
MHA: The Green Flash(Izukuxharem)

What if Naruto Uzumaki interferes with Izuku's life? What if Izuku met someone from future earlier? What if Izuku can use Chakra? Find the answers to all these what if's in my fic.

HarshaJirou · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 3: Everything Revealed.

{ blah blah }= me explaining some stuff

( blah blah)=thoughts

"blah blah" = speech


[ oi gaki ] is our favorite Kyuubi.





Mitsuki, Inko and Masaru just left the police station as they ran towards a nearby hero agency, Mitsuki then said " I cant believe they are letting the fact that Izuku is quirkless is the deciding factor for them to take up a case. And this happened right in the same neighbourhood, how dare they lie that the area is not in their jurisdiction!?!.".

Masaru who was just as angry but was less vocal about it said " I will make sure to call the head inspector and inform this so he can take care of those people at the station.". Mitsuki still fuming nodded her head as she looked at Inko who was running ahead of her with tears constantly rolling down her face.

They arrived at a hero agency called the 'walkers' which is quite well known in the area for the number of heroes in the agency and their efforts to keep the neighbourhood safe. Inko and Mitsuki rushed in as Masaru stopped outside to call the head inspector. Mitsuki and Inko came to the reception as Mitsuki yelled " please you have to help us, my friend's son is missing, he is only 5 year old , we searched the surrounding but didn't find him till now ".

The receptionist immediately pressed a blue button as a alarm rang and in a few seconds, some of the available heroes gathered as the receptionist explained them the situation. The heroes then came towards Inko as one of the male hero asked " ma'am, do you have his recent picture for us to identify him and some details?".

Inko nodded as she gave the picture of Izuku over to the heroes and told them a few of his constant habits and personality traits. The hero who saw the picture then said " ALLRIGHT, MAKE COPIES OF THIS PHOTO AND EVERYONE SET OUT IMMEDIATELY.".

A chorus of 'yes' were heard as the heroes set out immediately, Inko fell down on her knees completely exhausted as the receptionist and Mitsuki helped her on to a sofa, Masaru then came in and told them that those 3 officers will definitely get deserved punishment.

For the next 2 days, the heroes searched the whole of Mustafa city as they didn't come across Izuku until one of them had the idea to search the hill area, the heroes decided to go there as soon as the sunrises since its already dark out.

The next day afternoon, the heroes were still searching the hill and forest area as one of the heroes heard a kid's voice yell " HELLO Mr. CROSSWIRE, PLEASE HELP".




Swift brought Izuku from the hill range as the heroes kept asking questions as to what happened but Izuku only answered " p-please take me to my mom, I-I w-wanna see her quick." with tears as the heroes decided to have the interrogation after reuniting the kid to his mother. The heroes then returned to the forest entrance as they carefully escorted Izuku to Inko's address.

After reaches the front gate of the apartment, Izuku quickly opened the car door and dashed out of the car and ran towards the his apartment as the hero swift flew up to the first floor as rang the doorbell, the door was opened and Izuku came face-to-face to Mitsuki Bakugou. Mitsuki was stunned for a moment but immediately cried happily as she scooped up Izuku from the ground and hugged him tightly while crying from happiness.

Inko and Masaru heard the commotion as they came to the hallway and say Mitsuki bear hugging Izuku, Inko immediately burst forwards as she scooped Izuku from Mitsuki and proceeded to hug Izuku tightly as both the mother and son started crying in their embrace. After a while, everyone is assembled in the hall with heroes on the big couch and Inko on a sofa with Izuku on her lap as she is still hugging him .

The hero Crosswire them asked " now ma'am, is it okay if we interrogate little Izuku?", Inko nodded but remembered one thing as she put down Izuku and said " Izuku , let me remove your shirt to see if you have any injuries.". Izuku immediately answered in a bit of a scared tone and said " NO MOM , I-I didn't get h-hurt at all , I am o-okay.".

Inko just answered " for mama's sake, let me check please Izu-chan". Izuku started freaking out as he tried to not make his mom remove his long sleeved t-shirt, but the effort was futile as Mitsuki held his hands and legs as Inko immediately pulled off his t-shirt.

The scene in front of the heroes and the parents were not pretty was Izuku had a giant scar on his chest which was in shape of random spikes around a round surface area , there was also many other similar but smaller scars around his arms and stomach and quite a bit of bruising too.

Inko let out a tears in shock with her voice cracking as she asked " I-IZUKU! WHAT HAPPENED!" , Izuku just stayed silent as he tried to cover up his body with his arms as the heroes and the Bakugou adults snapped out of their stupr as one of the heroes came forward and said " miss. Inko, can I please check your son, I have experience in medical field, maybe I can see what kind of scaring it was. ".

