
Mha: Accumulating Energy

Follow Nathan on his journey to achieve his greatest goal in this new and unfamiliar reality: to reap his own fortune and surpass his beloved father.................................................................. Updated every day except sundays!!!

Capo · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs


After my lips formed a smile of ecstasy, I lost track of what was going on outside my thoughts. I was focused on coming up with a plan to carry out the idea that had occurred to me after discovering I had a superpower.

It was always necessary to plan before acting; how could you expect a proper outcome if you didn't organize properly?

My father would have nodded firmly.

So, I only heard single words like "cute," "baby," and "carrot," along with something about not doing crazy things and going to work. At this hour, when the sun had long since gone down? It seemed to be the case, although I didn't really care. I had a much more important matter on my hands.

However, it was a task that could not be accomplished only in my head, no, I needed a laptop to find out some things I wanted to make sure of.

As I pondered that, I missed my comfortable, lightweight MacBook, which had accompanied me during my first year away from the London mansion.

I sighed as I stared at the dark ceiling looming overhead.

I was in a dark room again, lying on a bed that gave off a strong fruity scent, wrapped up to my neck with a blanket.

"I guess this is your room..."

I looked both ways for confirmation and it was: a large closet, some pictures, a window above me and a desk with something on it was what I found.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips this time. What was on the desk confirmed that the internet router I saw in the living room was not an illusion. There was a laptop in this house! What luck!

With all the strength I possessed in this body, I freed myself from the blanket covering me and lunged toward the laptop like a cat chasing a mouse.

Carefully, I tiptoed up onto the pink chair in front of the desk and almost instantly, opened the laptop. The light from the screen illuminated my face and some of what was behind me.

This was no time to worry about trifles (I had become sufficiently accustomed to coping with shortages). So without hesitation, I ventured towards the default search engine in the taskbar.

With my chubby fingers, the first thing I searched for was: "What is a Quirk?"

The question was simple and perhaps to some, even silly. But I was an outsider to this world, someone who had only been in this new and surreal reality for a little over a week.

"These superhuman abilities, known as Quirks, Individualities or, in the past, Metahabilities, were first seen in Qing Qing, China. They are the extraordinary abilities that we can possess..."

There were many theories about the origin of these abilities, from a disease transmitted by mice to simple evolution or an experiment that got out of control, among others.

The Quirks wreaked havoc in a society where such things used to be just part of the comics, just like in my world...

But as it usually happens with any abrupt change in humanity, we managed to adapt.

Thus, this new society arose where heroes are ordinary people who walk among us...

During the whole reading, I did not take my eyes off the screen, it was simply impossible not to be amazed by such surreal information.

However, when the information became more "scientific", my face stopped showing the expression of a child in a candy store and hardened.

Quirks were, in fact, like another muscle; they could be trained and exhausted, but as with everything, if abused, there would be consequences. Moreover, they had a strong influence on the psychology of the possessor.

My eyebrows furrowed as I reviewed the approach.

Was this article implying that my intense feeling of drowsiness was due to this?

The only thing that had kept me awake when my eyelids were almost closing on their own was my will.

Since I had been forced to become independent, especially early on, I had learned to resist the constant sleepiness that sometimes plagued me after doing the chores my servants were supposed to do and on top of my clerical work.

Had I become a kind of sunflower?

The mere thought of such a misfortune did not please me at all. The night could be a great ally if used correctly, and now it seemed that I could no longer take advantage of such help....

No, after all, it was just another muscle that could be trained to resist the night, even if it didn't like it. I just had to get it right, and I was an expert at getting it right.

Yes, I learned from the best, so this wouldn't be so complicated if I organized it properly. Step by step, I would get it done, no matter what the cost.

I encouraged myself as I continued to look for the tools that would help me plan it all out.