
To marry or to not marry

During one sunny and bright day, there sat a daughter and father having a possibly life changing conversation.

"So basically what you're saying is you want me to marry some guy who I've never in my life met before?"

Her father responded in a matter of fact tone "Not completely, you've met before just as kids so you might not remember him much."

"That doesn't change the fact that I don't want to marry him. For hell's sake you won't even tell me his name"

"His name … is Min Yoongi."

As the name came out of her father's mouth, Danielle froze of shock.

Frozen out of shock because she recalled what business he and his family were in. Not only were they mafias, but one of the strongest in the world. She stayed that way for a while before coming back to her senses ,as she heard her father calling her.

"Danny sweetie you okay?"

"YOU WANT ME TO MARRY INTO THAT FAMILY?!" She yelled out still in a bit of shock "We're not even in the same business category"

Yes this was very true her family owned a technology company while the Min's belonged to the mafia world. At this moment it didn't matter to her father though, he needed all the help he could get.

"Yes, I understand what you're saying 100%, but you know the company isn't doing so well and they have connections in this world as well"

"Still they're not our only choice I have many more suitors in this field"

"Once again I understand what you're saying but they already agreed to the marriage. Yoongi included. So please just cooperate this once." Her father replied in a pleading tone.

"Please just let me think about it for a while?"

"I'll give you 5 days tops." Her father felt a little relief knowing that she at least took the marriage into consideration.

"Thank you." Was all Danielle could say to end this conversation.

As she left to head back up to her room she called a close friend of hers to vent her thoughts to.

"So your father wants you to marry into a family of mafias for the benefit of the company?!"

"Basically yes, it's not that I'm bothered by getting married, it's just why him of all people?."

"Still you don't know him personally so get to know him first maybe he's not so bad"

"Okay, I'll call you later" after she hung up the phone she stayed in her room for the rest of the day thinking over her choices.

She kept repeatedly telling herself

"It might no be that bad, I don't know him personally yet"

Through the whole night that was the only thing on her mind.

"To marry or to not marry. To marry or to not marry"

Once she finally fell asleep she didn't feel like waking up. She slept like a baby in it's mother's embrace except she wasn't a baby and most certainly wasn't in her mother's embrace.

As she woke up the next morning she and her father ate breakfast together but it was awkwardly silent. She once again headed off to her room to finish the conversation she had with her friend last night.

"So have you thought it over yet?" Her friend curious as usual questioned

"Of course not, I mean, of course I want to help my father out but at the same time that means marrying into a family of mafias"

"Remember you still have to get to know him and his family first"

"I understand, but it's not that easy when we live nowhere near each other."

"I'm sorry I can't help out in this situation but I have to go, love you lots!."

And once again she left in the silence, alone with a mind of one thought. To marry or to not marry.

Sorry if the story is a little short but it’s my first one so please forgive me?

LaiZanicreators' thoughts