
My Hero Academia : Lust Hero

Reborn into the world of My Hero Academia and being adopted by Midnight, Yugen pledges to avert tragedy from befalling both his cherished ones and beloved characters. Empowered by a unique lust system, rewarding him with superpowers, items, bloodlines, and so on... for each intimate relationship with a woman, Yugen becomes the lust hero who harnesses the force of lust to save the world. Yugen : "The power of lust is unstoppable!" ---- Patreon : (add the point between N and C) patreoncom/saikikusu or just search: saikikusu in patreon search bar

SaikiKusu · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Chapter 37 : Realistic Marrow Washing

Bidding farewell to Setsuna, Yugen quickly returned home, stripped down to his shorts and prepared to exercise.

Even after acquiring the lust empowerment, his habit of pushing his limits through weightlifting didn't disappear. In fact, his desire to test his boundaries increased.

This time, he bypassed his usual small training room, opting instead for the specially-built exercise area in his basement, filled with various gym equipment.

After completing some cardio and warm-up exercises, he headed straight for the barbell. To avoid injury, he initially loaded it with five kilos on each side and easily curled it ten times. He then swapped the weights to fifty kilos per side.

He lifted the 100+ kg barbell with minimal exertion. Before his lust enhancement, lifting such a weight would have been a struggle. Now, it seemed his strength had increased slightly.

"My limit was always a 300 kg barbell bicep curl, which I could only do once. Let's see if I can break the record."

He squatted, gripped the barbell tightly, then stood, bringing the weight up with him. His forearms and palms bulged with veins as he estimated that lifting this weight required 70% of his strength.

Curling his arms up, he slowly guided the barbell to the top. His arms shook, but his grip was firm, and he noticed the difference.

"Before, I couldn't hold this weight for long. Now it seems I can do three or four more repetitions!"

Despite this realization, he didn't push himself further. He calmly added two 10 kg plates to each side, increasing the barbell's weight to 320 kg, then lifted it. The weight was within his limits.

Next, he swapped the 10 kg plates for two 20 kg ones, taking the total weight to 340 kg.

Yugen inhaled sharply and used 95% of his strength to lift the weight. He managed to complete a perfect bicep curl but quickly dropped the barbell due to the strain.

His hands trembled, and his breathing became erratic.

After resting for two minutes, he replaced the 20 kg plates with 25 kg ones, increasing the total weight to 350 kg.

His chest expanded as he exerted all his strength to lift the barbell. He let out a shout as he strained to lift it to the end. His body trembled, but he didn't give up. His purple eyes blazed with determination to overcome this challenge.

With a final scream, he made the barbell reach below his chin before dropping it. The sound of the heavy barbell hitting the cushioned floor echoed through the basement.

Yugen leaned against a nearby leg exercise machine, his breath short and chaotic. Slowly, his breathing became more controlled, but his arms continued to shake.

"I can't believe it! I managed to lift an extra 50 kg after using only 100 LP!" Yugen was clearly shocked.

"Normally, it would take me at least six months of intensive exercises and a regulated diet to achieve such a result. But with the aid of the lust empowerment, it happened instantly!"

"Now I understand why those Thunder Serpents gangsters couldn't endure a few punches from my clones."

He softly mumbled to himself, "350 kilograms... times gravity, 9.8 meters per second squared... That's roughly 3430 Newtons of force."

Pausing, he continued, "So in terms of impact, it's like a small car colliding at a modest speed of 10 kilometers per hour."

"If I can channel this force effectively... bones could fracture, tissues could rupture... I'm finally taking my first steps towards becoming a superman!"

Yugen smiled, satisfied with his increased strength. His sense of security improved, knowing that even in close combat, he could do more than just evade. He could now punch his enemies and send them flying.

Yugen then tested his various physical capabilities, such as the grip force, the endurance, jumping, and speed.

to test the later, he used a treadmill and simple physics to discovering a shocking truth, his speed reached 22 meter per second!

this is the double of his previous life fastest athlete record!

it can be seen that he is slowly advancing toward becoming superhuman.

