
my hero academia: reincarnated as Rimuru ("very original")

oh no! [Insert name here] has just died! already content with his death he awaited whatever is beyond death's door maybe he'll encounter the pearly gates or find the deepest pits of hell, however suddenly he was hit with a curve ball Reincarnation! Reborn anew [NAME] was lost as to his purpose however he soon heard his new name and threw it all away. "Rimuru Tempest" Im going to have so much fun! Unfortunately Rimuru is still a baby, so the most he could do is play with blocks. however good news! Rimuru has reincarnated into the MHA world! Multiversal character inside a low level world how fun! Wait... why are my abilities so a weak? dont tell me.... Nononono No wait please! Don't do this to me! (WARNING: Rimuru in this Novel is heavily nerfed, don't expect a power fantasy. This story doesn't take itself very seriously. I am a rookie writer, I cant make miracles happen.) PSST... It's no harem.... but you haven't heard it from me... shush shush ******** (I've never tried writing in my whole life this idea just popped into my mind and hasn't let got) not my characters or story I do not own any of the property used in this story. all of the content in this story is very much unoriginal.

Bruh_mann · 都市
98 Chs

The butterfly flaps its wings

Jiro POV:

To be honest, this past week felt like a fever dream. I chose DeathArms for work studies because I wanted to get better at hand-to-hand combat, but instead, I got military training...

Sleep, train, rest, train, patrol. That was all we did, every single day. My arms and legs still feel sore. The worst part might've been the boredom, we barely had anything to waste time on! and Rimuru that dummy ghosted leaving me and Tokoyami with barely anything to do, can't go to arcades, can't listen to music, I was bored out of my mind.

But fortunately, I got stronger! and so did my quirk... well all of our class got stronger, and some came back completely different! pfft I still remember Bakugo's haircut...

Rimuru changed a bit too... Is he wearing gloves? did he grow a glove fetish or something? .... is he taller or is it just me? I squinted my eye while looking at him,(Unknowingly making Rimuru shudder) 

He's definitely taller... he also looks less like a girl...

He's just missing a 3 piece suit for him to... ahem I might be thinking about him too much.

"you got to fight villains? So cool! I'm jealous" Mina was jumping around again, she's so cheerful all the time

"Well, I didn't fight them directly, I just helped rescue hostages and stuff" I answered modestly, I just stuck my ear-jack into the wall!

"I got to fight villains Ribbit, I helped catch smugglers Ribbit," Tsuyu said with a small smile on her emotionless face, it's rare to see her change expressions...

"That's cool" I unconsciously muttered. I've got to improve even more I can't stay behind! I'll work harder to be a hero!

suddenly we were interrupted by Iida's loud voice,

"I understand that people might think that Hero Killer was cool, but---" I stopped listening to him after some point, but I agree that killing people isn't cool, but his story is neat at least...

"I will work even harder to be a hero! Now everyone return to your seats! I as the class rep---" 

"so loud," Me, Tokoyami and Rimuru said at the same time, I rubbed my ears from pain, loud people are annoying...


The class went quiet in an instant as the door to the classroom opened, Aizawa entered with his usual bags under his eyes, walking up to the podium he yawned before beginning to talk.

"I hope you had a work studies experience, now that you all have at least a little bit of experience with pro-heroes we'll begin to train you for the provisional license exam, of course, the finals for this semester come first." Aizawa wiped his eyes, suddenly his aura changed and his hair started floating

"I expect every one of you to pass, those who fail will not participate in the summer camp activities" His announcement caused murmuring between students.

"Anyway, go to field gamma, All Might is waiting there for a small test. Just to check how much you improved." He walked out of the classroom not answering any questions, the whole class just sat there with deadpan expressions


"You look great young heroes!" All Might raised his thumbs, sitting on the viewing platform we could see Field Gamma behind the railing, a floating TV hung behind All Might. Field gamma was a factory environment with pipes lining every corner, and high concrete and steel buildings scattered around making it a difficult terrain to traverse

"Today we will be doing a rescue race! I hope you are prepared for a challenge" All Might pointed at the screen showing an aerial view of the field, but before he could explain Iida raised his hand

"Sensei, didn't we already have rescue training?" 

