
MHA: Mind Over Matter

After Moving to Japan Jake seeks to continue his Vigilante escapades but after a short battle with a sludge villain he is forced to make a decision he has long hoped to avoid.

SirSacrilege · Anime & Comics
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Dreaming On A Roof Top

All Might had been chasing the sludge villain in the sewers for far to long his time was far to close to be safe for himself and civilians he may even need to use twenty percent of his strength although that would destroy far to much property for his conscious to rest easy especially for such a weak villain.

he came to a stop seeing smudge marks leading up the wall to a slightly ajar manhole cover, slamming up with a victorious shout and a grin he burst out of the manhole launching the cover somewhere likely near orbit with his fist, yet his grin faded into a puzzled frown before his Jaw dropped in understanding.

what he observed was two boys one plastered in slime and the other surrounded in it in a large circle the boy covered in slime looked relatively uninjured with only minor bruising and a black eye while the other had no bruises but was bleeding heavily from the nose, he quickly checked that one for a pulse luckily he found one.

On closer inspection, he found they were both unconscious, he wondered which one of the young men had done this to the surprisingly strong sludge villain he quickly found a used bottle of coke and gathered the slowly reforming remnants into the bottle.

he looked back to the unconscious young men and sighed, his time was running low but he couldn't just leave them here, he looked through each of their things trying to find something that would reveal their identities and possibly their homes or maybe a phone number to contact a parent.

Unfortunately, the only things he found of interest on the two boys were a wallet and a notebook titled 'Hero Analysis for the Future-13' the latter of the two All Might found very interesting he quickly thumbed through it finding the notes insanely detailed and very creative, the wallet of the teen with a bloody nose had a Debit Card, a couple of US dollars and a little notepad with notes on various things such as quirk applications and counters, he was curious about what that was but he didn't feel like it was his business to pry into something that he found in a wallet, he signed the notebook with a pencil he found on the sludge covered teen, and feeling it would be unfair to only give one signature away so he signed the others little note of quirk applications.

he then grabbed them both and rested them against the wall under the bridge and waited for them to wake up.


Jake felt as if his head was crushed by a very large hammer, repeatedly, as he slowly snapped out of unconsciousness with a start he sluggishly grounded himself.

He grimaced eyes still closed "ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow, my head, oh my poor squishy think bowl" he muttered

That caused a very booming laugh to echo around him, Jake quickly opened his eyes only to be greeted by a massive blond man with more muscles in his forearms than Jake had in his entire body. "well young man it seems you're okay although in pain your sense of humor seems to be intact, Although I am ashamed to say you beat the villain I was after before I could help you, which is quite impressive"

Frowning Jake realized who this was, All Might top hero worldwide and most commonly known as the symbol of peace he wondered though "So I'm not under arrest for vigilantism?"

With what Jake could only describe as a shit-eating grin All Might responded "I did not see any usage of quirks I just came and found a splattered villain and a couple unconscious boys, where is this vigilante you seem to be speaking of?"

quickly catching on he responded "Uh I don't know All Might sir I must have just imagined it, just forget I said anything"

A spike of worry flashed through Jake as he remembered the green-haired teen he had seen earlier he didn't trust his body to move yet so he cast his sixth sense around him searching for him, only a few feet away the boy lay he felt his chest move up and down in a steady cadence 'still unconscious, that's my fault I was a bit rough with him' he thought feeling a slight pang of guilt.

A couple of minutes later with an awkwardly smiling All Might who Jake had come to realize must have been shopping before running after the villain due to the grocery bag he held in his left hand,

Jake still suffering from the effects of overusing his quirk to grab the molecules in the air for so long grimaced in pain its not that he lacked the power but his quirk was largely based off perception and he had just individually grabbed millions of molecules of air at once which if one cannot tell by his raging headache is not good for you, not wanting to sit in silence any longer said "All Might, thank you for... you know not arresting me, While I don't really like Heroes you don't seem bad, but-" he was to his vexation interrupted by an unsteady intake of air to his left the green-haired boy he presumed and was gratified to see the boy stand up although unsteadily, he seemed to be a bit rattled by being thrown.

The boy then to his surprise yelled in surprise and... fright? "A-A-A-ALLMIGHT" to which the blond giant laughed "ah, good you're alright, well seeing as how you can get around I should be off" as he started walking off 'did he seriously just forget about me?' Jake thought to himself in good humor.