"I'm back..."

Yugen, who was sitting in front of the TV watching the news while eating his lunch, turned around and saw Nemuri in her hero costume entering the living room. From her tone, he could feel a deep sense of exhaustion.

"Welcome back, babe," Yugen stood up and said the last word in an embarrassing tone. Calling the woman he used to treat as a big sister "babe" felt strange and shameful, but he had to adapt. They had tasted the forbidden fruit, and he had to adapt to their new relationship. He then walked toward her and gave her a strong hug.

He recalled the sense of unwillingness to separate from her he felt when he died and couldn't help but cling to her, feel her presence, and cherish it. He smelled the scent of her hair and body, feeling a sense of security.

"What's happened to you?"

Nemuri had a puzzled look on her face; Yugen had never greeted her like this.

"Nothing, I just missed you and was worried about your safety a lot," he separated from her and said with a sincere big smile.

Although she was tired and couldn't wait to sleep, Midnight was infected by his happiness, which improved her mood.

"Did you miss me or… " she smiled and said lewdly while caressing her melons with one hand while the other slipped into her private area.

Yugen's eyes sparkled and his desire almost ignited but he quickly diverted his attention to her charming face, the purple gems meet the azure eyes as he said seriously.

"I missed every thing of you, your body, your soul, everything!" he expressed his genuine feeling, then he leaned forward, his face got closer to her, their noses meet, their eyes intensely looked at each other.

Hearing his words, Nemuri felt a warm sensation spreading from her heart engulfing her entire being, rendering her checks red.

"That's my precious yugen! my heart can't bear these sweet words. "

The two approached each other even more, their lips collided, their tongues invaded each others mouth and intertwined like two snakes mating.

Yugen grabbed her ass checks tightly, a move he always wanted to do after seeing a motherfucker youtuber who kissed girls in the streets easily. How jealous he was that time, but now he is doing it, making the single dog motherfuckers reading his story jealous, it feels good, he squeezed the bouncy and soft ass of midnight sinking his hands in her flesh.

Nemuri also caressed his well traced abs and reached down to grab his Boundagani.

(Boundagani is a moroccan way to say Big Dick, the full expression is Boundagani El Haj Outmani!)

The two exchanged their love and only separated when the oxygen supply runs out.

The two then walked towards the couch and sat next to each other, Nemuri rested her head on his shoulder enjoying the calm and serene atmosphere.

"Yugen…I'm Very tired, I feel Like I could sleep for two days straight." Nemuri said weakly, her eyelids were heavy as they were going to close at any moment.

"was yesterday's shift very intense? did you fight any villain?" Yugen asked in a worried tone, yesterday he truly understood how dangerous the work of pro heroes is, just some delinquents high schoolers killed him once, even his sister or average pro heroes will find it difficult and if they lowers their defense, they will capsize in the gutters.

"sigh…" Nemuri sighed as she recalled the tragic event of yesterday before she replied.

"one of my agency members was targeted by a mysterious villain, he lured her in a narrow alley and injured her heavily, fortunately we arrived at the last moment and saved her life. that bastard was very agile and fled the scene quickly, I'm afraid that villain will target ordinary people, which will cause a headache, so we had been searching all the night for clue to identify him but till now we found nothing. it seems this is his first crime."

Yugen's heart tightened as he thought in his mind what if Nemuri was the one targeted by that villain instead? although she had some decent fighting skills and her quirk if it's used right can defeat her enemies instantly, but the drawback is that they must inhale the sleeping gaze first, if the enemy held his breath or even wore a gas mask then she will be no different from an ordinary person.

'No, I can't Allow such a thing to happen, I must eliminate the danger before it strikes!' with this thought in mind, he pretended to ask curiously.

"Have you seen how this villain Look? did you discover his quirk?"

Recalling the abnormal appearance of the villain and his terrifying killing intent, Nemuri hugged Yugen and said in fearful tone with a hint of disgust.

