
MHA: The Birth Of A Vampire

A guy is going down the street when he suddenly sees how a man is about to be run over, in a moment of courage the guy throws himself and manages to save the man from being run over, but he ends up dying instead. When he opens his eyes again he finds himself as a soul and the opportunity to reincarnate. What his quirk be? What kind of quirk is that. He accompanies our protagonist in the world of My Hero Academia where he will enjoy his new life and seek to reach the top. (Also trying to conquer one or another girl along the way). P.S: I hate NTR, so in my fanfic, you will never find the MC being fooled. You can read calmly. If you want to support me for pa-treon I will be very grateful, there you will also find some early chapters and it will be of great help to me, thanks for reading: Patre-on /acoms I will also be publishing this work on RoyalRoad, you can find it with the same name. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE: 1 Chapter every other day. today I go up a chapter and tomorrow I don't, the next I do and the next I don't, and so on. ************************** DISCLAIMER: I do not own My Hero Academia and any of its characters. The only thing that belongs to me is the OC characters and some changes in the story.

Acoms · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 38

Hello, thank you very much everyone for your opinion and vote in the last poll, you helped me a lot.

Today I wanted to ask you to write me ideas for Akira's hero name, I will try to read all the suggestions.

(Thanks for all your support and love that you give to this fanfic, they are the best <3)

I hope you enjoy the chapter, if you want to support me you can go to my Pa-treon / acoms where you will find advanced chapters. See you Monday bye <3


While all the participants in that area were dazzled by Akira's power in a room full of examiners and teachers, a great discussion was taking place.

Going back a few minutes, each examiner and teacher watched through the different screens how the test was developed in the different areas, taking notes on the most prominent participants.

Obviously, the one who attracted the most attention was the young man who advanced first, this showed that he was prepared to act at all times and as his response was quick, his power was also incredible.

After all, although the robots were not very strong and dangerous they should still show some resistance against inexperienced students, something that was not seen when that young man easily destroyed one after another with only his fists and feet.

"Woahh, that boy is incredible, he has superhuman strength" spoke the teacher 1

"Not only that, but his speed is also higher than the norm, what kind of quirk does he have?" teacher 2

"Ummm, according to his file his name is Kyuketsu Akira and his quirk is <Blood Strengthening> this allows him to strengthen his body by controlling the blood within it to increase his physical capabilities" replied an examiner who had the file at hand.

"Hmmm, an interesting quirk and from what we can see very powerful, but at the same time it can be very dangerous" the voice came from the chair located in the center of the room, in which an anthropomorphic mouse sat with a scar on its eye.

"What do you mean by dangerous, director Nezu?" Asked a professor whose body seemed to be made of stone and cement, his hero's name was Cementos.

"Without precise control and knowledge of the human body, an accident can happen that can be fatal for the possessor of such a quirk, after all, if it circulates incorrectly, its blood can generate internal bleeding or even worse, such as exploding due to losing control of its circulation, am I correct Vlad?" Nezu asked.

"That's right and not only that after all his quirk seems to be very similar to mine, so I am surprised that at such a young age he is able to manipulate his blood in such a way without causing harm to himself and beyond the director's concerns Nezu, I think his quirk is not limited to just improving him physically" spoke Vlad King, the hero Akira attended UA for.

"Eh? What do you mean professor Vlad? His file says that it can only be strengthened" said the examiner who had read the file previously.

"I mean that sometimes the evaluation machine does not show the full potential of a quirk, or that sometimes they can be misinterpreted causing errors in the information of the quirk, since although its quirk is called strengthening it includes the word Blood, it which makes me think that he shouldn't limit himself to just getting physically stronger, I think that if he trains enough he should be able to manipulate the blood to the point of doing what I do"

"Hmmm, if what you say is true his level of danger increases even more, after all, if he is already powerful just by manipulating his blood internally once he can do it on the outside it will be even more" Nezu finished.

While this talk was taking place, the exam time was running out and it was time to release the 0p robots, this moment was always exciting and important since the teachers could see how the students react to an attack or major disaster.

If they successfully withdraw it will show that they are competent, but if in their withdrawal they do not mind crushing the other people in order to save themselves it will show that their character is not suitable for a hero, finally, if they decide to stay and help others to escape will show that they have the perfect character to be a hero, those people will be rewarded with extra points.

Out of these three types, there is a fourth type of person who very rarely happens, it is the type who does not flee from the threat, but faces it head-on, and that is what the examiners saw when a child of average height that up to the at the moment he had not stood out at all, he jumped in front of the robot to save a companion who had been trapped under rubble.

As they watched as that child's blow destroyed the robot's head, as well as his arm in the process, something happened on a different screen that caught everyone's attention again.

Everyone quickly turned their attention to the screen where Akira could be seen jumping several meters while he laughed wildly as his arm turned red and swelled before launching a blow at extreme speeds.


Although they were far from the scene, they could see the terrifying power behind that blow, and as if to demonstrate it the head and then the body of the robot exploded generating a great blizzard that covered the camera with dust and in the audio only static was heard.


The room was completely silent, the previously animated teachers had serious expressions and astonishment at such a show of power.

"Quickly recover the image, I want to know what happened there" ordered Nezu somewhat excited.

"Right away sir" all the technicians got to work and seconds later they managed to recover the image from the camera of that area, everyone could see how the dust cleared and that Akira was standing with his back on top of a mountain of rubble and behind him or rather in his shadow all the other participants, all looking at his back with longing, amazement, admiration and even envy.

When seeing this scene through the minds of the teachers, the image of that hero known as the Symbol of Peace, the hero number 1 of Japan, All Might, was superimposed, together everyone could imagine how that back that now looks somewhat small in the future he would lead all the other heroes to protect this country.

"I want him in my class" the silence was interrupted by what appeared to be a giant yellow cocoon from which emerged a man with long black hair, taciturn, with dark circles in his eyes and fatigue that could be seen with the naked eye.

"Eh? What did you say Aizawa?" Nezu asked not understanding the words of Aizawa Shota, better known as Eraserhead and teacher in charge of class 1A.

"I want Kyuketsu Akira in my class" Aizawa repeated again.

"What? Of course not, the boy has to be in my class, his quirk is similar to mine, so the best teacher to guide him is me" Vlad King intervened.

"You may be right, but you should also know that class 1A is where we gather all those students with the potential to be heroes, but that at the same time their quirks are unstable and too powerful, so much so that they can be dangerous not only for themselves but for other people, that is why I am in charge of that class, I can guide them so that no incident happens and in case come to appear, with my quirk I can restrict them and end the problem.

And considering what Kyuketsu Akira has shown us and what you think he can evolve into, there is no doubt that he must be in my class, don't you, director?" Aizawa finished as he looked directly at Director Nezu who was still looking at Akira's image in the test.

"Ummm yes, I'm sorry Vlad, but Aizawa is right, it is too dangerous to leave it in class 1B, we cannot risk an accident happening and there is no one capable of restraining it causing the least possible damage" Nezu spoke after a few seconds of contemplation.

"Hahhh is fine, but if possible I want to have some sessions with him, after all, I am the best to teach him how to handle his quirk and the dangers of doing it incorrectly" Vlad proposed when he saw that he would not have Akira in his class.

"No problem in fact I think it would be perfect, with this solved I suppose we should start taking notes and then do the point count to make the results known to the students.

This year is going to be very interesting fufufu" Nezu finished as his gaze focused on two people, Akira who they were arguing about and another green-haired boy who had ended up very badly hurt.

As the teachers finished their discussion in the test area Akira finally moved and withdrew from the imitation city towards the exit, even when he left, the other examinees still stayed in their positions due to astonishment.

'Arghh damn it hurt, although I have been through this pain many times, it is not the same to suffer it when you fight for your life as when you only hurt yourself for wanting to show yourself well, I feel stupid hurting myself for wanting to see if I am stronger than Deku' Akira thought as he massaged his arm which was healing under the care of its regeneration.

After all, the attack he made was not one where he concentrated only a small portion of blood, in that attack he concentrated everything he could and only stopped when he felt that his arm was about to explode in the same way as it did when he fought against the Black Hawks obviously wouldn't inflict a wound like that, as it would expose his super-regeneration.

Enduring the pain while his arm finished recovering on the way to the exit, after all, he had already finished the exam and the only ones who would stay are those who need medical attention from Recovery Girl.

Thank you very much for reading my fanfic, I hope you enjoy it and if you like it I hope you support me with a power stone.

If you want to read advanced chapters you can go to my pa *** / acoms

Without more to say, I hope you enjoy reading my story.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Acomscreators' thoughts