
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · アニメ·コミックス
108 Chs

Another slice of life?

After finishing his business, Kaoru immediately returned to Tequila Wolf.

There, he was greeted by Robin and the little girl Soran, who was still busy chewing her food.

"Welcome back, Kaoru-san!"

"How's Robin? It was a great show, wasn't it!"


Robin replied briefly but with a wide and sincere smile on her face.

Akainu was Robin's greatest nightmare because he was one of the high-ranking Marines who participated in or perhaps even carried out the most massacres on the people of Ohara.

And seeing Akainu humiliated in front of the world made Robin slightly happy. She didn't really hope to get revenge directly because she understood her limitations.

Moreover, seeing Akainu's battered face stirred something inside Robin; she felt a strange sensation when witnessing an admiral being blindly beaten by Kaoru.

With Kaoru's return to Tequila Wolf, it meant their training would continue. Recognizing Kaoru's immense strength, Robin became even more enthusiastic about learning from him, although initially she couldn't keep up with Kaoru's program.

A few days later, Luffy sent an implied message to all his comrades to train and meet again two years and three days later at the same location where they were separated and sent to their current training locations.

Fortunately, news about Luffy was overshadowed by the biggest news stating that Marie Joa had been destroyed and annihilated by a mysterious attack, making the Marines even more overwhelmed in dealing with the increasingly rampant pirates and chaos in various member countries of the World Government.

Kaoru, who didn't pay much attention to that, chose to focus on training Robin. Sometimes he also met and talked with Chopper, sent clothes to Nami, watched over Usopp, and helped other Straw Hat crew members.

He even met Rayleigh and gave him some Sea Stone handcuffs to help Luffy train his Observation Haki. Rayleigh, intrigued by the idea, was eager to try, and the result was that Luffy's training became even more challenging than in the story.

Kaoru also didn't forget to help the remaining Whitebeard crew members, some of whom chose to disband and settle on Sphinx Island, Whitebeard's hometown. Kaoru also didn't forget to spar with Ace every time they met, to remind himself that a Devil Fruit user without strong Haki would only end up as a punching bag.

Days continued into the first year, with Kaoru focusing only on improving Robin's physical endurance and basic abilities. After Robin got used to the cold weather in Tequila Wolf, he sent her to a remote location in Alabasta to train in a hot and dry environment.

During the first year, the Revolutionary Army visited Tequila Wolf, and Kaoru suggested that the residents join the Revolutionary Army because they currently lacked people. So, those who wanted to fight could join the revolutionaries.

At first, the Revolutionary Army wanted to invite Robin to join, but after learning that Robin was trained by Kaoru, they gave up because they didn't want to have trouble with someone who could easily threaten Sengoku in front of the whole world.

Kaoru himself didn't expect that the Revolutionary Army forces coming to free Tequila Wolf were led by one of its leaders, a woman with purple hair, quirky glasses, and very revealing red clothing, almost indistinguishable from being naked, a woman named Belo Betty.

Her ability to turn ordinary people into warriors instantly made Kaoru understand why she was chosen to liberate Tequila Wolf.

After Tequila Wolf was officially liberated, and the residents finally chose to join the Revolutionaries, Kaoru invited Robin to leave Tequila Wolf. Their destination was still in the East Blue, Dawn Island, specifically the Foosha village, because he wanted to exchange something very important with someone who might still be there.

Sure enough, after arriving there, Kaoru and Robin got information that Garp was still on the island.

"Of course! No matter what, Ace is Garp's grandson, and losing a grandchild right in front of his eyes, I'm sure he wouldn't acted indifferent, even though he's a hero!"

"But isn't it ironic, Kaoru-san? A Navy hero, whose son became the leader of the Revolutionary Army, two grandsons became pirates, and one more became a high-ranking member of the Revolutionary Army!"

"Hahaha, if you put it that way, I'm sure only Tsuru-san's granddaughter followed her career!"

"I never thought the Navy was so corrupt that only Vice Admiral Tsuru's granddaughter would want to follow her!"

The two continued to chat about the Navy's shortcomings as they walked towards Garp's residence.

Kaoru also didn't forget to visit Makino's bar and talk about Shanks with her. Makino, who was initially scared when she saw Kaoru, became a close friend in an instant when discussing Shanks.

Upon arriving at a small house, Kaoru saw an old man with hair full of gray sitting in a chair, lost in thought. Even the rice cake, his favorite food, remained untouched.

As Kaoru and Robin approached the old man, Garp glanced at them but remained cautious.

"So what does the Fifth Emperor and the Devil's Child want from this old man?"

Seeing that Garp still had his guard up and high instincts even though he was sad, Kaoru was even more interested in doing business with him.

"It's nothing special, I just want to make a little exchange with you, Navy hero!"

"Ohhh? In that case, speak up, even though I'm in bad shape, I don't mind hearing what you want from me!"

Kaoru explained that he wanted a copy of the Rokushiki techniques held by the Navy. He also wanted information about rare Devil Fruits like mythical Zoan or Logia.

