

Rosilinda · 若者
20 Chs

Chapter 12: Sylva Cobb

"Come, let's watch that movie."

I look at Kai with admiration. How could he stand up to Thomas like that then all the sudden be so calm?

Kai leads me back to my room and sits me down on my bed. He grabs the snacks from the table and sits on the bed next to me, setting the snacks close to the wall behind us. He holds me tight and we sit in silence for five minutes until he opens his mouth.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, it's not my usual character."

I look up at him. I can see the apology in his eyes. "No, it's okay. I appreciate what you did. Not even him has stood up for me like how you just did."

"I'm going to guess that guy was your ex? The one that cheated?"

"Lucky guess," I giggle. "Yeah, that's him. Not much as a man as I thought he was." I look back down at my lap and tears well up in my eyes.

Kai picks my chin up and wipes under my eye. "Hey, no crying over an asshole like him, okay?"

I nod and sniff. "Yeah." His gestures bring a smile to my face.

"Sooooo, BeetleJuice?"

I nod and tuck my legs under my butt and grab the popcorn bowl. I take a handful of popcorn and eat it pop by pop. The movie begins to play and Kai takes a handful of popcorn as well. I move closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder.


I open my eyes to Michael walking into my room and looking a bit mad. I realize I was laying down with my head in Kai's lap. I guess I fell asleep during the movie.

"Hey Sylva, you doing okay?" Michael asks, eyeing Kai daringly.

"Yes Michael, I just fell asleep while watching BeetleJuice with Kai."

"Right," Michael's attention turns to Kai. "Is there a reason you're on my sister's bed?"

I cut in. "Michael! Just leave if you're going to be like this."

Michael gives Kai a stern look before turning away and leaving. Just wait until I tell him about what Thomas just did a few hours ago.

I sit up and look at Kai. His hair falls in front of his face and I reach out to move it, pushing it to the side to fully see his face. He's so pretty to look at.

"That was a good movie, I can see why it's one of your favorites." He laughs.

His laugh is so alluring, I can't help but be drawn to his whenever he laughs. His voice is deep yet kind. He's like a big soft teddy bear, but like a bear, he's protective. I couldn't ask for anything better.

"Yeah, well." I blush. "It's night time, so our parents should be back shortly. I better clean up my bed and put the snacks away." I stand up and grab the popcorn bowl and half empty bag of chips. Kai throws away the chocolate wrapper in the small trash can in the corner of my room. I walk towards my door and down the stairs to see our parents in the living room sitting on the couches. My dad turns and spots me.

"Hey puddin', how was today? Enjoyable I would hope."

"It went well, we watched BeetleJuice and ate some snacks. We did have a slight issue though."

Michael's attention went straight to me and he glared at Kai, thinking he had done something to disrespect me.

"This guy came in and was being rude towards Sylva, but I took care of him and made sure he left the house," Kai cuts in.

"And I would hope you didn't fight anyone," Mrs. Guterez says as more of a statement.

"There was no fighting, Thomas just got thrown down the stairs a little," I say.

Michael's posture changes. "Thomas was here again? Why the hell does he keep coming here! He didn't hurt you did he?"

"No I'm fine, I swear. I was just scared that he was here again and what Kai would do, especially after all I had said about Thomas to Kai. I don't think Kai thinks Thomas is a good person." I look at Kai to see him shaking his head. That confirms my thoughts.

"Well, seems like you two had an eventful day, but it's time for us to go home. Thank you for having us and letting Kai stay here for the day," Mr. Guterez says. "Let's go, my lovely wife and son." The Guterez parents stand up and head toward the door as I turn to Kai who picks up my hand. Placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles, he gives me a soft look before leaving with his parents.

"I'll call you tomorrow," I say as Kai turns to leave. He gives me a smile over his shoulder and walks out. The door closes with a loud bang.