
MHA: Nightcrawler

Death. Five Wishes. Reincarnation. Life.

Mountain_Dew_98 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Azazel - Missing or Dead?

"Mom, I know that you don't like to talk about dad. But can you tell me where he is at least?"

Hearing her son's question Nanao sighed and said "Your father is dead."

"What?!!" Surprised to hear that his father died, he plopped down on the floor. Looking at his mom he said "He's dead?.... How? I thought that he left you before I was born and that's why you were hesitant about talking about him."

"No, sweety. The reason I was hesitate about telling you about him is that, he's been missing for only two months before your birth. So I thought that he'll be found by the heroes who were his friends.."

"Wait, dad was a hero?"


"What's his name and what's his hero name?"

"... His name was Shisui Akamori. His hero name was Azazel. You won't find him in the hero ranking if you try to search for him, became he didn't like those kind of things so he always did the hero work fast and move away from the scene way before the media come."

"Azazel?" 'What the fuck?' " Mom do you have his photo? I've searched every where in the house except your room and didn't find his photo."

"I do. Let's go. I'll show him to you."

Saying that Nanao stood up and walked towards her room, Tetsuro didn't spare any second and went after her.

After reaching the room Tetsuro saw a picture, with his mom, who's pregnant with him and a red skinned man with a tail like his. Looking at the photo he thought 'So the God of reincarnation made my background almost similar to the original Nightcrawler huh? But if it's not then, my dad is supposed to be in the brimstone dimension, and he's trapped inside there when he tried to teleport to somewhere. That means I'll have to do more training than I did in the past years for my quirk awakening to happen.'

Looking at the photo mom said "He went missing when I was six months pregnancy stage. I didn't know what to do that time you know."

"Mom, how did he went missing?"

"He went missing when he saved some people from becoming a collateral damage between the fight of a villain and a hero." While saying that she started to sob a little,but still continued so that her son could know what happened to his father "This happened after one of the top hero of Japan died while fighting a villain, after that incident many villain's started to act out, during that time your dad as a hero did everything he could to save the people but, after saving the last person he went back to check again, but he never came back after that and the police declared him missing in action." The tears started to stream down from her eyes as she was saying this. And with a heavy heart she said "After seven years passed since his missing, he was declared dead by the hero public safety commission. That was the day you asked about your dad first time." This time she couldn't control herself and started to weep.

Seeing this Tetsuro went. and hugged his still crying mother and said "I'm here right? I'm here, if dad is still alive I'll find him. Don't worry okay." While saying that tears started to pour out of his eye's too.

Hearing her son's word, Nanao asked him "So.. you.. will... also becoming a hero?"

"I will. But don't worry mom, I will never endanger myself. I promise."

"You do?"

"Yes, I promise. I won't endanger myself." He said to her with a smile and thought 'Unless it's for you and whoever is going to be with me in the future.'

After hearing that Nanao said "Thank you son.... " And she slowly started to sleep.

Looking at her he sighed and lifted her up from the chair and put her on the bed and covered her with the blanket and said to her "Sleep tight mom."

After that he left the room and went back to the kitchen to finish cooking his karage. While cooking he thought 'Who fought who to make the villains to come out and make mess after their fight?'

'There only one villain and one hero that I know from the manga have fought before I was born. And if my assumptions are correct them my dad has already been killed by him.' He paused for a second and ate the karage.

'If it's not that then the other possibility is that my dad is in the brimstone dimension trapped. To know where my father is, I would have awaken my quirk as fast as possible This is getting a mess.' "Sigh.... I don't know what happened to you dad. But I just hope that you're still alive."




-----------Chapter 5 End----------