
MHA: The Green Flash(Izukuxharem)

What if Naruto Uzumaki interferes with Izuku's life? What if Izuku met someone from future earlier? What if Izuku can use Chakra? Find the answers to all these what if's in my fic.

HarshaJirou · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Chapter 2 : New Friendship And The Search Begins.

{ blah blah }= me explaining some stuff

( blah blah)=thoughts

"blah blah" = speech




3RD person POV.


Izuku just looked at what was in front of him for second and screamed " AHH, A BIG FOX.", and tried running away as fast as he can, Kurama was just looking at the scene with a small smile as he caught the running kid with his hand and brought him up to his eyes.

Izuku who was caught was waving his little hands everywhere as he said " AHH, PLEASE DONT EAT ME MR.FOX, I AM NOT VERY TASTY.", fox chuckled a bit as he said [ oi kid, I am not here to eat you so calm down okay?].

Izuku who heard the fox opened his eyes with a curious expression and said " really? You are not going to eat me Mr. fox?", Kurama shook his head and Izuku let out a huge breath of relief and said " hello Mr. fox! my name is Izuku Midoriya!". Kurama nodded his head as he slowly put Izuku on the ground and said [ hello child. My name is Kurama or Kyuubi the nine tailed fox.].

Izuku then looked around as he said " where am I Mr. Kurama? The last I remember was I was at a play ground being beaten up by Kacchan and his friends and is the kid I was trying to save okay?". Kurama was thinking of what to tell the boy and then decided and said [ Well boy, I am your quirk, like one of those sentient quirks, I cannot appear outside you but I can give my power for you to use it].

Izuku as in a daze as he asked while shaking " a-are y-ou t-t-telling me the t-t-truth Mr. K-kurama , B-but the doctor said t-that I will n-n-never g-gain a q-q-quirk in my l-life!", Kurama's gaze softened, he understood what the kid was feeling, Kurama pat of the head of the boy softly with his huge hand which has fur.

Kurama then said [ I am not lying kid, there might be somethings I am not telling but you have to grow up to hear those, for now I will help you okay? Don't inform anyone tho. ]. Izuku nodded his head faster than ever and said " but Mr. Kurama, I must inform my mother tho. She always worries about me .". Kurama then remembered about the fact that Izuku is quirkless so he has chakra as life source.

Kurama then came up with a mini lie and told [ Since I am inside you meaning, the energy that I have is also with you as your life source, you can train in that too as well as my energy, but we will put off training my energy till future when you grow and till then, you focus on the training the energy inside you. ok?].

Little Izuku nodded his head excitedly as he said " then I can tell mom that my quirk is controlling an energy inside my body then! I hope I can learn a lot as a student from you Mr. Kurama!". Kurama smiled as he said [ I hope I can help you become a hero then kit.]. Izuku then put forward his fist forward as he smiled and said " I am glad I met you Mr. Kurama!".

Kurama froze for a bit as he stared at the fist and then gave a smirk as he put forward his fist and gave the kid a fist bump making the small child tumble back and fall on his butt. Releasing a small chuckle, Kurama then said [ well kid we are not done yet, we need to unlock your energy for you to control and use it]. Izuku brought himself back up as he said " woah! how do I do that Mr. Kurama!". Kurama then thought about it for a minute and said [ I will tell you later kid, first you got to get home, your parent must be worried. you were in unconscious for 3 days.], Izuku then began to run around in panic as he yelled " AHHH, MOM IS GONNA BE WORRIED ."" HOW DO I GET BACK?"" WHERE AM I", he then stops and looks at Kurama who as amused with the situation and asked " Umm.. Mr. Kurama, how do I get out from here?".

Kurama then smirked as he said [ Well kid, just imagine yourself leaving the place since we are in your mind after all.]. Izuku nodded his head as he then closed his eyes to concentrate a bit.

Izuku opened his eyes to see he is in some type of cave, he looked around as he heard [ yo kid, remember the location of this cave ok? the opening has a illusion so you need to know the location to come back here.]. Izuku was confused as he asked " why do I need to come back here Mr. Kurama and you can speak with me?". Kurama then answered [ you don't have to speak loud kid, I can hear your thoughts, just think when you have to speak to me or else others will think you are a weirdo.].

Izuku then thought ( I understand Mr. Kurama.), Kurama then said [ good, you need to know this place because there are many things around which are related to the energy you have, you can learn from it once you unlock your energy. It was written by the person I was previously inside. I came inside you after he died.],

Izuku could feel that Kurama was a bit sad speaking about the death of his predecessor and said ( I understood Mr. Kurama, I will make sure to remember this place.). Izuku then walked out and looked behind to see that there was no entrances but when he put his hand there, his hand went inside, Izuku then went towards the cliff in front of him and saw the whole of Mustafa town.

