker thought as he waited in his car for his nephew. They'd had a blow up tonight after he'd confronted Peter about a call he received earlier in the week letting him know Peter had gotten into a fight with his bully, some jock named Flash Thompson.
The nature of the fight wasn't made clear but what was made clear was that Peter wasn't in trouble as reports had attested that Flash was trying to bully him, but he was also told that Peter was the one to swing first.
Ben had tried talking to Peter; he'd noticed the changes that he tried to hide from himself and May but Peter wouldn't budge. He deflected and changed the subject while trying to reassure Ben that he was fine.
While Ben didn't know what was going on he figured Peter, being the genius that he was, had probably done something to himself to make him stronger or level the playing field with those bigger than him, he hoped it wasn't some kind of super-steroids.
With that in mind he had tried to remind Peter that with great power came great responsibility, a lesson he and Peters father had learned from their own father when they were his age.
Evidently Peter felt like Ben was getting on his back about the fight and trying to reprimand him for sticking up for himself, which wasn't his intention.
He'd tried to calm him down but Peter had just gotten more frustrated and lashed out, reminding him that he wasn't his actual father. Ben wouldn't lie to himself, it had hurt greatly and he could see that Peter hadn't meant it.
Before he could say anything Peter had hastily exited the car and walked off around the corner to the library. Ben went and got a burger, before he came back to wait for his nephew and patch things up between them as he knew they would after they both cooled off.
He was soon brought out of his thoughts as he heard a frantic tapping on his window. He looked out the driver's side and saw a man holding a revolver motioning for him to get out of the car.
The frantic looking man had platinum dyed hair, scruffy five o'clock shadow and a bulging bag of what Ben assumed was stolen cash.
Ben took out his keys from the ignition and slowly got out with his hands up and said "You don't want to do this buddy; you can still stop before things go too far".
The man in front of him looked like what he heard went in one ear and out the other, "Get out of my way man before you get hurt"! He said, looking skittish and in a hurry.
There were a few feet of distance between them as they stood next to Bens car, the guy was aiming right at Ben's chest when he cocked the hammer and ordered in frustration "Just give me your damn keys and get out of the fucking way"!
Sirens were heard in the not too far distance, "I'm sorry but I can't do that" Ben replied solemnly, "You can still end this and go home" he tried one last time to talk the man down. "You're damn right I want to end this"! The armed man yelled before steadying his gun to shoot.
"BEN"! A loud shout was heard a split second before *BANG*
[First Person POV]
Tyers screeched as the armed robber took off in Ben's car, I was on the ground holding pressure on the front and back of Bens shoulder.
Everything had gone off without a hitch. I'd made sure to be on the same street on the lookout and it wasn't too long before one of the most retold and reimagined scenes in comic history, next to Batman's origin, took place.
I'd made my way, unnoticed to the shooter, to Ben's side just as things reached their climax. The robber aimed his gun to shoot and it was show time.
"Ben"! I yell just as I start pulling him to the side, *BANG*! The gun goes off; the bullet heading in the trajectory I'd calculated it would after quickly taking the scene in when making my move.
I'd pulled Ben into the perfect position for the bullet to pass through his left shoulder area just below his collar bone, missing bones, tendons, nerves and most importantly, arteries. It was a clean through and through.
I caught Ben as he started to fall and put him down gently. Ben's keys dropped on the ground beside us where the shooter had quickly grabbed them, jumped in Ben's car and driven away just as police sirens entered the immediate area.
[Third Person POV]
Peter Parker was feeling a sense of schadenfreude (pronounced – shaa-duhn-froy-duh), a German word to describe a feeling of pleasure derived from another person's misfortune.
In this case it was for the wrestling promoter, who just screwed him out of three grand because "you beat my champion too fast" and kicked him out of his office. Said promoter was immediately robbed at gun point after Peter left his office.
Peter was at the elevator when he turned and saw an armed man running like hell down the hall, headed towards him with a bag he could see was stuffed with stolen cash. He had considered stopping the platinum-blond man, but decided "screw it".
Peter wanted the promoter to feel how he felt when he was unjustly screwed out of his money; he also saw it as a bit of karma for the dodgy businessman.
"STOP THAT GUY"! A guard yelled, running down the hallway after the robber. Peter just stood aside as the elevator doors opened and the platinum-haired man ran in.