As All Might continued walking down the underside of the bridge the green-haired boy who seemingly didn't realize Jake was there began muttering to himself "I-I SIGNATURE, I need his signature!" as he said this he with nearly inhuman speed searched through his backpack grabbing a notebook titled 'Quirk Analysis For The Future NO.13' which did grab Jakes attention he to, if not by necessity then by hobby, analyzed and thought of however many uses for whatever quirks he encountered but also his own. The green-haired teen opened the journal allowing Jake to get a peek inside and what he saw surprised him, the notes on what looked like only heroes quirks were insanely detailed and far more in-depth than anything Jake himself did. The teen quickly flipped through the pages likely looking for a blank one, only to find a signature from the one and only All Might.

Jake sniggered at the teens screaming reaction only to grimace and close his eyes with the accompanying throbbing pain in his head he opened his eyes again he saw likely the most stupid unbelievable thing he believed he would likely ever see. The insane teen grappled All Mights leg as the blond giant unaware of his passenger launched himself into the sky with a mighty leap.

"I'm going to have to save his life again... damn I might be too worn out to use my quirk tonight" Jake said with an exasperated sigh he then grabbed his own body and not wanting to strain his already complaining brain with continued use pretty much threw himself after them reaching speeds high enough to make his eyes water slightly and his longer hair worsen the effect by lashing at his face.

"GET OFF OF HIM YOU IDIOT" he yelled only to have the wind drown out his voice he was somewhat disappointed with himself for not thinking of that but being fair his head was killing him right now so complex thoughts were somewhat off the table.

Luckily enough All Might seemed to notice his passenger and began descending to the far below rooftops. Seeing as how the idiot was safely being put onto the ground Jake began using his quirk to turn his trajectory downwards seeing as how the place seemed pretty public and he didn't want a lawsuit for unregulated quirk usage he decided to land on the same building as All Might he didn't want to have another confrontation with the pro he didn't think he would get away with using his quirk as he did against the sludge villain.

despite his now slowly fading headache Jake was exceptionally fit so instead of descending to the top of the roof he put himself at an incline that would put him at the edge of the building allowing him to hang above the alleyway, he could probably hang there for thirty or so minutes before his fingers gave out showing his exceptional grip strength and stamina, he was proud of that, it only took years of punishing himself to the point of wanting to die to get there, but still, he had to find positives about his lifestyle where he could.

He zoned back in his thoughts about his own life forgotten when he heard the boy yell, in what seemed to be hope and fear, an easy question "Even without a quirk, is it possible to become a hero!?" 'of course it is, lots of heroes have quirks that are incompatible with hero work but they have the skills and will to compete with those that do' All Might however thought differently "You cannot just become a hero without power, heroes risk their lives daily, the purpose of a hero is to be undaunted by evil and to protect the innocent, without power you are the one who needs to be protected, so no without a quirk you cannot be a hero, if you want to help people you can be a police officer while not as gaudy or as appreciated as a hero they serve the same ideals, it's a noble profession"

As All Might walked through the door to the stairs The quirkless hero to be adopted a devastated look, no devastated was an understatement he looked crushed like his dreams were torn away from him and his ideals spit upon by his closest confidants.

Pity then anger suffused Jakes mind who was All Might to crush this boys dreams when the boy looked to have more drive than any hero Jake had ever seen, especially when the boy seems to idolize him, even if All Might didn't agree he could have let the boy down more easily.Jake came to a decision.

Using only his upper body Jake launched himself upwards with a grunt to his chagrin, he had become a little stiff waiting for All Might to leave, when he landed the scuffle of his boots alerted the boy whose surprise looked almost muted his eyes dead in a way Jake had only seen on murder victims, The look only strengthened his resolve to do what he had so spontaneously planned.

The boy didn't need any more monologues so Jake decided to get his point across with as few words as he possibly could "I heard" the boy's eyes opened in surprise then moved away from him in something only describable as shame, More anger towards All Might flooded Jakes mind, "He is wrong, if you have the drive that's all the power you need, if you want help in becoming a hero or..." he paused for a moment the boy was quirkless so he is probably treated like a freak and outcast " a friend I suppose, you will contact me by twelve PM tomorrow, here is my number" Jake handed him a quickly written note with his phone number. Jake could only hope that this would galvanize the boy to reach for his dreams, and if he could Jake would help him.

he then Jumped off the side of the building going into a roll before starting his jog home.

(technically Spoilers) (technically Spoilers) (technically Spoilers) So a little thing I want to mention I changed the timeline so this all happened before All Might met Izuku in cannon so we will see the Slime villain again but later.

SirSacrilegecreators' thoughts