"haha, Iida-Shounen, that was rescue training. what we will do is rescue in a race format! The first to rescue wins. get it?" All Might chuckled as he started explaining the rules. In short: Get a location, go to the location, be fast, win.

The first team to go was naturally: Izuku Midoriya, Tenya Iida, Mashirao Ojiro, and Ashido Mina. staring at the screen we saw them walk aimlessly through the maze-like place, of course as soon as they got the coordinates they all began speeding up.

"Isn't Iida still injured? it would be a little unfair" Kirishima commented while looking at the screen, looking at Iida, he still had some bandaged parts.

As expected their mobility was top tier, Mina jumped from building to building by slipping on her acid, and Sero swung around like Spiderman using his tape, but of course, the most eye-catching was Midoriya who instead of breaking his bones was jumping using pure strength!

I was of course expecting this, the only surprising part was the fact that he didn't slip and fall, unlike canon. but someone else wasn't expecting this at all


the audible sound of teeth grinding was of course coming from Bakugo, his eyes widened looking at the screen.

"T-that bastard"

[And Midoriya-Shonen comes in first! *psst good work Midoriya-Shoene*- Ahem good work everybody!] All Might quickly noticed that his whisper was audible, fortunately, plot armor made our classmates suspect nothing.

[Alright next team is---]



I reflexively yawned while wandering around the area, but I was still excited to show off my new flying skill, I left a small trail of smoke as it emitted from my palms and shirt. obviously, it was [Shadow Wings], as soon as I get the coordinates I will sprout wings and fly drop kick All Might hehe.

Those that I am currently competing with are Fumikage Tokoyami, Eijirou Kirishima, and Momo Yaoyorozu. looking at the pipes above me I grumbled a bit knowing that it would be hard to evade those obstacles, but before I could complain more a beep sounded

Quickly looking at the weird watch they had given us I saw the location marked on the small map. without wasting a moment I spread my wings.

made from the same thing as the [Beelzbub] smoke meant that I could change its form at will, so naturally, I went for the feathery wings.

 "Get ready All Might, my drop kick will arrive with same-day shipping!" I immediately flew up


Up on the viewing platform the students were watching wide-eyed

"Since when can he use wings? and why is he so fast?" Kaminari looked as if his soul left his body.

Bakugo on the other hand looked as if he stepped on sh*t, with his frustration piling up. his face burned red... 

"That damn BASTARD! I'll beat him up and that damn Deku too, and then ill surpass All Might by beating him up too" Bakugo screamed out loud, small explosions formed on his palms, Kirishima and Sero who were seated close to him inched back a few times.

Meanwhile, Jiro looked at the screen with a down expression.

"There's no way I can keep up with him... Even Tokoyami is too high" She stared at Rimuru's cam, as he flew through the air, next she looked at Tokoyami who had learned how to fly himself. Both of them moving much faster than she could ever run.

"Is my quirk that useless?..." She fiddled with her ear-jacks, a depressing aura spread around her.

"What is Rimuru doing Ribbit?" Tsuyu stared at the screen with her unreadable expression, her head was tilted showing her confusion. 

"Isn't he flying wrong?" Mina asked out loud, on the screen, Rimuru was flying with his feet forward like he was about to kick off a wall that wasn't there...

"eh? Don't tell me" Jiro was also staring in confusion, a sudden idea came to mind but she quickly shook her head

'There's no way he'll do tha- he is isn't he' 


"Oh ho, he comes Tempest-Shounen, that's some impressive speeds!" All Might blocked the sunlight while looking at the flying blue blur

'Since when did he learn to fly? also that fast...' his thought process was cut short as the blue blur reached him, with a quick reaction he extended his hand and caught it

"Careful there Tempest-Shounen, you might hurt somebody," He said while holding onto Rimuru's foot

"Tsk, it didn't work" I clicked my tongue. Due to my newfound speed, I beat Midoriya's time by half, now all that is left is to wait for the slowpokes to finish. I walked towards the ledge of the building we were standing on and sat down. A new habit I made while training under EdgeShot.

"Ahem Tempest-Shounen, it seems you learned quite a bit working under EdgeShot huh?" All Might tried striking up a conversation, he might as well while they're waiting.

"uh huh," I nodded slightly. a small sweatdrop formed on All Might's forehead as the awkward silence increased in length.