Izuku then awed looking at the scenery and then looked around to see if there was any road in sight. Izuku then saw some of the heroes searching around the place, taking a deep breath and then yelled " HELLO Mr. CROSSWWIRE, PLEASE HELP". The hero heard the voice and deducting that it was of a little kid and looked at the direction to see a small kid with green hair waving his hands.

The hero was happy since they found the kid they were looking for and then pulled out a intercom as he pressed the speech button and said " guys, I see the kid, he is on the cliff side just north to me, Swift! fly to the kid and bring him to us.". He got a "yes" as a response from swift.


why are heroes searching for the kid and not the police you might be asking.

Lets go 3 days back to




" IZUKU, IZUKU! CAN YOU HEAR ME?". I have searched every corner near the park but I can't find Izuku, I have asked around but everyone respond that they didn't see him. It's 8PM, he was supposed to be back by 5pm! maybe I should call Mitsuki now, she will know how to help me.

I dialed Mitsuki's number as the phone rang for a few seconds and I heard a voice " hello Inko? Its rare for you to call when it is this late.". Inko then hurriedly said " Oh my god Mitsuki, I don't know what to do! Izuku hasn't come home till now and I have searched the whole park but didn't find him.".

I then heard Mitsuki from the phone who replied " WHAT! But Katsuki came home on time! I will ask my son and come there, just wait a few minutes". the phone call was ended as I sat down on the bench, I don't know what to do..... Please be safe Izuku..


3rd person POV.


We see in Bakugo's household as Mitsuki just ended the call, she immediately ran to her son's room and slammed opened the door as she asked " KATSUKI, have you seen Izuku, he is missing right now, his mother is searching everywhere!" , Katsuki acted shocked but he thought ( I hope I didn't accidently blast him to death, but why does aunt Inko even care for that useless Deku anyways), Katsuki then replied " No old hag, I have left before him, I don't know what happened ".

Mitsuki could see that her son wasn't worried much for his best friend and became a bit suspicious but forgot because her nephew is still missing. She immediately went to her bedroom and woke up her husband and said " MASARU WAKE UP!, INKO CALLED ME AND SAID IZUKU IS MISSING, WE HAVE TO HELP FIND HIM.". Masaru who just woke up only heard the words 'Izuku is missing' and his eyes shot up.

He immediately got out of the bed, the couple changed their clothes and went running out of the house since the park is nearby . Katsuki who saw them running from his window sneered as he said " why do they even care for a quirkless Deku like him, they should be glad he is gone!".

Mitsuki and Masaru reached the park and saw Inko in tears on a bench crying, Mitsuki ran to her and hugged Inko as she said " Don't worry Inko, we will find Izu-chan soon. Lets go to the police office.". The three ran to the nearby police station.

Inside the police station we see a 3-men who are playing pokers, all 3 are a bit obese which is obvious from their uniforms looking ready to tear away. The middle one said " man , I am glad I became a police, hero's are doing our work, all we have to do is little work and the pay is good too.", the other 2 laughed as Mitsuki barged into the P.S and the three then became alert and from the right corner, the officer asked " What is the problem ma'am?" .

Mitsuki hurriedly answered " OFFICER, my friend's child is missing, he is only 5 year old boy and his name is Izuku Midoriya!". The officer then looked at his companion and said " run the database and search the name Izuku Midoriya and print out his details and picture."

The one who received the command got to word as Inko and Masaru was sitting in the lobby waiting to hear from the cops or Mitsuki . The cop who was going through database saw the kid's details and when he saw the quirk description , he immediately thought ( why waste our time for a freak?, better tell the chief to pass the case to heroes.).

The office got the print and whispered in his chief's ear" chief, it says that the kid is quirkless, it better to hand it to the heroes than waste our time on some trash kid.". the chief also agreed as they went towards Mitsuki and the chief said " I am sorry ma'am, you have to take this case to the detectives or heroes, that area is not under our jurisdiction, I don't think we can save this kid.".

Mitsuki wanted to immediately argue but from the way the man mentioned Izuku she knew that this is another one of those who think quirkless are trash, rather than wasting her time, she thought it would be better to not waste time and go to nearby hero agency, she did say one thing tho " I hope you better have a good excuse when you get a call from the head commissioner.".

The chief panicked and was gonna stop her but Mitsuki already stormed out of there.....


WORD COUNT : 1941.

I know that the thought process of Katsuki might be too harsh. Please bear with me.

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