
My Agent System

[The MC is currently traversing in the Matrix....] When Kim Taisha died murdering her relatives with a bomb, she was merely an abused teenager who sought revenge on her family for abandoning her. She never imagined that her life would be so terrific when she opened her eyes again. ...... Just as Taisha felt she had fulfilled her mission smoothly, she always found that she had somehow fallen into a series of dangerous conspiracies... But Taisha wasn’t any big killer, she was merely an Agent. Rule 1. Situation out of control? Pretend to be a local. Rule 2. In danger? Make the protagonist your meat shield. ...... Summary: A novel revolving around being transported to other worlds without any OP abilities. The MC spends her whole day chasing protagonists, doing missions and killing to level up.  In this novel, the MC travels to Author's original worlds and movies with a twist.

Taishu · 映画
4 Chs

Deceased to Dragon

At night, inside a crowded mall.

A girl wore an ebony shirt which was massive on her awfully thin and pale self.

Her long, thick bangs obstructed most of her view as she glanced at the people below with an emotionless stare.

Parents appeased their children while ignorant teenagers roamed with their sweethearts enjoying themselves.

At the age of 18, she's supposed to have fun going out with her friends.

But she rather stood behind a railing staring at a bar from the second floor of the mall while a beautiful melody of an ice cream ad played behind her.

She had been waiting in this mall for the past four hours. Waiting to give somebody a gift, someone called 'mother'.

Shortly, a man hurried into the bar she had been eyeing. A faint sound of tables crashing and people screaming could be heard. 

The bar's entrance opened again and a drunk woman was being taken away by the angry man.

The girl who was standing behind the railing now stood on the thin railing.

She pulled out a remote from one of her pockets, it was relatively short with a tiny red switch on it.

Without saying any nonsense, the girl's feet left the railing she was standing on.

She had jumped off the second floor right as the drunk woman walked below her on the first floor.

The girl's fingers squeezed the red switch exactly when the woman and the man looked up at her in horror. 

The two people didn't realize what had happened as their bodies rapidly vaporized.

Under the girl's large black shirt, 15 bombs were positioned flawlessly.

Her mother 'exploded' with thrill seeing her gift. Pfft.

Taisha the girl who bombed the whole mall was also dying. A powerless sensation swept her body, she didn't have any anxiety about death 

But she really wished to see her parent's expressions if they knew that their daughter killed them.

Well, it doesn't matter, especially since they were killed by a daughter they didn't even know existed. Pfft. Hahaha.

Taisha's blown-up corpse lay down on the ground as she listened to the cries of the old, young, woman, man and children which were infinitely amplified in her ears. 

Since she used 15 bombs, before her death she hopes at least one of these people survives to tell her 'explosive tale' after her death. 

Taisha felt her consciousness start to darken, so she simply closed her eyes, accepting death.

This time she didn't hear the painful howls of people but an exceptionally machine-like voice narrate to her.

[The Hidden Civilization welcomes Human 418.]

[Transmission halted, unable to save 418's human body...]

{418's consciousness is awake, the soul is being transferred...]

[Finding an acceptable body for 418...]

[Body found...transferring body from Monster Star 862...]

[418's consciousness is being substituted to the body...]


Taisha appeared a bit stunned as she struggled to sit up.

While looking around, Taisha could merely see extremely white walls and a few gold-coloured symbols squirming on them.

A voice spoke about 'body transfer and stuff' around her, so she began to examine herself looking at her reflection on the cold white marble floor.

Short black hair - red snake eyes - scales on her hands; probably several more under her raven skin-tight robe covering almost her whole body...this isn't a human body, most likely of a young creature.

Taisha frowned, her height moreover appeared to shrink as well, and presently she looked like a 12-year-old child.

"Are you the mythical system people get after they are dead?"

Taisha had read several such novels while in school, she was, after all, a young adult.

[Unable to comprehend 418's question...]

[418 is confused, this is the Ancient Civilisation, not the 'Mythical system'.]

The current situation was bizarre. She wasn't somebody who did good deeds instead she at least murdered a thousand people from that explosion, shouldn't she be in the so-called hell?

Instead, here she is with a voice that doesn't even know what a mythical system is.

[418 please communicate with "Ancient Civilization" as immediately as possible to sign an agreement.]

Taisha didn't speak and the room abruptly turned white to red.

['Yes' to sign an agreement or 'No' for eternal death.]

"Agreement? Agreement about what? And why should I agree?"

Red has often been an indication of danger. Taisha didn't waste any more time and inquired.

[After signing an agreement, you will start operating as an Agent from Ancient Civilization, "acquiring knowledge and performing assistance" for Ancient Civilization.]

"What is an Agent?" 

[After signing the contract, humans will become Taskers, who find 'resources' and receive payments after bringing the 'resources' back to the Ancient City.]

[Agents are humans with special physiques possessing unique abilities that are beneficial in discovering information.]

[When Agents are executing ordinary information missions, 'Ancient Civilization' will occasionally give assisting missions to work with the 'Predators'.]

"Predator? Who are predators?" Taisha was particularly interested in this category of people.

[Predator's are remarkably experienced fighters working for the Ancient City. Please sign the agreement or wait for death.]


The white walls around her had entirely turned black now causing the surroundings to become exceptionally gloomy.

A faint gold futuristic panel popped up in front of Taisha.

The futuristic panel was bordered by a bright raven diamond and in the middle, a box affirming 'Enter Hand' was positioned.

Taisha wondered if she had anything left to do on her earth, she murdered her parents, her vicious orphanage instructor, and a thousand ignorant people.

Well, it appears she has nothing else to do on Earth. Taisha simply positioned her hand on the futuristic panel.

[Welcome Agent 418. Digitizing Agent's aptitudes...]


Identity: Agent 418.

Physique: Newborn Dragon physique + Human conscious.

Name: Kim Taisha.

Tier: Level 0.

Health: 100/100.

Strength: 10/100 (A newborn dragon's strength is awfully low.)

Dexterity: 40/100. (The Agent has extreme reflexes due to acquiring a Dragon physique.)

Resistance: 60/100. (The Agent can eat absolutely anything as long as it is not toxic.)

Intelligence IQ: 50/100.

Intelligence EQ: 70/100.

Main skills =

Dragon's Gluttony: Devouring a target's corpse remains will allow the Agent to acquire the abilities of the deceased individual.

Tip: This skill is a growth-type skill.

Tip: This skill can only be utilized once in a single world as the deceased person's memories can influence the Agent.