Inko just nodded silently with her hands clenched as the female hero went towards Izuku who was still trying and failing to hide his scars with his hands as the hero with a bit of force held Izuku's hand and inspected the scars.

After contemplating for a while. the hero turned to others and said " I have observed these kinds of scarring on people who have survived explosion even after being in range of impact, this is most likely the work of a kind of explosion quirk. But the fascinating thing is that his body is completely fine as though his injuries were treated but only the scars were left.".

This put off everyone since there was no way that someone can be treated within a short period of time. Izuku then suddenly said " um , I-I have a-awaken-ned a q-quirk". Everyone in the room froze suddenly as Mitsuki then asked " is it true Izuku?", Izuku then smiled as he said " yes aunt-Mitsuki , my quirk is being able to control the internal energy in my body!" ,

One of the heroes asked " This might be a chance that his sudden quirk awakening might be the solution for this healing .", the heroes couldn't help but agree since quirks were always mysterious and there was no other lead for them to figure out how Izuku was healed at a abnormal rate.

Kurama who watched the scene unfold immediately realized that Izuku said his quirk in order to distract the adults from asking him more question which might make him reveal what truly happened thought ( this kid is too kind and forgiving for his own good, I cant let this go on and effect the kid's growth, seems like I have to reveal myself earlier than expected.).

Kurama then took over Izuku immediately, this was only possible since Izuku's mind is weak at present and vulnerable, for other Izuku's head immediately went down as Inko quickly asked " IZUKU, what happened?!?".

Izuku then rose his head up as everyone were surprised as they saw 2 crimson eyes with a slit in middle instead of his emerald ones, they then heard Izuku say " fear not everyone, kid lied a bit about his quirk but that was according to my instruction, I am Izuku's quirk, I am like one of those sentient quirks, I cannot appear outside Izuku but I can give my power for him to use it. but Izuku didn't completely lie since I awakened inside him. he also has internal energy. I took over his body since he is not willing to reveal anything that happened to him ." .

Everyone was astonished as they asked him more question about himself as Izuku's quirk, Kurama cleared the doubts and also said that he can only take over Izuku when his mind power is weak and vulnerable.

Everyone finally calmed down as Mitsuki finally asked " what really happened Kurama-san.". Kurama as Izuku then answered " as you know I was dormant inside Izuku waiting for him to age up so he can awaken me but I can see his life , after he was declared quirkless, he was completely ignored and mistreated by his class peers and teacher who also ignored him, people also in his neighbourhood will silently whisper about him behind his back and made their children avoid him like a plague, Izuku heard everything but just kept smiling and went along as if nothing is wrong but he started thinking that other's were true.".

Inko fell on her knees as she said " my poor boy has went through this but never said anything to me, I couldn't even see the pain and his makeshift smile." she started crying as Kurama then said " its not your fault Ms. Inko, Izuku was never physically bullied until recently so there was no way you could know since Izuku always put on a wide smile even when he heard the whispers about him. ".

Inko could only nod weakly as Mitsuki caught on to the words and seriously asked " WAIT, you said never physically bullied until recently, what do you mean?". Kurama answered " Mitsuki-san, these scars were the result of 3 kids beating him as they wanted for hours till they left.". Mitsuki then felt dread as she slowly but shakingly asked " was K-Katsuki , one of them?".

Inko and Masaru immediately turned to Mitsuki as they said " HOW could you say that Mitsuki, Izuku and Katsuki are best of friends?!!" , " YES DEAR, Katsuki might be brash BUT I am sure he wont bully his best friend since birt~." , Kurama cut of Masaru as he said " yes, you are correct Mitsuki-san, what happened 3 days ago was your son leading a group of 2 kids and himself were bullying a kid until Izuku came over and said you son to stop being mean to others but your son and his group decided to shift their target to Izuku as your son fiercely used his quirk on Izuku till he was in near dead state, that was when I was able to awaken and sacrificed half of myself to restore Izuku and took control as I went into the hills till Izuku can heal which took 3 days".

{important note : after Kurama was transferred to Izuku , he got Izuku's memories so he came up with the dormant quirk stuff, and the incident narrated to not let Naruto's identity be disclosed.}

Mitsuki and Masaru were frozen in shock as they fell to the ground as Inko just fainted from the emotional rollercoaster. The heroes were also shocked but one of them said " I am sorry but we have to hand over your son and his group to the juvenile court miss and mister Bakugou, only they can decide the judgement.".

The Bakugou adults just stayed silent as they decided to....