"That Villain is very scary, Yugen you couldn't imagine how much afraid I was, yet I had to stand bravely to protect my friend, He was wearing dark combat suit with metal armors, his arms were wrapped in bandages, he had a long messy black hair, and wore a tattered cloth around his face as a mask, he also had a long blood red scarf, as for his quirk we had deduced after hearing the words of the victim that it had something to do with stopping the movement of his targets.

hearing this vivid description, Yugen's eyes opened wide.

'Hero Killer-Stain!!'

Yugen's purple eyes became cold as he recalled what this character did in the canon story.

he remembered that Stain Target all the heroes he believes are fake and doesn't live up to the title of heroes because they earn money and fame from doing something as noble as heroism.

Yugen Certainty agree that some professional heroes doesn't deserve to be called heroes, but he doesn't agree totally with stain, After all, heroes are also humans, they need to eat and drink, nobody with a sane mind can sustain doing something without getting back some rewards, and it's too much for Stain to vent his anger by killing and heavily injuring heroes like what he did with Ida's brother or what he did with his sister's friend.

'Stain Is someone with a strong will, and his justice although is twisted but he isn't fully evil, If he is directed well he could become a good weapon, in canon, a lot of characters joined the villain league because of him, if I could win him and use him I will be able to prevent the league of villain from forming, thus taking another step toward saving Japan!'

'but if he doesn't agree, then I'll have to send him to jail, he is a dangerous element towards the safety of my sister, I won't be in peace if he remained free, I'll be always worried if she got attacked , injured or even in worst, killed by him!'

'Although I can go back in time, If I can choose, I don't want to repeat the same things again and again, It feels as if my life isn't moving at all. moreover, all of my hard won achievements will become nothing!'

these thoughts flashed in his mind but he showed nothing on the surface, he only replied in a scared tone.

"Babe, you have to face such lunatics everyday, and worry about being targeted, It made me feel distressed, don't you think it's time for you to retire? you have already dedicated a huge portion of your life to heroism, I believe that you should enjoy what remains of your life in peace."

Then He added in a joking tone : "leave this hardship to your man, you just need to help me keep getting stronger that's all hhh." Yugen teased as he kissed her head affectionately.

Nemuri smiled like a blooming flower, she enjoyed listening to her little man talking to her like how a husband speaks to his wife, just like the romance movies she watch, it feels like a dream, she tilted her head back and looked up to meet his purple eyes full of love and care. the two just looked at each other and exchanged their love with their gaze without any kissing.

Nemuri opened her lips and said : "oh my little man, your sweet talk is improving at an incredible rate." she showered him in praise, but her expression shifted to a serious look as she added,

"Yugen, Don't worry about my affairs, In Fact I'm already considering the idea of retiring before all of these happening. you will join the UA next year, I'll become a teacher there too, I won't have time to perform my heroic duty, so it's only reasonable to do so. but it's not now, There is at least 10 months before the UA Entrance exam begin, I intend to amass as much money as possible so we can buy a good house in Musutafu city."

Yugen thought for a moment and said : "Why not sell this home instead? I'm sure it will earn us enough money to buy a suitable house in musutafu."

Nemuri stretched her hand and pinched his checks as she replied in dissatisfaction.

"I Won't sell it! This is our home, This is were we grew up, we shared so many moments here, i can't allow anyone else to have it!!"

"alright alright, don't sell it babe, but please stop pinching my checks!" Yugen quickly begged for mercy, Nemuri smiled and patted his face with her palm and said : "don't worry, Your sister is strong, I won't easily lose!"

Yugen thought of something and said : "sister, what if I managed to earn enough money, will you consider retiring early?"

Yugen starts considering using his infinity bookmarking power to win the lottery or gamble, in this way he could earn money quickly.

hearing this question, Nemuri's eyes became sharp as she said : "Yugen, what are you thinking about? don't do something reckless."

Yugen also replied seriously : "sister don't worry, I won't break the law, I'm just thinking of trying my luck in the lottery that's all."

"Lottery? That's Bottomless pit, Even A 6yo kid knew it's a trap, don't pin your hope on it." Nemuri chuckled at Yugen's naivety, and advised him seriously.

