

Rosilinda · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 11: Sylva Cobb

As I walk downstairs to the kitchen, I can't help but think about what Kai had said.

"But I would love to get to know you before everything happens, so we at least have some connection."

His statement plays repeatedly in my head.

He would love to get to know me? Not many people say that to me, and the last person that did cheated on me. I only let in a certain number of people because I know how disappointing society can be. I've learned first hand. The last two people I let in betrayed me in the most awful way. I know there's worse than my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend, but it's still terrible.

I'm scared to let Kai in. What if he does the same to me? I don't know him that well, and I'm sure he's a great guy, but what if he's just like everyone else? True colors have to come out eventually. He may be pretty to look at and sweet at first, but for all I know he could be abusive and cruel to puppies. And no one likes someone that's cruel to puppies, even when I'm more of a cat person.

I get to the kitchen and head to the pantry to look for some popcorn. I may be rich, but I like simple microwave popcorn. I quickly pop the bag into the microwave for two minutes and look around for some more snack food. My family generally eats healthy, so we don't have many chips or candy, but my brother has a stash just for me when I get cravings.

Michael's the best.

I open the little cupboard that contains my barbeque chips and many chocolate bars. Pulling out a big bag of chips and a chocolate bar to share with Kai as the microwave beeps to signal the popcorn is done. I set the chips and chocolate on the counter and get out a big bowl to pour the popcorn into.

I hear a noise behind me and I assume it's Kai, us being the only two in the house.

"I told you to wait upstairs, I can-"

I turn to see Thomas and I become speechless.

What was he doing here?

"I see you're having cravings again," he dares open his mouth to say to me.

"I don't know how you got in, but get the hell out of my house now!" I pick up the snack foods and walk towards the stairs, but Thomas decides to follow me.

"You have to let me explain Sylva! I was wrong and I know that, but you have to give me a chance! I could never like Bethany the way I liked you, please Sylva." Thomas tugs on the back of my shirt.

I whip around and push him, but not too much that he falls down the stairs; though that wouldn't be a tragedy.

"What do you want? You slept with my best friend and we're over, end of story! Now leave!" I turn back around and walk the rest of the way up the stairs, tears forming in my eyes. I can't let Kai see me like this. I wipe my eyes and walk into my room, setting the snack on the mini table in front on the tv.

Kai is sitting on my bed with the tv remote in his hand, ready to turn on the movie. "You okay? You look like you're about to cry." He sounds concerned.

Kai wasn't supposed to notice damnit! This is all Thomas' fault.

"Sylva I-" Thomas stops dead in his tracks as he swings into my room from around the corner. His face turns red. "Who the hell is that?"

He means Kai.

"A person that'll be more of a man than you'll ever be," I shoot back.

"You already moved on from me huh?" Thomas looks towards Kai. "You like my sloppy seconds? Have fun with this whore!"

I open my mouth to scream and cry at him, but I'm too late as Kai stands up and faces Thomas head on.

"I don't know who you are, and my best guess would be the ex she told me about, but get the fuck out before I rearrange your face." Kai's voice is stern, eyes are hard as stone, and his body is tense. He looks ready to fight.

Thomas faces Kai head on, ready to fight back. "And who are you to tell me where to be? Did Sylva pay for your-" Thomas doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence before Kai grabs his by the rim of the shirt and drags him out the room.

"You will leave this house and leave Sylva alone, understand?" Kai practically throws Thomas towards the stairs, and with a stern tone says, "Leave."

Thomas begins to laugh as he walks backwards down the stairs. "I see how it is. Have fun with her while you can, she doesn't put out much and gets boring." And with that, Thomas leaves.

The ring of the door closing spreads throughout the house and I slump onto my knees on the floor and start to cry. I put my face in my hands to avoid Kai seeing my tears. I can feel his eyes on me, but he doesn't say anything.

We sit in the position for minutes until Kai grabs my arm and brings me to my feet. I look at him and his kind eyes. "Come, let's watch that movie."