
MHA: Mind Over Matter

After Moving to Japan Jake seeks to continue his Vigilante escapades but after a short battle with a sludge villain he is forced to make a decision he has long hoped to avoid.

SirSacrilege · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Under A Bridge

Jake glanced about curiously at him and his parents' new apartment in Musutafu, this was his first time seeing the apartment he and his parents would be living in for the rest of his fathers' career here, approximately till he was given a raise or promoted, so a long time.

this was Jakes first time in any other country than America, his fathers' employer had been bought out by some Japanese company on the condition that they would offer jobs to those who worked there, his father not having any other connections packed up and moved to Japan working as Big Data Engineer, he made systems for companies to easily read their data, luckily for his family, it was a high paying Job making around sixteen million Yen annually(around 150,000 USD), while his mom a Nurse didn't really contribute to the family allowance Saving up and supporting the communities where they had moved to however irregularly, she was a kind woman and usually why people liked their family when they moved.

"JAKE! come here and help bring in your things" His mother's voice echoed down the hall Jolting Jake out of his thoughts.

Grunting he strode down the main hall of his two-story apartment their new home started on the third floor and ended on the fourth of the apartment building so he was going to have to drag his things up the stairs unfortunately for him he could not be considered a minimalist and had to carry quite a few boxes up the balcony stairs.

Unfortunately, it was a public place and in Japan, it's Illegal to use quirks in public so he had to carry them by hand, and he was by no means a weight lifter even if he was fit so by the second set of stairs he was working up a sweat.

'Man, I need to work on weights' he thought as he continued to climb the damnable steps.

"Almost... there" he gasped on the second to final step, only for the tip of his shoe to catch as he went to take the long-awaited step. and then he began falling 'I Hate stairs' he thought and threw out his arms gripping the boxes and himself with his sixth sense by instinct alone.

Jake along with all the other boxes froze mid-fall Surrounded by a faint blue glow, he righted himself and the boxes just past the last step of the stairs he Glanced about worrying that someone may have spotted him.

After he was sure no one saw he quickly headed inside and setting his boxes down for a moment he decided to go into the bathroom to wash the sweat off his face.

After splashing his face with refreshingly cold water Jake glanced up studying his own face while thinking. He had dark blue eyes that were well highlighted by dark angular eyebrows and longish brown hair that at most went to his shoulders, unfortunately, he was fairly pale compared to most people around this part of the world so he would stick out.

He went back picking up the boxes and bringing them to his room which was the fourth door down just past the bathroom, It was fairly large compared to any other rooms he had ever had, he guessed there were some advantages to moving, besides what he was carrying he had a bed in the far left corner of his room with a desk a few feet away. adjacent to the desk was a large window although it had only a mediocre view being slightly blocked by the apartment building next to his own.

He sighed as he began unboxing, He didn't really mind moving but he never really had a chance to say goodbye to his friends back in America plus he didn't really think he would have an easy time making any new friends he wasn't the best at that however being an introvert, he was excited about one thing, however, and that was doing his nightly activities the alleyways were thinner here than in America and the buildings more packed together allowing easier traversal and Jake wanted to know how much ground he could cover in one night.

feeling the pressure difference create a light breeze as his door opened Jake looked back seeing his father poke his head in. seeing that his son was nearly done unpacking he asked "Once you're finished settling in you want to come out and get Lunch, since we haven't bought a stove or microwave yet I brought some fast food" sighing Jake turned "Yeah, I will be out in a minute" "Okay, please hurry your mother is getting impatient".

After a few more minutes of unpacking and putting his things away, Jake made his way to his families currently unfurnished kitchen at an oak table his dad must have bought on his way home rested three bags of Mcdonalds 'I guess somethings don't change no matter the country' he sat down and began eating with his parents, making small talk, after finishing he got up to leave, before being stopped by his mom.

"Honey where are you going?" his mom asked curiously responding he lied if only partially "Just a jog to warm me up for tonight, I plan on going out and getting used to the buildings and the area so I probably won't be home before you go to bed"

"Okay just make sure to be careful and do not use your quirk I don't want to deal with a lawsuit just after moving"

His parents knew about his hobby of parkour they just didn't know what else he did while he was out that was a positive seeing as how it was highly illegal. Grabbing a sweater and his wallet Jake started his run.

As he ran Jake noted the architecture and multiple pathways up and down every building he passed, he also tried to note every suspicious person he passed including a few neighbors he would want to wear a mask when he went out since he would be easily recognized with his features.

He continued jogging past where he was sure he could not cover in one night, in his opinion, it was best to see if there were better places to prowl as his neighborhood was surprisingly uptight although he knew looks could be deceiving, he would rather turn his efforts to where he could do the most good, and get the most practice.

As he crossed a bridge he heard a muffled yelp and a sound in between a squish and slurp, he looked around trying to find the source of the noise no matter what direction he looked he could not find it, he was puzzled and concerned a yelp meant someone was surprised, scared, or in pain, and none of those things were good.

Wait, a bridge he looked over the edge seeing that it was only a twelve-foot drop or so he did a Kong leap over the edge falling into a roll as to not hurt his ankles and legs, he turned around looking under the bridge and he saw one of the most horrifying and disgusting things he would likely ever see, an amorphous blob the color of sewage, that's only human features were its eyes, covering a teen that looked about his age with dark green hair accented by black and emerald eyes that were wide open in horror the blob was slowly slithering itself inside his mouth and nose.

In an instant, he reached out with his sixth sense nearly crushing the teen in his effort to rip him out of the disgusting villain, luckily he didn't but in his effort, he forgot to slow down the teen as he smashed into him head first, losing his focus Jake let go of the teen stopping his pull allowing him to grab the teen by the arm and throw him behind himself, this unfortunately, left himself open to the surprisingly quick blob of a villain which surrounded him laughing with an unseen mouth "Oh I do so love to take my time but you're a dangerous one, that will make you a wonderful host, but let us make this quick"

Jake more disgusted than afraid used his sixth sense to compress the air around himself into a solid making a force field of sorts, however, due to the focus needed to keep each of the air molecules compressed he was unable to force the sludge monster villain thing away from himself.

"wha-what is happening? what are you doing? ah it doesn't matter your just a kid so you won't be able to hold this up for long, plus I can speed up the process." the Villain said as he began adding pressure to the bubble surrounding the wannabe hero child. In response, Jake began adding pressure to the inside walls of his makeshift shield balancing out the difference but he didn't know how long he could keep it up.

Screaming with the effort Jake threw the pressure he had been building up in the now released shield outwards giving himself a headache that was akin to an aneurysm he thought, but if only temporarily splattering the hopefully dead Blob Monster all around him. He fell to his knees his vision fading while he tried to look around him in a final attempt to make sure he and the teen were safe, unfortunately with that motion, his already throbbing head couldn't take it anymore and he blacked out due to either pain shock or maybe unluckiness.