"Thanks"! The robber said to Peter just as the doors closed, securing his escape. An angry guard approached Peter, "What the hell's the matter with you? You let him go"! The guard yelled angrily as he passed Peter.
"The venue's just been robbed, head off the silver-haired asshole in the lobby and call the cops"! The guard yelled into his radio and he made his way to the stairway.
A bitter looking man in a cheap suit with greasy, slicked back hair walked up to Peter, "What's wrong with you"? He asked in disbelief, "You could've taken that guy apart and now he's gonna get away with MY money", he accused him.
Peter was pissed, but instead of lashing out at the man he decided to rub salt in his wounds and used the same words that'd been used against him. "I missed the part where I'm supposed to give a shit", he quoted him word for word.
The promoter looked like he'd swallowed something sour. Anger and regret were evident all over his face as Peter gave him a vicious smirk as he made his way into the elevator that had just come back up.
The bitter promoter walked back towards his dingy office, lamenting screwing the kid over. If he'd just given him the three grand he rightfully deserved maybe he would have stopped that platinum haired junkie and he wouldn't have just lost fifteen.
Peter was slowly coming down from his heightened emotions as he walked past the library and made his way around a corner to see an ambulance pulling up next to cop cars near a crowd that was gathered on the side walk.
A cold chill crept up Peter's spine as he made his way to the group, "Everyone stand back let the paramedics through"! A cop yelled as Peter made his way through the crowd only for his heart to stop.
On the ground was his uncle Ben, blood was pooled under him as two medics worked on stopping the bleeding. "Let me through"! Peter yelled as a cop tried to stop him moving forward.
"Kid step back, this is a crime scene"! An officer yelled at him. "That's my uncle"! Peter yelled back, shoving the larger cop out of the way, much to the officer's surprise.
The police had heard him and watched to make sure he didn't get in the medics way. Peter made his way to Ben's right side, opposite from where the medics were working on stabilizing him.
"What happened"? Peter questioned a nearby officer. "From witness accounts he was trying to talk an armed carjacker out of stealing his car and was shot, he's lucky someone nearby pulled him out of the way of a direct shot to the chest". The officer replied heavily.
Peter turned to look at his uncle, "Uncle Ben"? He asked tentatively. Ben's eyes fluttered open and he made eye contact with his nephew. "Peter" he rasped through the oxygen mask he was wearing.
"I'm here Uncle Ben" Peter said with tears in his eyes as he held Bens right hand between both of his. "Peter" Ben said almost in relief, before squeezing his hand and passing out.
"BEN? BEN"?! Peter yelled, "What's happening"?! He questioned the closest paramedic as they ushered him out of the way as Ben was loaded onto a stretcher and taken to the ambulance.
��He's lost a lot of blood but he's stable, we'll be taking him to Metro-General Private-Side", the woman informed him as they walked towards the ambulance. "Private Side? We can't afford a private hospital" Peter said worriedly.
"It's already taken care of", a familiar voice rang out behind him. Peter turned and saw his best friend, other than Gwen, standing next to a police officer with blood all over his hands.
"LEX, what happened to you"?! Peter shouted in alarm. "It's okay, I'm fine, and this isn't my blood. I was trying to put pressure on both sides of Ben's wound until the paramedics showed up" He replied quickly.
"Look kid we gotta take him now, are you coming or not"? The paramedic suddenly asked. Peters mind was running a thousand miles an hour till he heard a nearby police radio shout out, "All units come in, we have eyes on suspect".
The radio call went in to detail that the driver was armed and dangerous and was suspected of having already shot someone with intent to kill. The direction and street the stolen car was headed down was then given.
A sense of calm fury swept over Peter, "Lex, go to the hospital with Uncle Ben. I'm going to call Aunt May then go home and pack some things for Bens hospital stay", he said, thinking up a quick lie.
Lex nodded at him and said "I'll call May; you go do what you need to do". Almost like he knew what Peter was thinking, but Peter didn't dwell on it too long before he nodded and took off in the opposite direction of the ambulance, and in the direction of the carjackers last sighting.
[First Person POV - Lex]
It had been a long night, Ben's surgery while not life threatening still took time. However a skilled young surgeon, young for his level of expertise that is, promised to fix him right up.
