
His thoughts.

As Danielle was in a daze she suddenly thought of one thing. What are his thoughts on the marriage?She knew he agreed to but she had no idea why.

"What if he tries to sell me, what if he makes me his slave?" She thought out loud not knowing her dad was listening

"Why do you always have to think so much into things" Her father said interrupting her thoughts.

"I can't help it, and who are you to judge I got it from you"

Her father let out a small laugh

"That indeed is true but, my thoughts aren't as crazy as yours"

Danielle couldn't help but laugh herself as she questioned "Why did he agree to the marriage anyway?"

"If you want me to be honest, I also have no idea why he agreed but I sure wasn't going to question him." Her father responded

"Still just because he agreed doesn't mean that he'll make you his slave or sell you off to the black market" With that her father took his leave

Now that she thought of it, her thoughts were a bit crazy. She laughed to herself because of how much she overthought things.

To get rid of the stress of her roaming thoughts, she decided to go shopping.

As she approached the mall she decided to go into her favorite store. Gucci.

She got new clothes and decided to head towards the food court. As she was sitting down with her food she got a call.

"Hello , what do you need?" She asked getting straight to the point not wanting to wait.

"Well that's no way to talk to your mother is it?" Said a woman on the other side of the phone with a chuckle.

"You're not my mother, you're just a woman who gave birth me and left." Danielle replied with a flat tone.

No reply

"As I asked before what do you want?" She asked getting impatient.

"I need $1,000." Her 'mother' replied

As she waited for a response she realized it was to silent. It then hit her that Danielle had hung up on her.

Now that she no longer had an appetite Danielle decided to head back home.

On her way she decided to stop at the supermarket to pick up some things for home.

As she was checking out a mysterious man caught her eye. Not mysterious in a bad way but the good way. He was tall, good looking, and has a nice body, and was also foreign . She decided to ignore him because there was a possibility that she would be getting married soon.

As she returned home she saw her father outside tending to the garden as usual. One thing she really loved about her father was that he didn't really care about fragile masculinity as much as other men.

He would do many things with her growing up since she didn't have a mother in the picture. This was because of lots of reasons and one of the reasons caused her father to not trust women other than those in his family.

"You need some help there?" She yelled out to her father.

"If your free you can help out all you want." Her father responded with his usual smile.

"Okay I'll be over to help once I put these bags up." Danielle responded with a smile for some unknown reason. Or maybe is just that seeing her father smile put a smile in her face as well.

After putting the bags up she went to help her father in the garden. She had the sudden urge to ask one question.

"What are his thoughts on the marriage?" She blurted out.

"Didn't you ask this earlier?" Her father questioned in confusion.

"No I asked a similar question, but they're completely different." She replied "So tell me what are his thoughts on this marriage, please dad!!" She asked in a pleading tone once again.