
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

The beginning of Fantasy Art Online

Without hesitation, Kaoru contacted both geniuses, and after listening to Kaoru's ideas, concepts, and offers, they both quickly accepted.

After getting the designers he wanted, Kaoru then bought a building from a bankrupt company, of course at a discounted price. He hired many workers to clean and repair the building, as well as prepare all the necessary tools for Kayaba and Tsukuyo.

He also sought the help of old man Ichijou regarding important documents for establishing a company. As someone who had worked with Hana, Kaoru understood that unilateral monopoly was almost impossible, so he offered Mr. Ichijou and Adelt to invest in his company.

In a short time, the building was repaired, and the company was officially established. Kaoru almost got killed by Hana when suggesting the name of his company, which he ended up naming Eden, following Hana's advice.

The reason for naming it Eden was simple: Kaoru's goal was to create a virtual reality game where people could enjoy various worlds that had only existed in their imaginations.

With the genius minds of Kayaba and Tsukuyo, combined with Kaoru's crazy ideas, a virtual reality game design and all the supporting devices were completed and entered the manufacturing and testing processes, which would take quite some time.

According to Kaoru's calculations, they would be finished when he returned from vacation with Ichika and the others.

After planning all the game developments, Kaoru returned to his normal school life. Teaching the Nakano sisters, tutoring the genius trio, joking with Mafuyu-sensei, dating Ichika, playing with Chitoge, Raku, and the others, and now supervising to ensure that Kayaba Akihiko didn't include death game settings like SAO.

It's worth noting that in Kaoru's world, technological development was quite advanced, where simple AIs had begun to be developed for tasks like drawing or solving school problems.

As for Kirito, or now better known as Kiriko, Kaoru didn't pay much attention to her, especially since he wasn't interested in a girl who had just entered middle school.

With the combination of two geniuses in his company, Kaoru handed over a game design with a fantasy theme using swords, magic, and human basic abilities as its main pillars and also some simple games that could be create whenever they have a free time or could be used as a side job.

As for world design, monsters, and others, Kaoru confidently bought an indie game company named Eagle Jump and employed all its original employees for this project. He even added some skilled illustrators like Muramasa Senju to create various designs.

This formation was certainly capable of creating a masterpiece game that Kaoru believed would be unrivaled for decades to come.

As for security, it was something Kaoru never worried about. With the help of the Yakuza led by Mr. Ichijou and the Bee Hive gang led by Adelt, attacks from any side could easily be dealt with.

With his complete team, Kaoru now just needed to relax and wait to reap the fruits of the tree he had planted.


Weeks passed, and now it was the semester exam period for the students.

As usual, Kaoru and Fuutarou always topped the exam scoreboards. Even Kaoru confidently refused the girls' invitation to check the scores together, saying, "Well, I'll always be number one though!"

For those who didn't know Kaoru, it might sound arrogant, but the fact that Kaoru was very intelligent and always got the best grades was undeniable.

As for the girls, Kaoru was very confident in his teaching abilities, and of course, they all passed with quite satisfactory grades. Surprisingly, Yotsuba had the best grades among them, which was unexpected.

Because they had proven their abilities, now it was Kaoru's turn to prove his words.

Kaoru had prepared everything, even renting a small cruise ship big enough to accommodate them all.

Now they just had to wait for the holiday time to go. As a couple, of course, Kaoru went shopping with Ichika. However, who would have thought that the other girls would join, turning their date into a group shopping event.

But what Kaoru couldn't understand was that Ichika happily allowed the other girls to join in shopping, not knowing what was on his girlfriend's mind, Kaoru chose to remain silent and ready to be the shopping bag carrier.


Today, Kaoru received a call from his company informing him that the game development was progressing rapidly. They were now in the programming stage and implementing several elements into the game.

Tsukuyo said that it might be ready by early next year, and since it was still early summer now, there was about half a year left for alpha testing, and if there were no significant issues, they could start beta testing a few months after that.

Kaoru himself didn't expect the game he planned to be completed so quickly. This important news made Kaoru very happy, and he promised to give bonuses to every employee.

On the other hand, the employees, upon hearing about the bonuses, became even more enthusiastic about completing their project.

(A/N: All hail the bonus payment!!!!)


Today was the first day of the summer vacation, and Kaoru, along with his friends, was on a ship heading to his private island.

Since everyone was going, the ship became very crowded. Fortunately, Kaoru wasn't the only guy there.

Fuutarou, Raku, Shu, and the driver were the other males on the ship, so the girls still maintained some decorum.

If he were the only one there, Kaoru couldn't imagine how chaotic and noisy the ship would be.

Upon arrival, the girls, who were still not used to luxury, were amazed to see Kaoru's villa. Even Ruri, who usually had a flat expression, showed a rare surprised expression.

Seeing a rare opportunity, Shu quickly took photos of the girls, which, of course, earned him maximum aggression.

Kaoru, Raku, and Fuutarou, who didn't want to become victims of the girls' brutality, prayed for Shu's safety silently.

Not wanting to waste much time, Kaoru asked for the help of the other men to bring their belongings to the villa.

"Hey Shu! If you're still alive later, please help Raku prepare the food!"

Hearing Kaoru's shout, Shu, who was still drowned in the onslaught of angry girls whose funny faces had been captured by the camera, heroically raised his thumb.

Realizing that Shu wouldn't survive the day, the men quickly prepared dinner led by Raku.

As dusk fell, dinner and relaxation equipment for the night were ready. Kaoru asked the girls to return after they had finished hitting Shu.

They started a bonfire, made barbecue, played other games while waiting for the sun to set completely.

As the night fell, they feasted with singing and lighting fireworks around the bonfire, ending with telling horror stories before they returned to the villa to sleep.

Unbeknownst to them, a crack appeared in the sky, slowly growing larger until it created a hole in the sky. From that hole, something fell into the sea and was carried by the waves to the beach on Kaoru's island.

And whatever fell from that hole would be the beginning of the chaos and big problems that Kaoru would face.