The surgeon on call tonight was a brash man in his late twenties by the name of Steven Strange; he had walked by us in the hall and cockily promised that Ben would be patched up saying, "He'll be even better than he was before he got shot".
As he walked away towards surgery he also mumbled under his breath that he was supposed to be a neurosurgeon, not a patch and release ER scrub. Evidently he hadn't reached a high enough level yet to avoid ER duty. (No idea if this is a real thing, but I'm making it a thing here)
I almost felt karma herself biding her time as she waited to act upon the arrogant prick; humility is always a painful lesson to learn, especially for someone as arrogant as Steven Strange.
My parents walked into the hospital soon after. I'd called and told them what happened while I was driving May to the hospital and said I needed them there so I could give my statement to the police, I was still a minor after all.
They said they would have their driver drop them off and they would ride back with me. They got to the hospital faster than I expected, and of course my mom made a scene when she saw me in the scrubs I'd had to change into.
I gave my bloody clothes to the police for evidence like they had requested; whatever it was worth as evidence anyway, and I had changed into some blue scrubs a friendly nurse had provided for me.
"Lex"! My mom yelled before hugging me like I'd disappear, "Are you okay"?! My mom asks as she tried to check me over for injuries, embarrassing the hell out of me. "Not a baby mom and I told you on the phone, I'm fine" I reply in exasperation.
"You were involved in a shooting that is not fine"! She replies in angry worry. I just smile and give her a big hug while reassuring her and my equally worried dad that I am indeed fine, they eventually calmed down and stopped fussing over me.
The police spoke with us soon after, I told my parents how they had quickly taken photos of my bloody hands and clothes at the scene and allowed me to wash my hands so I could drive to pick up May and get us to Metro-General Private-Side.
After this I asked if I could give them an official statement of what I witnessed while it was fresh in my head. They got my parents' permission again and I gave my statement in great, vivid detail after explaining that I had an eidetic memory.
When May and my parents heard how things went down from my point of view May was immediately thanking and hugging me along with my mom, who kept saying how proud she was of me.
My dad stood to the side patiently and when mom and May let me go he walked up to me and pulled me into a dad hug. We didn't hug often these days but it was still a familiar feeling that conveyed warmth and unconditional love to me.
"Well done kiddo" he said quietly to me before we broke up our hug. He had his hands on my shoulders and was slightly looking up at me due to my height as proud as a father could be of their son. I had a big dumb grin on my face.
I took my parents to the side quickly and told them about my plans to pay for all of Ben's medical bills, hence why I had the paramedics bring him to Private-Side of Metro-General.
They agreed it was the right thing to do and went to talk to May about it. A few minutes later May seemed to be accepting the offer because she crushed my mom in a hug, 'lots of hugging tonight' I thought to myself.
I sent Peter a text on May's behalf as we sat in waiting room, letting him know where we were. Peter eventually walked in with a guilty face and a carry bag full of clothing for Ben.
May immediately got up and went to him; they hugged as she asked where he was. He said he was walking and thinking and got turned around before he went to get Ben's stuff before he walked here, saying he needed the fresh air.
It was a thin excuse but May wasn't paying much attention to it and my parents just looked like understanding adults. In the end May was just glad Peter was here and the he was okay.
It was a quiet hour or two later that a cute doctor named Christine Palmer came into the waiting room and walked up to us. May was alert immediately. "How's Ben"? She asked quickly, "Is he okay, did everything go alright"? She continued worriedly.
Dr Palmer was a lovely woman and reassured May that Ben was just fine. She then went on to explain how lucky he was that the bullet hit him where it did, and that he'd be left with two small circular scars at the front and back of his left shoulder area.
When May asked about long term damage she was again reassured that there shouldn't be any, she instructed May that he'd make a full recovery, and if he kept up with his rehab and exercises he wouldn't lose any function at all in his shoulder.
Relief clearly flooded through May as she hugged the life out of Dr Palmer and cried her thank-yous. At this time my parents I looked behind May and Dr Palmer and spotted Dr Strange barely standing in the room, trying to remain unseen.
Christine saw us looking behind her and disengaged the hug she was sharing with May. She was quick to pass the praise to Dr Strange, as she reminded us that he was the one who had actually performed the surgery.