"I know, I'll just try it one time that's all, I feel my luck had increased, or else how do you explain our current situation?" As Yugen said this, his sinful hand stretched to her breast and squeezed it through the thin elastic and smooth fabric.

"Mmm, Yugen…can we postpone it after I wake up? I don't have the energy to do anything." Nemuri kissed his lips and said in an apologizing tone, She can understand the mentality of Yugen, He is after all a young boy full of energy and vitality, his sexual urges and desires are very intense, any interaction with her will trigger his instinct.

Yugen shook his head and replied with a faint smile : "I'm not a selfish bastard who only wants to satisfy his desires, you are my heart, I should respect your opinion, since you need rest then let's postpon it, well, I seems to have a suitable idea, how about I give you a massage? so that you feel more relaxed and sleep well." Yugen suggested excitedly, obviously the massage he had in mind isn't a pure one as he says.

Nemuri looked at him Warly and said : "It's just a massage right? you won't do anything sexual? I want to do something special with you after i wake up, i bet it will generate a lot of love energy, that's why I don't want to waste today's chance." Nemuri explained her reason, she is very tired now, If Yugen really wants to have sex with her then she will be only receiving his attacks, it will be a one sided battle, which won't generate a huge amount of love energy and it will only waste their precious opportunity to get stronger.

Yugen starts pondering, he analyzed the pros and cons and felt that it's better to listen to her.

"alright, It's just a normal massage, I won't do anything pervert."

The two then walked to the bedroom, Nemuri Took off her cloths and remained in her underwear, then she lay sprawled on the bed on her stomach.

Yugen grabbed a Peppermint essential oil which has a cooling sensation upon it's contact with the skin which they often use it to relieve muscle tension and ease headaches.

He coated his hands with the peppermint oil, he felt a cool sensation transmitting from his palms and the scent drifted into his nose refreshing his brain, then he began to gently apply it to her body.

His palms glided over her back, tenderly massaging as he applied the oil.

feeling the cool sensation emanating from his hands, Nemuri couldn't help but let out a moan full of relief.

"Mmm…it's hot yet at the same time cold!" She murmured in a comfortable tone.

Yugen unfastened the bra clasp so the oil will cover her entire back and also to facilitate the process for himself.

his hands moved in circular motions, after that he starts pressing and kneading the back, applying a little bit of pressure with his hands and fingers.

Nemuri had a satisfied smile on her face as Yugen's hand applied pressure to the areas of her body that were causing her pain, eliciting a mix of discomfort and relief.

"Mmm…I feel like I'm melting." Nemuri softly moaned and said.

Hearing this, Yugen smiled in satisfaction, Making his lover felt comfortable made him happy, and he felt as if he is giving her back, he decided in his mind that every time she returns from work he will massage her.

"Are there any specific areas in your body that you feel require more attention during the massage?" He inquired.

"I've been experiencing discomfort in my neck, lower back, buttocks, and heels lately. It's likely due to spending extended hours at the office and engaging in frequent long hours of walking patrolling the area." Nemuri replied.

Hearing this, Yugen Felt distressed, not only she had to endure the discomfort to her body accompanied by the long hours of work, she also had to face and fight dangerous villains.

money! I must make enough money as fast as possible! this thought occupied his mind and felt a strong desire to become rich.

before he didn't have any means to make money so he never thought of it, but now he can use his ability to make a lot of money as long as he used it right without getting discovered.

Yugen pressed his thumbs on her slender neck, massaging it using circular movements to release the tension in the neck muscle.

"Does that feel good? Am I applying too much pressure?" Yugen inquired, noticing Nemuri's wide smile.

"Absolutely! It's perfect—please continue," Nemuri replied, her smile growing even wider. She is enjoying every touche from her little man, his warm yet cold hand sent waves of happiness crashing into her heart. She felt blessed to have made up the decision yesterday to become his woman, If she didn't then she won't be here enjoying this lovely moment. The previous Yugen had been a little bit stiff and rigid with her, he used to respect her and treat her politely, she didn't dislike it but she prefer him to be bold with her, treat her affectionately, and remove all barriers with her.

