
MHA: Icarus The Copy Hero

After A anime fan with illusions of grandeur tries to snoop in on a criminal drug warehouse to supposedly gather enough evidence to get them arrested he unsurprisingly finds himself with a couple of bullets holes through the chest. I Guess our protagonist should have learned from the famous greek story of Icarus and how he flew too close to the Sun. fortunately he got a second chance at life in one of his favourite animes, My Hero Academia. But he is in for a surprise if he thinks he is going to get his cheat on day one. ___________________________ More of a side project to get these “plot bunnies” out of my head as the actual authors would say. Like my other fics this will be just a thing I update on when I feel like it. *A goofy Mc who is just enjoying his new life. *Copy Quirk (Permanent. And All For One can’t have it since I said so, lol. but yeah he is unable to steal this quirk.) *Hero Mc. *Multible Ships not including the Mc but he will still have someone or someone’s eventually.

Lox_Of_Sins · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs


On the part of restrictions? Well for now I can only Copy 5 quirks, and once I Copy a quirk I am unable to discard it. But! I can feel this sort of… meter? Its hard to explain…

Let's explain my Quirk as a muscle, the more I work it the stronger it gets, once I get all five of my quirk slots filled out that meter slowly fulls up until a new slot is formed.

So I need to be careful when choosing the first four quirks I decide to copy, since I don't know how long it will take until I gain my sixth slot.

Alright now that that's understood I will turn my attention back to my new Quirk.

{Fierce Wings}, in all honesty I lucked out getting this quirk, it's basically a well rounded speed type flying quirk that has a lot of potential when it comes to fast paced combat.

For example when Hawks fights he uses his Feathers to shout out the field along with saving civilians, his feathers also come in different sizes and since his feathers are much stronger and harder than actual bird feathers he can use one of his longer feathers as a Sword.

It also helps that he can 'see' through his feathers and control them telekineticly.

So what I am basically yapping about is that {Fierce Wings} was my second favourite quirk in the anime alongside {Hellflame}.

As I finally finished my running I stopped at the more abandoned area of the city where Heroes normally avoid patrolling since both factions don't really hang around this area, you would think there would be lots of villains and or druggies in this area but surprisingly they just Ignore this place.

I entered a dusty old warehouse with a fairly tall ceiling so I won't just smack of the roof while attempting this.

I close my mitch-matched eyes and feel for the Toggle Switch inside my… Quirk space? Yeah let's call it that. I then imagine turning on the {Fierce Wings} quirk and suddenly two pairs of golden wings grow out of my back, it is to be noted that it wasn't instant, it took about 30 seconds for the wings to fully form on my back. It also kinda stung.

I looked at the wings on my back in amazement, my Quirk gave me a fundamental control over any quirk I copied appropriately since I instinctively knew how to move and fly with them and detach the feathers if I so choose too.

Also, the fact my wings aren't red makes me kinda happy because I would just be a hawks 2.0 and I don't want that, These wings would be the base to my power but they wouldn't be all my cards.

The patterns of light and dark gold made my wings look breath taken.

I grinned and bent my legs in a crouching pose and pushed forward paired with a flap of my wings a shot forward and started to fly all about the empty warehouse.




More details about how his quirk works and him using fierce wings.

Also I will be going with Erwin as his first name, but his hero name will still be Icarus.

Thanks to xAr4m1s for the name idea.

Have a nice week everyone.