May didn't even give him time to talk as she quickly proceeded to hug the life out of him as well. His look of discomfort was hilarious so I quickly took a picture of the moment on my phone.
The camera flash got everyone's attention, "What? He saved Ben's life, this is a moment I wanted to capture", I reply without shame to the questioning stares.
"Yes well, we'll let you go now; you'll be able to visit the patient tomorrow", Strange informs us awkwardly before quickly walking away.
"He's a charmer that one" I say sarcastically. "He's not so bad, he's just not very good with people" Dr Palmer defends her colleague and love-interest. "Uh-huh" I reply sceptically.
"Lex be nice" May admonishes me, "Sorry Aunt May" I reply like it's an old habit. She and my mom share a smile and hug at the same time again.
May pulls back slightly as my mom lets us go, I look down at May and she simply cups my face and brings my head down before placing a kiss on my forehead, hugging me again and saying. "Thank you so much Lex, if you hadn't been there Ben wouldn't be here right now", gratitude evident in her voice.
Peter looks shocked at hearing this, but his mind quickly puts the pieces together and he comes up and hugs me too. "Thank you Lex, thank you for being there when I wasn't" he says in gratitude and guilt.
I just smile at them before I look at Christine, "You wanna get in on this too"? I ask in amusement. She smiles, holding back a chuckle and says "No thank you, this looks like a family moment. I'm sure we'll be seeing you soon, you should all really head home and get some sleep".
Aunt May and Peter ended their hugs as she was speaking. May and Peter quickly thanked her again before she walked back into the staff only area.
"What were you doing near the library anyway"? Peter suddenly asks. "I was at a local wrestling show but I got bored and left" I replied unfazed.
He looked nervous; probably worried I spotted him in his red and blue long johns and red ski-mask.
He had looked ridiculous from what I saw in the feed from the cloaked drone following him. I'd tapped into the feed on my phone to more perfectly time my intervention with Ben.
"You got bored at a wrestling show"? My mom asks shocked. "Well yeah, it was some lame amateur challenge night. Survive three minutes with or beat their champ, I watched him crush eight guys before I got bored and left".
"They let amateurs fight a trained professional"? May questions in disbelief, I reply "Yeah, I talked to a few people (total lie, I had sent a few more cloaked drones to scout the venue) and was told they had legally binding waivers to stop them from being charged with any wrong doing".
"I was also told they were taking bets on the matches as well" I added further. "Well that sounds like a crime waiting to happen" May replies, "And illegal" my mom adds with my dad nodding in agreement.
Peter looked immensely guilty; Selene had given me a play by play in the waiting room after I put some headphones in and pretended I was listening to a podcast.
Peter confronted the guy; much like the Toby Maguire Spider-Man had, except his webs weren't organic, he didn't reveal anything about himself and the guy didn't die.
Peter had beat the shit out of the platinum haired robber after he found out his identity, his guilt and shame driving him to stop the man he felt he should have stopped when he had the chance.
Luckily Peter hadn't taken his mask off at all, and when the guy fell out a window after tripping on a copper pipe Peter caught him with his prototype web-shooters and left him hanging for the police to pick up.
It was a familiar but less deadly origin story for this Peter Parker, but fate wasn't changed, I could already see it on his face, Peter's new life motto; With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. He'd be Spider-Man before anyone knew it.
After Aunt Mays and my mom's comments Peter said, "Thank you again Lex, I don't know where we would be right now if you hadn't been there". I just gave him a smile and said "We all get lucky sometimes Pete, I'm just glad now was my time".
After I said this it took a little while but we eventually left the hospital and gave May and Peter a lift home. Mom sat in back behind the driver, me, with May in the middle as they started talking up a storm; it was nice that they were getting along so well.
My dad offered to drive but I reminded him that no one was driving this beauty except me.
After we dropped off May and Peter my parents spent the ride back to ours making sure I was okay, it was a little annoying but it's always nice to be reminded that you're loved and people care about you.
I didn't even think about the Cave as I went to sleep that night, all I could do was thank my lucky stars everything had turned out okay and I had actually pulled it off. Hopefully I would never have to do anything like this again I thought.
I wanted my loved ones, friends and their loved ones safe. With that in mind I follow up with Selene about standing orders she had for tonight and go to sleep.
That's it for this weekend guys, hope you're enjoying the story and I'll see you next weekend.