
No Regret [Bonus chapter]



"I am sorry, ma. Sorry for the pain I caused you."

"I miss her, so very much," Li An cried into his chest.

"I know you do. I am so sorry about that but know that I am here for you."

"You have already left me, how can I trust those words?" Li An complained.

Ye Cheng let out a soft sigh but he did not pull back or anything. Rather he held her closer to himself. "I didn't leave you, mum. Please, don't say that."


They were both seated in her small living space in her room staring at each other and not saying anything to one another.

Tired of the God knows how long silence, Ye Cheng finally pried his lips open to speak.


"Yes?" She answered, more like asked almost immediately.

He smiled. "Mother, we need to talk."


"About yesterday."

"There is nothing to talk about, Michael."