At first, Garp refused to give it to him, but after hearing Kaoru's reasons for wanting the Rokushiki copy and about Sabo and Ace still being alive, with the offer of information about their whereabouts, Garp readily sold Kaoru a copy of the Rokushiki book and information about the Devil Fruits Kaoru wanted.

After learning the facts and how, Garp immediately prepared and quickly left Kaoru and Robin to find his two grandsons who were thought to be dead.

"It seems I heard something very interesting earlier, the Fifth Emperor, huh? What do you think, Kaoru-san?"

Robin, who chose to remain silent throughout the conversation this time, began to comment.

"It doesn't matter, besides, a title like that isn't very useful to me, hahaha!"

After getting what he wanted, Kaoru this time took Robin shopping. They needed some supplies because this training was going to be very intense.


After training for two years with Kaoru, Robin's strength grew rapidly. She had also reached the awakening version of her Devil Fruit, which allowed Robin to easily transform into a demon or angelic giant or combine both versions.

Kaoru intended to give names to Robin's two awakening modes, 'Chaos bringer of the eternal hell, Demonio Lucilius' for the demon mode and 'The blind salvation of the primal heaven, Angelo Lucio' for the angel mode.

However, for some reason, when mentioning those names, Kaoru suddenly felt chills all over his body, and Robin quickly refused, then chose 'Demonio Fleur' and 'Angelo Fleur', for reasons Kaoru couldn't refuse.

With the demon mode, besides enlarging her body, all of Robin's attacks were drastically enhanced, while her angelic version focused more on defense, requiring Kaoru himself to put in a little effort to make a meaningful impact.

Moreover, with training and guidance from Kaoru, Robin's style and appearance also changed from what was in the story version. Now, Robin preferred to dress like a businesswoman, complete with elegant blazers, all in white.

Unfortunately, Kaoru failed to change Nami's dressing style, which still consisted of jeans and swimsuits, even though he had sent various clothes for her to try.

Now it was time for the Straw Hat crew to gather again, with Kaoru's teleportation ability easily bringing Robin to Shakky's bar.

Upon arriving there, they were both welcomed by Shakky and Rayleigh.

"Ohhhh! it seems the Fifth Emperor and his student are the first to arrive."

After the destruction and chaos, Imu and the elders rebuilt Marie Joa in a different and highly secretive location. Along with that, wanted posters featuring Kaoru's face were distributed worldwide.

[Kaoru, the Armagedon

Wanted only dead

6,969,000,000 Berry]

A poster that shocked everyone because the bounty value was much higher than Gol D. Roger's. However, with the power displayed by Kaoru, no one dared to mess around.

Even Big Mom and Kaido didn't say much, indirectly admitting that Kaoru deserved the emperor title.

After escorting Robin, Kaoru decided to return to his world because he hadn't been home for two years, so Kaoru missed his world.


Upon arriving at the guild hall, Kaoru was welcomed back by Hibari and after chatting for a while, Kaoru immediately returned to his world.

One new thing Kaoru realized was that his Herrscher body grew very slowly, evidenced by Kaoru not experiencing any physical changes for two years in the One Piece world.

That meant that when Ichika and the others became grandmothers, Kaoru still looked like a young man aged around 18 to 20.

Realizing this, Kaoru began to look for ways to increase the age range for those close to him because Kaoru understood very well that loneliness was one of the things that awaited long-lived creatures, so at least he hoped to get a companion for a long life together.

Setting that aside, Kaoru was now thinking about how to develop the entertainment world and make money.

And after remembering that virtual reality was a breakthrough that would surely advance technology, Kaoru immediately asked for help from Kirisaki Hana, Chitoge's mother, to find competent people to develop VR games.

Unexpectedly, among many names, there were two names that caught Kaoru's attention, and he immediately checked the resumes of those two individuals.

The first was a middle-aged man with the typical appearance of a researcher named Kayaba Akihiko.

And the second was a woman with a quirky appearance named Tsukuri Tsukuyo.

Those two names were not unfamiliar to Kaoru, especially for the man Kayaba Akihiko, a name Kaoru could never forget.

A man who managed to imprison ten thousand players in a death game he created but lost his reason after achieving it.

For the second one, she was not as famous because Kaoru only happened to remember from the novel that Tsukuyo Tsukuri was a genius who could design and develop a very complex VR game called Shangri-La Frontier.

Realizing these two names, Kaoru immediately used his information network and managed to find several names like Hizutome Rakuro, Amane Towa, Yuuki Asuna, and others, but unfortunately, he didn't find the name Kirigaya Kazuto.

What Kaoru found was Kirigaya Kazuko, a girl with long black hair who lived with her cousin Kirigaya Suguha.

Kaoru wanted to laugh when he heard the information from his informant, but after realizing their world was the same, Kaoru without hesitation contacted Kayaba and Tsukuyo to discuss the development of VR games.