
MHA: Icarus The Copy Hero

After A anime fan with illusions of grandeur tries to snoop in on a criminal drug warehouse to supposedly gather enough evidence to get them arrested he unsurprisingly finds himself with a couple of bullets holes through the chest. I Guess our protagonist should have learned from the famous greek story of Icarus and how he flew too close to the Sun. fortunately he got a second chance at life in one of his favourite animes, My Hero Academia. But he is in for a surprise if he thinks he is going to get his cheat on day one. ___________________________ More of a side project to get these “plot bunnies” out of my head as the actual authors would say. Like my other fics this will be just a thing I update on when I feel like it. *A goofy Mc who is just enjoying his new life. *Copy Quirk (Permanent. And All For One can’t have it since I said so, lol. but yeah he is unable to steal this quirk.) *Hero Mc. *Multible Ships not including the Mc but he will still have someone or someone’s eventually.

Lox_Of_Sins · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


"Young Dōnzuejji, I understand that it's the last week of class but that doesn't give you the right to sleep in class!" Said the annoying old man that was my middle school teacher.

|AN- Lets just say middle school ends around the age of 17 for plot purposes.|

"Yeah, yeah." I said brushing my long hair to the back.

The Teacher merely scoffed and gave me that all so Familiar look of superiority that all people in the stupid ass school give me, I mean come the fuck on, your quirk makes you able telekineticly control small amounts of dust and compress it into small pebbles, you ain't any better then me!

As I waited for school to end I started to do the math in my head to be able to set up a much more precise training plan for my attempt at trying the UA entrance exam.

My physical training plan was already pretty well and my body was basically already at the peak at what it could be for my age, I think it will cap out when I turn 25 and slowly decline as I age into my late thirties if I am correct, although thats a long while away.

I am brought out of my musings when the school bell rings indicating that it was home time, I get up and grab my bag and immediately left the classroom without waiting for the teacher to say anything.

As I am walking home with my bag on my back because I can't be assed to do that thing where you hold in behind your back with one arm slung behind, that shit is to much effort just to look a bit cool.

Hm? Why is everyone grouped together over there? It's not a villain fight or whatever because they are centred around something…

I walk over and thanks to my tall height I can see over the crowd pretty easily.

Oh~ I get it now. Hawks what signing some autographs.

Hm, may as well get one too, might be able to sell it for a decent Yen.

I wait for a couple minutes until I am able to get through the crowd, I had taken a piece of paper from my bag in order for Hawks to sign it.

"Ah, aren't you a tall guy." Said the smooth voice of the Winged Pro-Hero, a pang of envy rosen inside of me at the sight of those wings.

I wish I had a quirk that let me fly… actually anything would be nice.

He holds his hand out for a handshake and I grab it on instinct-

Quirk: Fierce Wings. (Gives the User two pairs of large wings that gives the user the ability to fly and the sub ability to individually control each feather with telekinetic ease.)

Suddenly a passive feeling of freedom blossoms inside along with a strange sensation that I could turn on Hawks quirks making the two wings appear on my back. But, I wont do that, even though I am currently feeling amazing at just so obviously manifested a copy quirk I need to make sure that I don't drew attention to me yet.

Also that Analysis ability of my copy quirk will come in useful.

I handed my paper at the confused Hawks since in his point of view I just kinda zoned off for a moment.

He signed my paper and I took it thanked him and quickly ran off barging my way out of the crowd.

I had a new quirk to test out.

Giddiness filled me at the idea that I could copy any quirk I wanted.

I knew for a fact that it was permanent since I didn't get any feeling of timer on the fierce wings quirk.



Don't go flying to close to the sun! Hahaha


Guys trying to think of a name for our MC but nothing comes to mind.

Keep in mind however that his surname is Dōnzuejji.