
MHA: Nightcrawler

Death. Five Wishes. Reincarnation. Life.

Mountain_Dew_98 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Twelve Years Old

I'm twelve years old now, and I've graduated from elementary school. Joined the same middle school Hizashi went and became his junior. He was surprised to see me again as hi junior, but after that he went back to being the eccentric senior friend with a loud mouth.

I did make some friends in the class and they were nice kid's. Couple of friends did want to know what my quirk is and i always evaded that question. Even though I know that sharing what my quirk with the kid's of my age will be okay, I don't usually do it. As I want to keep my hero life and personal life seperated. That means when I take up on a hero name, the other's will only know about the blue furred demonic looking man who can teleport. I don't want the villains to come and knock on my door. Even though the hero license will give away personal information, I can try to pull some strings to make it confidential after graduating from U.A.

I've already decided what to do in the future and also where I should study as a hero student. I haven't talked about this with mom but I'll tell her before I'm in final year of my middle school.

At home it's been different for the past four years after I asked her about dad. Nothing major, just that she really avoids talking about him and also, there's no photos of him in the house. I've checked every where I could but haven't found a single one. If he's dead then there should be at least one photo of him, but since I couldn't find any I assume that he left mom after figuring out that she's pregnant. Since then I hadn't asked her anything realated to him at all.

Other than that I've joined a dojo to learn martial arts, that's what I've told mom so that I could perform the martial arts that are in my head thanks to experience of both Batman and Dead Stroke.

On my power side, I can use observation haki to see more than I could sense. If my theory is correct then due to my sub conscious spatial awareness, I was able to extend the range of haki to greater length. Thanks to that now I can travel from Tokyo to Saitama, I can travel upto fifty five kilometre in one jump. I think that I'll be able to teleport to longer range if I push pasty limits. But that one jump has been taking a lot of stamina from me, that means it's the maximum distance I can teleport in my current age and body. I'm just hoping that I'll be able to get that dimension accessible to me sooner, so that I could use the dimension as my base and aslo my personal prison, to put the most dangerous villains in there.

A plus point is that when I teleport when I'm in human form, I don't leave the smoke now, as I've started to get the hang of jumping through dimension to teleport. The on and off system of the sound when I teleport, I had to built it up, as the God had only left me the base model and gave me massage to make it myself. Even though it took four years to finish it, now I can be as stealthy as possible and also be as much as distraction as possible.

As I was thinking about all of this one of my friend patted my shoulder and said "We're going to the game center, you coming?"

"No. I need to go home, mom had an interview today."

"Well, your loss."

"Yeah, yeah.. " I just smiled at it.

After the final bell rang we left ghe school to home. Reaching home I got the key from my bag and opened the door. Since it was stil locked means that mom hasn't reached home yet. So I went to kitchen to cook up something to eat.

A couple of minutes after I started cooking, the door opened and mom came in by saying "I'm home."

"Welcome back." I greeted her.

Hearing my voice she came to the kitchen and looked at what I was making and sighed and said "Again Karaage huh?"

"Yes. You know very well, how much I love this mom."

"Of course I know, but why don't you make something to your mom?"

"Alright, I'll get the gyoza ready."

"Thats my son." Saying that she was about to leave , but stopped as I asked her a question "Mom, how was the job interview?"

"It was good. Got the job actually."

"Really, that's good. But you still haven't said where you went for the Interview, can you tell me now at least?"

"Mhmmmm., should I?"

"Yes you should. Or else how am I supposed to contact you when I couldn't reach your phone?"

"Alright.... I got the job as a receptionist in the Hero Agency."

"Who's Hero Agency?"

"Of course, All Might's Might Tower."

"Cool" Saying that I went back to my cooking.

Seeing this mom asked me "That's it? I excepted more reaction from you."

"And why should I?"

"Well, isn't your mom going to work for All Might? I thought that you would be jumping around after hearing that."

"Mom, as long you're happy, I'm also happy. And you will only need to do this until I get a stable job of my own. After that I won't allow you to work for anyone, you will be your own boss, got that?"

"..... " Mom was silent for some time.

Not understanding why she suddenly became silent I looked at her and to my surprise she was crying. Seeing that I asked her worried "Hey mom, did I say something that hurt you?"

She shook her head and slowly started to sit on a chair near the kitchen counter and said to me "Your father said the same thing to me when we were in love."




-----------Chapter 4 End----------