But instead of trying to continue the conversation, All Might simply leaned on a railing near the edge of the roof.


"That looks to be Tokoyami-Shounen" All Might commented looking at the black shadow that was arriving closer, right behind him was a trail of dust coming from the ground, looking closer Momo was riding a small motorcycle. it roared while weaving pipes littering the ground.

As they got closer the fight got closer as well, with the flying Tokoyami having trouble dodging the hanging pipes, and Momo's motorcycle was constantly rattling from the rough floor. both of their faces showed concentration

.... And way behind Kirishima was running in the same direction, his hardened body acting like a battering ram and directly busting through the metal pipes, unfortunately, he was basically guaranteed last place

"Yo Tokoyami!" I raised my hand and waved

"It seems like you finally figured out how to fly. after 15 years it seemed like the chick learned to fly out of its nest, growing into a bir-"

"How did you make it here so fast?" Tokoyami interrupted me while landing on the roof, unfortunately, Momo would have to take the stairs...

"Magic~~~" I wiggled my hands while juggling a small metal ball I pulled from the subspace

[Ahem--- Rimuru Tempest-Shounen takes first place!] All Might said into his mic, announcing the win. Now done with the race I simply teleported back to the viewing platform, making Midoriya jump in surprise as I appeared right next to him.


At a quiet bar, two pro heroes were sharing a few drinks

"So how was it teaching your student?" DeathArms asked while taking a gulp of whiskey, on the rocks.

"He was... scary talented, but I guess his fighting skills still need improvement" EdgeShot answered as he took a sip of tea, both of them weren't in their hero costume but they were given a VIP room in the bar anyway.

"That Rimuru kid was impressive in the sports festival, I have no doubt he's talented. His quirk too, If I could teleport I'd be unstoppable haha" DeathArms banged the table while laughing, but even with his strength the table wasn't harmed at all. 

"His quirk is interesting too, even if I taught him how to use it, I still have no idea how it works..." EdgeShot rubbed his chin while trying to figure out Rimuru's quirk.

"You'd try to help any emitter you find to control their quirk... anyway I had some interesting ones, A girl with a hearing quirk, good potential. ah right now that I was reminded, have you ever thought of establishing a hero team?" DeathArms suddenly asked, a small silence in the booth was followed by the sound of EdgeShot sipping.

"You don't expect me to establish a team with you, do you?"

"Haha, of course not. There are these rookie heroes, Mt. Lady, and Kamui Woods. I think if you train those two they'll become like Hawks 2.0" This comment made EdgeShot's eyes narrow, being an investigation hero he knew a few details about Hawks and the commission.

"If you say they have good potential... maybe.." EdgeShot looked to the side while thinking

'DeathArms probably isn't wrong about their potential, maybe in the future...' His thought process was suddenly diverted

'Rimuru... The commission probably has their eyes on him... great potential and a powerful quirk... He should be careful.'


Inside the principal's office at UA, Nezu was calmly reading files and organizing. an already lukewarm tea by the side of the desk, next to it was a huge pile of paperwork.

"Tsk tsk, that League of Villains, creating so much paperwork. Perhaps I sho-"



Before Nezu could continue his thought the phone on his desk rang, putting the file to the side Nezu picked up the phone.

"It's good hearing from you, commission president, how are you doing this evening?" Nezu answered with a happy tone, but on the inside Nezu was feeling annoyed.


"A deal you say? what is it you are requesting? I'll try helping with anything in my power" Nezu spun on his chair, his expression getting darker by the second, but his tone showed none of it.


"I am sorry commission president, I can't get you a student's information. It is against UA rules. And I also value my student's privacy"


"I Understand"


"Well, I hope you understand my situation. I hope you have a good evening as well commission president" Nezu hung up the phone as he sat on his desk in silence.

"It appears the humans are scheming again. and against their own kin... Such a disappointment" Nezu sighed as a shadow cast over his face, his cute furry face was replaced by a scheming mastermind

"But when the humans tread on my territory I will respond in kind" Nezu turned on his computer before typing into the keyboard.

A battle has begun in the shadows, and all to get their hands on a blue-haired femboy...


A/N: Is this plot progression? praise me hoho~

anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter!