
MHA : Spider-Man

This story is a simple one, a kid from Queens gets bitten by a spider and becomes a wanted vigilante in Musutafu, Japan. But what if the timeline gets messed up the slightest bit? What if he came along one year before a certain green-haired boy met his idol? Even if the people around Peter Parker change, that won't make him stop doing his best to be a spectacular hero.

Huvnn · 映画
73 Chs

Chapter 9: Back In The Swing III

That was until he realized something.

Most of the car was outside the building, with only the two front wheels actually making it inside.

Peter stared in horror at the vehicle, dreading what was about to come.

He prayed to whatever god there was for that car to stay there, for gravity to just not exist for that moment.


Whoever he prayed to must've not listened.

With the deafening groan of the metal, Peter watched as the car started to slip backward and listened as the people below screamed in terror.

Desperately, he started shooting webs that tethered the SUV to the floors, ceiling, and walls of the room, hoping, praying it would just stop.

Too bad he wasn't so lucky.

The webs around him snapped at the strain of gravity and the weight, he frantically began to shoot more and more as they continued to snap.

As he pressed the trigger to shoot more, he heard that clicking sound he always dreads.

He looked down at his web-shooters, his lenses widening as he pressed the trigger a few more times only to hear that same sound


Flicking his wrist, the now-empty cartridges were shot out as Peter dug into his belt and loaded in new ones, the lines that held the car continued to snap while Peter reloaded.

They weren't stopping it; if anything, they were just slowing it down.

Webs weren't enough, he worked on that formula for weeks, and yet they weren't enough .

Peter took a deep breath as he aimed his wrists at the car, a new plan in mind.

What he was gonna do next was gonna suck.

As the webs continued snapping, he shot two lines that stuck to the front of the car and gripped them tightly.

Just as he found his grip and stuck his feet to the floor, the last of the webs snapped under the strain.

Peter screamed.

Immediately, he yelled in pain as the full weight of both gravity and the car was placed on his body, he couldn't even let go to shoot more webs, or he'd risk letting the car fall.

Gritting his teeth, Peter pulled the car back as much as he could to little effect, his feet began sliding as the vehicle pulled him down.

He's stopped cars before, but this SUV was one of the biggest cars he's ever seen! It looked like a model specially made for people with some sort of mutation quirk that made them giants, It must be like 12 tons, and his max was at most 10 tons! Even then, the cars he stopped were normally going at decently low speed and still made him break a sweat.

But he's never had to stop one from falling out of a 6th story floor!

Well, he might as well try it out now.

Groaning, Peter gripped his lines tighter as the car slowly but surely went off the edge. His muscles and bones screamed in pain, he felt as if he was on fire!

Gasps and screams sounded off from the street, which meant that people still haven't run away yet.

Why couldn't they just leave so he could finally let this thing go!?

God, he was so tired.

"C'mon, Parker! C'mon Parker!" He screamed in English through gritted teeth as his hands burned.

He was hurt and annoyed at the people just watching him instead of doing anything.

He was just so tired right now.

Suddenly, the vehicle finally slid past the edge and outside the building, yanking Peter and bits of the floor he was standing on with it.

That wasn't good.

Not at all.

Peter let go of one hand and shot a web at the side of the building, stopping the car mid-fall and letting it hang from his one arm.

Again, Peter screamed in pain.

He felt like he was being ripped apart.

As the masked boy looked down to the streets below, he could see the random exam takers just standing there and watching as if nothing was happening.

His heart dropped when his lenses landed on some who were recording .

This was UA?

Painfully, Peter swung on the line he had shot and landed on the side of the building; with a grunt, he let go of the web just as his feet stuck to the concrete and grabbed the sole line that held the car up.

Everything hurt; blood pumped in his ears as his spider-sense blared to try and get him to let go.

"C'mon, Spider-Man! C'mon, Spider-Man!" He screamed in English louder this time, his vision began to swim.

Why couldn't someone just help him out? Just this once?

He was so damn tired.

"Move!" A familiar voice yelled; Peter opened his eyes as much as his body allowed and watched as none other than that Amajiki guy he met on the bus rushed forward while his hands were replaced with tentacles.

Amajiki wrapped up the people standing below the car with his tentacles and pulled them a few dozen feet away to a safe distance, quickly doing the same to the few that still remained.

The area now clear of people, Peter watched as Amajiki gave him a confident nod and a small smile, a smile that Peter returned under his mask before finally letting go.