Yugen after few minutes of massaging the neck moved to the lower back region.

"yugen how about you use your quirk to massage my neck while simultaneously massaging my lower back, can you do it?" suddenly Nemuri suggested a brilliant idea.

"oh, that's a good idea, let me try." Yugen nodded then he duplicated two hands above her neck, using his mind, he manipulated it precisely and started massaging.

While the real hands pressed on the lower back, earning a muffled screams of pleasure and pain from nemuri.

"yeah! Press harder on my tailbone also above my butt" Nemuri said with a grin on her face will closing her eyes enjoying the sensation.

Yugen followed the instruction, using his non existent massage skills he patted, rubbed, pressed, all of her lower back area.

His eyes moved lower towards her bubbly ass, her white creamy and puffy ass checks were seducing him to do something dirty.


"now, let's give this beautiful butt some spanking. "

Clap Clap Clap

He gently slapped her buttocks making it jiggle and wiggle like a slime.

"Mmm… " Nemuri moaned softly as she felt his refreshing palms on her butt.

Yugen fondled her ass, grabbed it and kept squeezing it for a while until he filled up his desire.

He begin massaging the ass seriously, this time he used his knuckles to knead the jelly ball because his fingers and hand will sink in them without causing any pressure.

"Ay.. Be gentle with my Ass! " yugen seemed to use more pressure then needed causing nemuri to shout in pain.

He apologized and used less force. Seeing the faint smile on her face he understood he was doing good.

He moved down to her tight, without forgetting to add another two cloned hands that kept on massaging her butt.

He separated her legs and gently massaged the inner tight region, his finger deliberately moved closer to her private area causing Nemuri to have an additional pleasure.

He is going to use the theories he learned from watching massage corns to give her a vagina massage.

He started touching the sides of her sensitive area and massaging it gently.

Nemuri opened her eyes in astonishment and said in a low voice: "Yugen...do you really want to do this?" Yugen stared at Nemuri's face. An expression of fatigue mixed with some excitement appeared on her. He said, "Don't be afraid, I am not stupid to waste any opportunity to become stronger. in fact, I discovered that only after doing real…ahem..sex, that the cool down will start. so let me give you some happiness."

as Yugen start massaging her pink pussy, His Boundgani woke up from it's slumber completely.

slowly, bit by bit, his actions became bold, from just touching the side until he started fingering and ravaging her inside.

his eyes turned red from desire, his instinct took over him, the desire to become one with Nemuri made him forget the words he just said few seconds ago.

Nemuri Looked at him speechlessly, she sighed helplessly, she should had already expected this outcome, Yugen is still young full of vigor.

'fine, it's also good, I don't have to do it after just waking up.' She comforted herself.

Yugen already stripped himself naked, and sat on top of her ass, his purple eyes were filled with an overwhelming beastly desire to mate.

he spread her tights apart, revealing her pink hole.


creak creak creak


he starts pounding as if there was no tomorrow.

the moans of Nemuri, the clapping from colliding of their bodies, The noise of the bed, all these voices resonated in the room.

Waves of pink lust energy entered Yugen's body turning into lust points.

after 10 minute of intense non-stop slaying, Yugen finally reached the euphoria.

He pulled his dick out and let his sacrificed future children roam freely on her back.

only after reaching the orgasm, Yugen regained his sanity, he looked at the exhausted Nemuri laying sprawled on the bed panting wildly, and felt bad for her.

he was supposed to give her a massage, make her refreshed, not tire her even more.

although during the whole process he was the only one moving, but Nemuri also consumed a lot of energy, after all it's not an easy task to get your hole ravaged by a nine inches dragon.

"Babe..sorry, I couldn't control my desires…when I started touching your pussy I got aroused and I don't know why I seem to lose my Reason at that moment, at that time I only had one idea, which is to put my dick inside you…I'm sorry I made you exhausted even more." Yugen said while cleaning her back, although he orgasmed, that short moment of joy didn't last because he felt that he did something wrong, he should had respected his lover's wish and respected her physical situation.