A cloud of dust was kicked up as the vehicle crashed into the street below, the thunderous impact echoing across the fake city.

Peter saw the car now flattened on the sidewalk, he couldn't help but simply sigh in relief at his arms finally being free of the weight.

Even if he couldn't feel them, it was an improvement.

Just as Peter closed his eyes for a second, the focus on sticking to the wall was broken, and he started to fall to the streets below.

Before he could even shoot a web to catch himself or even brace for the impact, he felt something wrap around his waist and slow his descent before it gently placed him on the ground.

Amajiki really was the MVP of the day, wasn't he?

Peter lay on the ground next to the car, simply staring at the sky with a sense of satisfaction mixed with pain and exhaustion.

At least no one got hurt, right?

Well, except him.

Suddenly, Amajiki appeared before him and knelt down, his tentacles transforming back into regular hands.

"U-Uh, are you a-alright?" He nervously asked, visibly trying to figure out what to do.

"Never better!" Peter weakly responded, quickly wincing at the pain all over his body. "Can you, like, bring me over to the starting area? I need to take a quick nap, and I don't wanna be in the middle of all of this…"

He would've waved his hand around to emphasize what he said, but he legitimately couldn't feel anything from the shoulder down.

Eh, he'd walk it off.

After a nap.

The taller teen gave a silent nod just as his right hand transformed into a tentacle that wrapped around Peter's waist and gently lifted him up into the air, Peter already starting to lose consciousness as Amajiki began to make his way to the entrance.

"Thanks, buddy…"

As his vision darkened and they reached the starting area, they heard the voice of Present Mic announcing that the 0-Pointer had been released.

Peter never got to see it before his exhaustion finally overwhelmed him.

What a day, right?


His footsteps echoed through the empty floor of his apartment complex as Peter walked towards his door.

After losing consciousness, he had been put into the UA infirmary. Some old lady named Recovery Girl had woken him up half an hour and smacked him with a cane after healing him to the best of her ability.

Thank God he healed slightly faster.

It still left him with his right arm on a sling since he had torn a decent amount of muscles in his arms, torso, and legs, along with nearly dislocated one of his arms.

Hado had freaked out at his injuries and at how he was able to hold up a car with his bare hands before she started asking question after question of what had happened.

Amajiki bashfully accepted Peter thanking him for helping out when no one did before some buff blonde guy in desperate need of a haircut showed up, gushed over how cool Amajiki and Peter were for preventing people from getting hurt, yelled something about power, and walked off with Amajiki in tow.

That must've been the Mirio that Amajiki mentioned on the bus.

Also, Peter couldn't help but notice the slight blush on the indigo-haired boy's face when Mirio showed up.

Once he reached his door, Peter fished his keys out of his pocket and stepped into his dark and silent apartment with a sigh.

Looking around, his eyes landed on a note on the kitchen table. With his good hand, Peter picked it up and frowned at what was written.


"I am so sorry for this, but work transferred me over to the new location in Tokyo a few weeks earlier than expected at higher pay. 

I am already at the apartment I rented in the city, so you'll be alone in the house for a bit. I promise I will try to visit as much as I can, please tell me how the exam went when you get back! Love you!




He was actually looking forward to seeing May today, but he guessed he couldn't complain.

They needed the money, and May had worked for this promotion for months by now, Peter could handle being alone for a bit.

That didn't mean it wasn't gonna suck, though.

It was fine, he guessed.

Peter wasn't meaning to stick around too long.

He had someone to visit, anyway.

The boy went to his room and grabbed his old red scarf, he wrapped the cloth around his neck before walking out the door.


The cemetery was silent aside from the breezes that blew by and the crunching of dead leaves beneath his feet.

Peter walked through the seemingly endless rows of gravestones before finally reaching his destination. With a sigh, Peter sat down on the soft ground and placed his backpack next to him.

A simple headstone that seemed to be cleaned regularly, a familiar name was written on it with letters that looked as if they were carved yesterday. Yet, you could see bits of dirt if you looked closely.

"Hey, Ben." He said softly, to no one in particular.

At least no one who would listen.

Reaching into his backpack, the boy pulled out a spray bottle of water along with a white rag. He sprayed the stone with the water before wiping it down.

He continued the action a few more times before he placed the objects back in his bag, content with the newly cleaned stone.

"You wouldn't believe how my day went."


Hey guys I really need to throw some power stones to elevate the ranking :)


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