'I'm So fucking selfish, damn! why did i lose my mind? is this a side effect of lust empowerment? did it augment my desires upon contact with girls? damn, I'm so fucking weak, my willpower is trash!'

Nemuri turned around, leaned on a pillow for a while until her breathing became long.

she gazed on Yugen's face, his eyes looking at the bed bellow, not daring to face her, she sighed in her heart and said.

"Yugen, Look at me."

Hearing this, Yugen lifted his head and meet her azure eyes.

seeing the self blaming expression on his face, Nemuri smiled inside and nodded in satisfaction.

'at least he knows he is wrong, I know he can't be blamed for his urges, but He must learn to respect his partners wish, as the future harem queen, I should teach him this.' Nemuri thought in her mind, then she said in a serious tone.

"what did you do wrong?" She asked calmly.

Yugen looked at her and resisted the urge to look at her charming oppais which escaped the confine of her bra.

'what did i do wrong?' yugen repeated this question in his mind and immediately answered.

"I forcibly…ahem…Fucked you?" He answered with a sense of shame in his words.

Nemuri's eyes twitched, Yugen is really stupied, he should had said it in a more refined way.

"That's right, you obviously knows that I'm Tired and need rest, yet you did what you want without respecting my opinion, which is a selfish behaviour, I know you are young full of energy, but I don't want you to become a selfish man in the future, that's why, i decided, we won't have sex for the next two days as a punishment! we can only make love by some kisses and orales so that you can get love energy, but if you repeat the same mistake again, I'll keep punishing you, you understand?!" Nemuri said in a tone full of majesty, Yugen felt as he discovered Nemuri for the first time, she seems really like a queen! this is a side he had never seen of her.

"I understand." he nodded.

"if you understand then…" She spread her legs apart, slide her fingers into her bottom region, using two fingers, she moved the lips of her vagina aside, and said with a devilish grin : "Lick it clean!"

Nemuri's desire was also ignited, she wasn't satisfied with the previous pounding, it only managed to stimulate her, now she must make sure to earn at least one orgasm from Yugen.

"GULP!" Yugen looked at this scene and swallowed his saliva, his Old Man that was just about to sleep immediately jolted awake, returning into it's Boundagani Mode.

He licked his dry lips and obeyed the orders.

another round begin, it seems the pounding she received from Yugen stimulated her and fueled her desire, she ignored her exhaustion and begin to take the initiative, Yugen licked her vagina, she also sucked his dick, then she rode him in a reverse cow girl, after that he changed into the doggy style, they tossed around until they reached the climax again.

this time there was no lust energy, as Yugen said before, the moment they had sex, nothing after it will be counted.

and each sexual act, for example kissing, touching boobs, ass, oral, and so on, will only generate lust points once, after that no matter how much they repeated it, no lust energy will be earned.

after their second round, Nemuri was drained from every bit of her energy, she jokingly said : "I'm sure I'll sleep very well."

Yugen smiled at her and said : "would you like to receive your love enhancement now or after you wake up?"

Nemuri's eyes lit up, before when Yugen used the 'love" energy on her she was asleep and didn't experience it, but when she woke up she felt a sense of refreshment and full of energy, even her speed and strength got increased significantly, now she is excited to see on her own eyes how this magical quirk of her little brother work.

Nemuri leaned on the pillow and said while suppressing her excitement.

"well I'm really excited to see how your magical love enhancement work."

Yugen nodded, he opened his lust system status and discovered that this love making session made him earns 500 lust points, now his total lust points is 581.

'I could give Myself and Nemuri two waves of enhancements of 200 lust points, it seems I can break through to the next tier today.' Yugen calculated in his heart.

'Let's enhance Nemuri's body first.'

with a thought, yugen consumed 200 lust points and choose the target as Nemuri's physique.

A pink mist escaped from Yugen's body and directly enveloped Nemuri's whole body. The pink mist was invisible to Nemuri; only Yugen could see it. However, she felt a tingling sensation around her entire body, as if she were covered in warm water vapor that massaged every bit of her. The warm sensation seeped through her pores into her interior, flowing through her meridians and beginning to temper her veins, bones, and blood flow. The pink mist acted like a repairman, fixing all the damage in her body and cleaning it inside out.

Nemuri began trembling in enjoyment, as if she were experiencing an orgasm—a pleasure that seemed to stem from the very fabric of her cells. The elevation of her life level made her body cheer in joy. This was something she had never felt before; compared to this euphoria, the pleasure of sex seemed insignificant at this moment.


Suddenly, Nemuri opened her eyes wide, her stomach growling loudly. At the same time, she felt a strong desire to answer the call of nature.

Without saying anything, fearing she might lose control of herself, she quickly ran at an incredible speed to the bathroom.

"So fast!" Yugen was caught off guard; he only felt a breeze of wind passing near him and found that Nemuri had disappeared.

"Her speed increased tremendously. Could it be she broke through to the second tier?" Yugen thought about it. Nemuri's physical fitness already surpassed that of average people; her strength allowed her to beat ten average men at the same time easily. She was already at the peak of average human physical strength, and the two lust enhancements he performed on her had already pushed her to break through the limit and reach into the category of superhumans in terms of physical capabilities.

"Babe, what's wrong? Why did you rush into the bathroom?" Yugen couldn't understand for a while why she went to the bathroom as if her life depended on it. He was afraid that the lust enhancement would have some side effects. He stood in front of the bathroom door and asked with concern.

"BLRRRRP! BLRRRRP! BLRRRRP! BLRRRRP!" The only response he got was a relentless barrage of farting sounds, reminiscent of a series of machine gun shots.

"I'm… Pffft Fine! Leave me alone for the time being!… BlrrrrpBlrrrrpBlrrrrp!" Nemuri's voice sounded from inside. It was filled with a sense of tightness and squeezing, as if she was fighting hard and spending a huge amount of energy to pull something out of her body.

Hearing her response and smelling the stench coming from the bathroom, Yugen wisely left Nemuri's bedroom and closed the door behind him.

After escaping from the soon-to-be forbidden area and getting back to his room, Yugen started connecting the dots and realized what happened.

"Is this the legendary Marrow washing depicted in Xianxia novels? Nemuri is washing away the impurities in her body, although the method isn't similar to what I previously read. In the novels, the characters had their dirt coming out from their skin pores, but she needs to release the dirt from her asshole. Sure enough, novels can't be trusted. It's only natural for human beings to discharge their impurities from their asshole. Fortunately, I didn't choose to break through recklessly. I must be prepared. At least I must wait until no one is at home!"

Yugen waited for almost half an hour until the machine gun shooting coming from Nemuri's bedroom stopped. After another half an hour, Nemuri came out from her bedroom wearing only a bath towel. Although her face was pale and her walking posture seemed a bit strange, she was walking in wide steps, obviously, her asshole was on fire after all that non-stop firing. She closed the door of her bedroom tightly, opened all the windows, sprayed some air freshener and perfumes, and lit up incense to cover up the smell. After all of this, she finally sat next to Yugen on the couch.

Seeing this scene, Yugen could only pray inwardly that Nemuri wouldn't be traumatized.

Nemuri sighed and said helplessly, "Your quirk is surely… rude."

Yugen could see that her cheeks were slightly blushing.

In order to not make her embarrassed, Yugen cleared his throat and started explaining, "Babe, I think the love energy performed an all-around improvement and cleansing to your body. It's only natural that all the impurities in your body caused by eating unhealthy food, breathing polluted air, and so on, will be expelled from your body. This isn't a bad thing. In fact, I noticed that your skin became even whiter. Moreover, I noticed previously that your speed was really fast. I think we should head to the basement and perform an all-around physical test to see how much you improved." Yugen quickly diverted her attention and successfully removed the sense of shame in her heart.

He added, "Maybe even your quirk got evolved. Would you like to test it out?"

Yugen thought that Nemuri's breakthrough to tier 2 could possibly lead to the evolution of her quirk. In order to verify his guess, he asked her to test her quirk.

Nemuri's eyes brightened, although she was tired after all that had just happened. She noticed that her body was surprisingly very light. She was also curious to see how much she had improved and to test out her quirk to see if it had evolved as Yugen said.

"Well, let's postpone the physical test until I wake up in the evening. I don't have the mood to do anything, but we can test my quirk," Nemuri said.

Yugen nodded and said, "Alright, see if your quirk has changed."

He stood up and left Nemuri the space to test her ability.

Her quirk, Somnambulist, allows her to release a sleep-inducing aroma from her skin that makes anyone who inhales it lose consciousness and fall asleep. To avoid inhaling this gas, Yugen closed his nose and mouth and stood ten meters away.

Nemuri nodded and activated her quirk while paying serious attention to the changes in her body.

Her azure eyes lit up as she found that her quirk had indeed undergone a qualitative change.

"Ho ho, interesting," she exclaimed.

Yugen, standing far away, didn't see the usual pink gas escaping from his sister's body. He waited for a while before asking, "Babe, why didn't you release your quirk?" in puzzlement.

Nemuri chuckled and said in a suppressed excited tone, "I already released it, you just can't see it."

Yugen's eyes lit up as he realized the change in her ability.

"You can make your sleeping gas invisible? That really fits your ability well!" Yugen said in surprise.

"It seems so. Moreover, I don't need to tear my clothes anymore. I can release it from my hands, feet, and even from my mouth!" Nemuri said, excitement sparkling in her eyes.

Then she looked at Yugen with a hot gaze.

Yugen shivered, feeling that Nemuri's gaze seemed off.

"And most importantly…" as she said this, she extended her right hand and pointed towards Yugen.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Yugen realized that Nemuri intended to use him as a test subject but still pretended to be frightened to satisfy her sadistic tendencies.

Nemuri only muttered the word as she "shot" Yugen with her imaginary pistol, a wide grin on her face, saying, "Bang!"

Yugen didn't dodge and only felt a faint air current gently impacting his face. That air current was inhaled by his nose, making Yugen feel a little dizzy. The sensation quickly went away, and Yugen returned to his senses.

Seeing this, Nemuri smiled and explained, "It's useless to stand far away. I can condense the gas, for example, into a bullet form and shoot it away, making it traverse long distances easily. But the effect doesn't seem as strong as I imagined."

"Another thing I discovered is that I can suck back the gas into my body, and I think I may be able to suck it from the people who inhale it to wake them up earlier. In this way, I don't need to fear causing problems for my teammates."

"You can come back. I already sucked the gas back," Nemuri said.

Yugen returned to his place and sat down next to Nemuri.

"Your quirk has really evolved in a good direction. From what you said, we can conclude it gained three more functions: first is the ability to turn your sleeping gas invisible, then the ability to reshape it into other forms like bullets, bestowing you a long-range attack. Although the effect isn't as strong as in its gaseous form, I think if you condensed it into balls or even highly compressed bullets, it could retain its potency. Then the final function, which is to suck the sleeping gas back, I think the third one is a game-changer. In group fighting situations, you can release your ability wildly without holding back. After putting the enemy to sleep, you can suck the gas back from your friends to wake them up before the villains regain consciousness!" Yugen quickly summarized and gave some suggestions.

Nemuri nodded, then she asked, "When do you intend to use love enhancement on yourself? I'm curious how your quirk will evolve."

Yugen smiled wryly and replied honestly, "Babe, I'll wait until you're not at home…I'm afraid once the love energy cleanses my body, the 'impurities' will suffocate you to death."

Nemuri's eyes twitched, and she coughed in embarrassment. She said seriously, "Do what you see fit."

After that, she stood up and said after a long yawn, "I'll sleep in your bedroom. Wake me up at 8 PM."

Yugen nodded his head in agreement. He knew that the smell in her bedroom must be devastating, which is why she wanted to rest in his bedroom.